Malinky - Sweet Willie And Fair Annie lyrics


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Malinky - Sweet Willie And Fair Annie lyrics

Sweet Willie and fair Annie sat ae day on a hill Though they had sitten seven lang year, they ne'er wad had their fill Sweet Willie said a word in haste and Annie took it ill "I winna wed a tocherless maid against ma mither's will" "For ye're come o' the rich, Willie, and I'm come o' the poor I'm ower laich tae be your bride an' I winna be yer hooer" So Annie's gane in 'til her bower, and Willie doon the den And he's come 'til his mither's bower by the lee licht o' the moon "Oh sleep ye, wake ye, mither?" he says, "Or are ye the bower within?" "I sleep richt aft, I wake richt aft, whit want ye wi' me, son? Whaur hae ye been a' the nicht, Willie? And wow, ye've tarried lang" "I've been courtin' fair Annie, and she is frae me gan" "There is twa maidens in a bower, which o' them sall I bring hame? The nut-broon maid has sheep and cows, fair Annie, she's got nane" "It's an ye wed the nut-broon maid, I'll heap wi' gowd ma hand But an ye wed her fair Annie, I'd straik it wi' a wand The nut-broon maid has sheep and cows, fair Annie, she's got nane And Willie, for my benison, the nut-broon maid bring hame" "Oh I sall wed the nut-broon maid and I sall bring her hame But peace nor rest atween us twa, 'til d**h sinder's again For sheep will die in cots, mither, and owsen die in byre And what's this warld's wealth to me gin I get na ma heart's desire?" "Ye'll tell her to come tae Willie's weddin' the morn at twel at noon Ye'll tell her to come tae Willie's weddin', the heir o' Duplin toon" So he is on tae Annie's bower and he's tirled at the pin Wha was sae ready as Annie hersel tae open and let him in "It's I will come tae Willie's weddin' the morn at twel tae dine I will come tae Willie's weddin' though I'd raither it had been mine So maidens, tae my bower come and lay gowd on my hair And far ye laid ae plait afore, ye'll now lay ten times mair Tailors, tae my bower come and mak' tae me a weed And smiths, untae my stable come and shoe tae me a steed" At every tate o' Annie's horse, there hang a silver bell There cam a wind oot frae the north which made them a' tae knell Fan she came tae Marykirk and sat down in the deas The licht that cam frae fair Annie enlichtened a' the place But up and stands the nut-broon bride jist at her faither's knee "Oh fa is this, ma faither dear, that blinks in Willie's ee?" "Oh this is Willie's first true love afore he lovèd thee" "Gin that be Willie's first true love, he micht hae latten me be" "Oh far got ye the water, Annie, that washes ye sae white?" "I got it in ma mither's wame far you'll ne'er get the like For ye've been washed in Dunny's well and dried on Dunny's dyke And a' the water in the sea will never wash ye white" Fan nicht was come, and day was gane, and a' man boun' to bed Sweet Willie and the nut-broon bride were in their chamber laid They werena weel lyen doon and scarcely fa'an asleep Fan up and stands she, fair Annie, jist up at Willie's feet "Weel brook ye o' your broom, broon bride, atween ye and the wa' And sae will I o' my winding sheet that suits me best of a'" Sad Willie raise, pit on his claise, drew 'til him hose and shoon And he is on tae Annie's bower by the lee licht o' the moon The firsten bower that he cam 'til there was richt dowie wark Her mither and her three sisters were makin' her a sark The neisten bower that he cam 'til there was richt dowie cheir He's lifted up the coverlet, fair Annie lay streekit there "It's I will kiss yer bonny cheek and I will kiss yer chin I will kiss yer clay-cald lip, but I'll ne'er kiss woman again The day ye deal at Annie's grave, the breid but and the wine Afore the morn at twel o'clock they'll deal the same at mine" The tane was buried in Mary's kirk, the tither in Mary's quire And oot o' the tane there grew a birk, and oot o' the tither a briar And aye they grew, and aye they drew, until the twa did meet And every ane that pa**ed them by said, "There's been lovers sweet"