Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Where, Oh Werewolf lyrics


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Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Where, Oh Werewolf lyrics

[Servo] Hey Susie, what's the matter? [Crow] Yeah, Susie. What's wrong? [Mike] Oh, nothing. I guess. [Servo] Come on, Susie! You can tell us! [Crow] Yeah! [Mike] Gee, I don't know, girls. Well…okay, it's like this… [Bots] Uh-huh… [Mike] You know Steve? [Bots] UH-HUHHH! [Mike] Steve's a werewolf, but he's my guy He's different from the rest, I don't know why But my mother and pop, they disapprove But no one can stop us, for it's true lo-ove. [Bots] Huh? [Mike] Well, I had to rhyme the two words… [Servo] Ah, okay. [Crow] Sure, sing. [Servo] Got it. Got it. Go ahead. [Mike] Where, oh werewolf I've looked everywhere, wolf Where, oh where Where is my werewolf? Listen up, girls. Late one night, we drove in his car To Makeout Point, it wasn't that far [Servo] Take the Hiawatha exit, left at the first stop sign. [Mike] Well, whose story is this, Carol? [Servo] Sorry! Heh heh heh heh! [Mike] The moon was full, he pulled me close I held his paw and I touched his cold nose [Crow] That means he's healthy! Hee hee! [Mike] But just then his hairy paws caused the wheel to slide! I screamed! Too late! We hit a tree! He died! [Bots] Gee, that's too bad, Susie! [Mike] Where, oh werewolf I've looked everywhere, wolf Where, oh where Oh where, oh where, oh where Is my werewolf? [Crow] Werewolf!