Louis Lavater - MARCH lyrics


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Louis Lavater - MARCH lyrics

This month is just the moral uv a tart That kim up to the station I wus at; A boshter tabby, not too thin ner fat, En watto fer a hottie--ut the start. She didn't kid yer long--'er bloomin' dart Ud git yer goin' till yer 'ad a rat, En then she'd sane yer wif-"Ring orf o' that; Yer ain't got Buckley's fur me 'and en 'eart!" That's March's way; it gets the break uv 'eat Like kliner's kisses w'en yer 'oldin' on Erbout the finish uv a smoodgin'-meet; Then, 'fore it's over, w'ere the sunbjlaze shone Down Hughie pours, en Summer's limp en beat Un takes the offis straight it mus' be gone.