Out the door, through the core. Fear in every Lightning break, tears in every big mistake. Flooding lake, slipping wake. Everybody still sits awake. Sitting tight, fear of height. I still have to go make it right. Feel the air, breathing dare. Jump off the cliff when the old men stare. Making fights, glaring lights. Everybody has one good sight. Evening gloves, no one loves. I'm still staring in fright above. Let go- to know- you'll die- to fly- and know- oh why'd- you go- and lie- so cry- and go. Tonight- i'll flow- so tight- and oath- tonight.// Make It Flare. No one shares their feelings 'cuz no one cares anymore. Out the core. Feel the sore. Bleeding nights have washed away. Hope is freezing. It's hard to say 'don't go away, don't run away.' Everybody says it's okay. Burning eyes. Simple lies. Distance looks like fireflies. Feel the air, breathing dare. Jump off the cliff when the old men stare. Nothing's right. Feel the light. Catch a glimpse of you in my sight. Deceiving eyes. Hurtful lies. Tears run down and get wiped away. Changing phase, Lifeless maze. Everybody says its' okay. Don't know what to do, don't know what to say. Everybody has found a way but no...