Louie levy - Another Ball, Another Breaking Year lyrics


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Louie levy - Another Ball, Another Breaking Year lyrics

Well... ...come to the new years ball, have a fun time celebratin' the funeral of 2002...'twas a heckofatic time, slime, mime, a promise of a better time, a**es worked to the tale bone, pockets vacant, awaiting the lotaree of hopeless winnings spent of dreamin' losers, enjoyin' the pitance of a security, socialized, Roosevelts scam of the century, leaves old tired farts with no more to live on than scrounging snails in a garden of tumbleweeds, bu*t! there's still soap, water and free sunshine, a huntread bucks for $1.29 Ct sneakers of the 30's, no nice Jewish new-yawk bred boy would ever wear a painters dung-agree blue ripped pants, levis,? HA! i wondered weather one of my cousins invented the 'poor mans' shameful garb, models have the cramping style, big deal kalvin klein splined his own label name, and; the other crooked legged punks did the same, poor kids in Mehico , eye think get a nickle or a dime, or maybe 'nough for a handful of riced farted beans to sew them for the crookiteers, Oh Yeah! tawk 'bout, write about, sneer for or accept, the price for fuel, milk, bread, rent, not to mention what it took to replace a 5ct trolley ride, eye could go on + on, u all know , if you're considered an antique of life, belly belt bustin', wide hip whipped creamed abuser, grey and clairolded defusered, and an invain irreplacement 'Dude', that got taken for a bald spot and touped for hairty hundreds of schmucked bucks, Forgive me L.rd, of the uni verse, over siezer of chanooka, xmas, budda, devoties of the slervices that knock on doors, and wanna save a**', i tell them it's much to late, as i turn to face them, ooops, aren't we all, 'about frace' one way or an other? , i think eye still have all the holey sole savin' pamflit writlits stashed somewhere, fearing, that my world would come to an end before i see the new born, 2003 babe if i throwthemout with the bath water, go'head, if you're the one to dare, make a reso-polution! promise yourself to ? not? be? a? potty pooper and knitcrap more into the new millenium without the protection of, life insurance and at least, some eyesorely credited degrees and a high SAT tas phd xyz and; all ways to have; an ample supply of latexed peepee gloves.... HIV is rearly an alien, takin over the planet through the back door. Gotta get ready to feast with the loving xmas side of my flambily, I do love them, why? even some of my best friends are all fancied gent tiles, as for the 'He' brews, oh! well, they're still trying their wine case and i ain't takin' no sides, not even with 'french fries'