Monty Python - Sermon on the mount (big nose) lyrics


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Monty Python - Sermon on the mount (big nose) lyrics

Paroles de la chanson Sermon On The Mount (Big Nose) : JESUS CHRIST: How blest are the sorrowful. They shall Find consolation. How blest are those of gentle spirit They shall have the earth for their possession. How Blest are those who hunger and thirst to see right Prevail RANDOM: MANDY: Speak up! MAN: Shh BRIAN: Quiet, Mum MANDY: Well, I can't hear a thing MANDY: Let's go t' the stoning MR. BIG NOSE Shh BRIAN: You can go to a stoning any time MANDY: Oh, come on, Brian MR. BIG NOSE: Will you be quiet?! MRS. BIG NOSE: Don't pick your nose MR. BIG NOSE: I wasn't picking my nose. I was Scratching MRS. BIG NOSE: You was picking it, while you was Talking to that lady MR. BIG NOSE: I wasn't! MRS. BIG NOSE: Leave it alone. Give it a rest MR. CHEEKY: Do you mind? I can't hear a word he's Saying MRS. BIG NOSE: Don't you 'do you mind' me. I was Talking to my husband MR. CHEEKY: Well, go and talk to him somewhere else. I Can't hear a bloody thing MR. BIG NOSE: Don't you swear at my wife MR. CHEEKY: I was only asking her to shut up, so I can Hear what he's saying, Big Nose MRS. BIG NOSE: Don't you call my husband 'Big Nose'! MR. CHEEKY: Well, he has got a big nose GREGORY: Could you be quiet, please? JESUS: They shall have the earth... GREGORY: What was that? JESUS: ...for their possession. How blest are those... MR. CHEEKY: I don't know. I was too busy talking to Big Nose JESUS: ...who hunger and thirst to see... MAN #1: I think it was 'Blessed are the cheesemakers.' JESUS: ...right prevail MRS. GREGORY: Ahh, what's so special about the Cheesemakers? GREGORY: Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken Literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy Products MR. CHEEKY: See? If you hadn't been going on, we'd have Heard that, Big Nose JESUS: How blest are those who... MR. BIG NOSE: Hey. Say that once more; I'll smash your Bloody face in MRS. GREGORY: Ohh MR. CHEEKY: Better keep listening. Might be a bit about 'Blessed are the big noses.' BRIAN: Oh, lay off him MR. CHEEKY: Oh, you're not so bad yourself, Conkface Where are you two from? Nose City? MR. BIG NOSE: One more time, mate; I'll take you to the f**in' cleaners! MRS. BIG NOSE: Language! JESUS: ...hunger and thirst to see... MRS. BIG NOSE: And don't pick your nose JESUS: ...right prevail MR. BIG NOSE: I wasn't going to pick my nose. I was Going to thump him! MAN #2: You hear that? Blessed are the Greek GREGORY: The Greek? MAN #2: Mmm. Well, apparently, he's going to inherit The earth GREGORY: Did anyone catch his name? MRS. BIG NOSE: You're not going to thump anybody MR. BIG NOSE: I'll thump him if he calls me 'Big Nose' Again MR. CHEEKY: Oh, shut up, Big Nose MR. BIG NOSE: Ah! All right. I warned you. I really Will slug you so hard-- MRS. BIG NOSE: Oh, it's the meek! Blessed are the meek! Oh, that's nice, isn't it? I'm glad they're getting Something, 'cause they have a hell of a time MR. CHEEKY: Listen. I'm only telling the truth. You Have got a very big nose MR. BIG NOSE: Hey. Your nose is going to be three foot Wide across your face by the time I've finished with You! MAN #1 and MAN #2: Shhh MR. CHEEKY: Well, who hit yours, then? Goliath's big Brother? MR. BIG NOSE: Oh. Right. That's your last warning MRS. GREGORY: Oh, do pipe down Oh! GREGORY: Oh! MRS. GREGORY: Awa? MR. BIG NOSE: Silly b**h. Get in the way on me?... MRS. GREGORY: Ow!... MR. BIG NOSE: Break it up-- oh. Oh! MANDY: Oh, come on. Let's go to the stoning BRIAN: All right FRANCIS: Well, blessed is just about everyone with a Vested interest in the status quo, as far as I can Tell, Reg REG: Yeah. Well, what Jesus blatantly fails to Appreciate is that it's the meek who are the problem JUDITH: Yes, yes. Absolutely, Reg. Yes, I see MANDY: Oh, come on, Brian, or they'll have stoned him Before we get there BRIAN: All right MR. CHEEKY: Hey. Get off her. That's disgusting. Stop Trying to do that. Hey, officer, intervene here Attempted rape going on. It's the chap with the big Nose's fault. He started it all