Lil Kydd - Date With Asterisk lyrics


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Lil Kydd - Date With Asterisk lyrics

Lil Kydd: What have you done for me lately? That's something society views As the old, tired relationship haiku That symbolizes woman Voicing her upheaval in paradise Grievances about her man Let's all support the sister Give her a hand But let's give a sideways look to this dude Who's return on his investment is long overdue For surely this man's wining and dining you Showing a good time to you Could only be his desire to infiltrate your bu*tonflies… My, my, what a clever disguise Write me off, why don't you For I have the inquiry Of how much I've done for you What lately have you given me? Blasphemy? I know It seems so asinine Why, you've given me tons lately! You've given me… a hard time Now here's the debate Relationships are a give and take It's rare that I would skip a tab On any of our weekly dates But strangely I feel… hollow As if I've invested in you all day and tomorrow And not just food, nor clothing Nor that new hat you saw in the window, no Sometimes I've given you my respect The likes of which sometimes you don't even appreciate I feel as if you don't return as much love as I dish out I exponentially get it from you less and less I give you my heart, I get… requests You've cooked me a meal on certain days Used to willingly lean in and kiss me on some odd dates All those intimate encounters you'd gladly reciprocate As a means to reward me for money on our dates And that is not what love is You're a companion, not a service And the same can be said for me You make it feel as if your affection requires a fee Judging by the stature of this matter I would gather That you are the asterisk in this transaction, not me When's the last time you so much as gave me a hug Without me having to reach into my wallet and pay for it? Look at the costs, they're nothing nice. It's… A hug: $3.25 A kiss: $10.00 Trying to get your lady more invested in your relationship: Priceless I bet an underscore would be so willing to go out of pocket So willing to bend over backward For the basic reciprocity of love he should already have Like obedient pet to master There's no extended metaphor for what needs to be put so plainly The days and nights you make feel like weeks and months namely Because your absence of emotion feels like neglect It interferes with my mental health So I shell out pieces of myself Depleting my wealth to keep myself from going insane, see? And I'm not using the drug cliché Ke$ha covered that nicely already… A girl makes you feel good about yourself Gives you self-esteem But when's the last time you've said anything nice to me? Y'know, me? Your man The skinny, scrawny, cheap guy You have around your finger The one whose voice stands to ruin everything you stand to enjoy The unattractive, unappealing, undeserving of praise The young man you wouldn't embrace so quickly as your new toy I've reached inside and shelled out until my heart became swollen and sore The long, lean and lanky… supply store Nah, you want an underscore Someone who's used to compromising himself for the outputs of his suppliers; His bosses Well Caledonia, what make your big head so hard As to not grasp that in the pit of my heart That toy does not possess my affection Just two double-A batteries and a monotone inflexion And I'd voice this to you in person, believe me But if I were to do that, you'd just call me needy So let's all support the sister Give her a hand For she wants her man to please her She shouldn't be pleasing her man It'd be… Unfair? Unequal? Right? Wrong? How relationships operate Give and give and eventually take I've carried this relationship; This partnership on my back My lower back wants me dead And my upper back wants ransom All this work for your love on these various degrees Just sounds like underscore work to me So if your thoughts cost a penny And your insights cost a dollar What amount could you spare to convince me that you care? What emotions can you pay to free me from myself? I'm emotionally spent. So can you spot me this check for once? Girl: Uhhh babe, we're in a park, not a restaurant Lil Kydd: It's called an extended metaphor… Girl: Huh? I don't get it Lil Kydd: Y'know what, never mind. Let's go home. This is pointless Girl: Okay, then. Still out of your wallet though Lil Kydd: Come again? What was that? Girl: Ah nothing, nothing, nothing at all