LoveByInk - Let Me lyrics


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LoveByInk - Let Me lyrics

Dear Dream Girl, This is gon' be my first public letter to ya, And I hope you listen to me deeply, as I read the cheesy lines, hoping you won't get bored too quickly. This letter is filled up with all my emotions, how you satisfied my cravings, with utmost satisfaction. I hope you wont just brush it off and put you white earphones on. Listen to me Dream Girl, listen to me sincerely. Lend me your ears so that I could get the message over sweetly. They said that dreams are made of reality. Some said it's made of pure fantasy. But, guess what Dream Girl, mine's just simple. You and me. That day you cooked one of my favorite dishes, remember that pesto you cooked with pink salmon, red tomato paste and lots of olive oil - plus the parmesan cheese in small packs. That was like the best dish I have ever tasted, in my 25 years here on earth. It was so good I couldn't even relax. Dream Girl I know I already told you that I used to write poems even before I met you. I used to write poems about the sky, the trees, the mountains, the birds, the sun, the moon, and the stars. I also used poetry to forget the bad experiences, the epic failures and the problems that I thought would never end. Poetry healed the wounds, all that was left were battlescars. And then you came, you changed my perception of what poetry is. You made me realize that poetry is sweet, better than a kiss. You showed me a side of poetry which I have never seen. You showed me how poetry should be done, you are my sweet toxin. You are that one kind of drug that I hope to take for a lifetime. A combination of ecstasy, morphine, metamphetamine - all those d** that end with -mine! You are my only quuen. There is no end. It can never be foreseen. Dream Girl I have no idea how to end this letter. I hope that the words that I wrote here will build a strong bridge toward our future. Together. Dream Girl I can never promise you anything but if there'll be one thiung that is as solid as the purest diamond on earth - that would be my loyalty. Dream Girl I wanted to express how I loev you so using this pen but the ink's not enough to collate everything in one piece. Your love is like a disease. Blow me a kiss. Dream Girl I will stay with you until the days we'd need a cane to walk by the see and feel the ocean breeze. Dream Girl let me love you throught the unlimited exchange of sunlights and moonbeams. Let me love you until the ice caps from the North and the South pole meet. Dream Girl let me be your man. Let me love you in every way I can. Dream Girl let me be your man. Hear me out. I want to be your man.