Linda L. Bielowski, Ph.D. - Ghost of the Midway lyrics


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Linda L. Bielowski, Ph.D. - Ghost of the Midway lyrics

Beneath the slate-colored sky that covers the raw-urban bones of Hyde Park's towering body He dances celebrating autumn and being, life and loving Twirling in circles with outstretched arms He elicits warmth like a flickering, incandescent candle And feeling his flame, sweat beads upon my cheeks like hot wax Until my breath turns to vapor against the October cold My heart throbbing, anticipating the smoothness of his hand resting in mine Slow as sunrise, he smiles While the russet glint of his hair tousles with the breezes that billow around him Somber bottomless eyes beckon with their pensive stare Like a lighthouse to a lost mariner Through the whir of staccato notes from nearby guitars and the rustling refrain of trampled leaves He and I move toward each other Racing across the evergreen of the campus grounds Fleeing, we stumble up the steps of an ivy-clad building Seeking the shelter of my silent chamber I fumble with the bra** knob and push against the warped door Until it opens wide with the weight of our desire Walking inside and reaching for the persona beside me I am engulfed by emptiness For there is no one but me Alone, pressing my face against the frosty gla** and lifting my gaze back to the expansive lawns, I sense a shadowy form A fluid, evanescent figure dancing Celebrating autumn and being, life and loving Pulling the shade, I pirouette away from the phantom upon the midway And in my tearful longing ponder When a real companion will seek silence and shelter Behind a door Within a room Beside me.