Macabre - Dracula lyrics


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Macabre - Dracula lyrics

In the fifteenth century lived a prince of nobility His Father's nickname was Dracula, which means the dragon or the devil Dracula was the son of the devil or the dragon And he lived up to his name A name that goes on in infamous fame Terrible atrocities Suffering and misery Vlad the Impaler inflicted on his enemies Excruciating painful torturous misery Vlad the Impaler imposed upon his enemies They were Romanian stuck between the Turks and the Hungarians His Father Vlad Two tried to plea Bot of his neighboring adversaries With the ability to switch sides To the one with the upper and at the time For this reason his sons had to spend Four long years in a Turkish prison It's not clear from history if his mind was twisted during captivity But Dracula was released when his Father Dracula was deceased And the when he was free Vlad became ruler of his country Vlad the Impaler was the name he procured For the hideous method of d**h he preferred Vlad's favorite way of executing people Was impaling them on stakes and he watched them as he ate Upon the very pointed greased down stakes Vlad's enemies were placed k**ing them with their own weight Through their heart or navel or mouth and vagina or an*s Is were the stakes were placed Vlad's terrifying stakes Having ma** execution by impaling his enemies Suited Vlad III's tastes Witnessing their gruesome fate Vlad's gruesome reign came to an end Provoking war with the Turks again In the Turkish territory Vlad's troops were routed eventually With his ghastly reputation Christian leaders wouldn't help Vlad with his altercations That's the reason for his defeat for what Vlad had sewn He soon would reap When the sultan's troops came upon the forest of Vlad's impaled victims That slowed their advance for a while Because of Dracula's k**ing style He was exiled and Vlad III Years later joined the Hungarian army In a war between the Turks Vlad was dead And to Constantinople they brought back his head [Chorus]