(traditional, arrangement by steve rothery, mark kelly, pete trawavas, michael pointer & fish) For me and my true-love will never walk again on the bonnie, bonnie banks of loch lomond. Moira anderson, eat your heart out! You-ou-- You'll take the high road an' i'll take the low road, an' i'll be in scotland before you For me and my true-love we'll never walk again on the bonnie, bonnie banks of loch lomond You'll take the acid an' i'll take the dope, an' i'll be stoned before you For me an' my true-love, the drink waters' well on the bonnie, bonnie banks of loch lomond Step we gaily on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm An' row an' row all for mhairi's wedding Step we gaily on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm an' row an' row all for mhairi's wedding I said you, you, you, you'll take the high road I said i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll take the low road On the lead guitar, from yorkshire mr. stephen rothery! I said you, you, you, you take the high road I said i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll take the low road On the ba** guitar, the backing vocal, from aylesbury mr. peter trawavas! I said you, you, you, you take the high road I said i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll take the low road On the keyboards, from dublin mr. mark kelly! I said you, you--, you'll take the high road I said i'll, i'll--, i'll take the low road On drums, per-cus-si-on, mr. michael "e.t." pointer! And a very big round of applause, for yourself, one audience tonight It takes two! On vocals, and percussion fish! ... A dream fulfilled! Sweet ma- ma- ma- ma- margaret I said you take the high road An' i'll take the low road An' i'll be in scotland before you For me and my true-love we'll never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks of loch lomond Sweet ma- ma- ma- ma- margaret The balcony: sweet ma- ma- ma- ma margaret Say yer scottish: sweet ma- ma- ma- ma- margaret I said you'll take the high road An' i'll take the low road An' i'll be in scotland before you For me and my true-love we'll never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie, bonnie, bonnie, bonnie banks of loch lomond! Banks of loch lomond! Sweet margaret Sweet margaret Sweet ma- ma- ma- ma- margaret! Thank you edinburgh, good night, we shall de-fi-nite-ly return