那就从这座城市的西门开始 Let's just start from the place called Ximen in this city 有一条街沿少年们曾奔跑摔流血不止 There was a street. Where the youths used to run and fall over and can't stop bleeding 红色大门外杂乱无序的野草种子 Ruderal seeds lay outside the red door 是我耳濡目染到最原始坚韧的性子 That's what originally made me firm and tenacious 未能经历时间洗礼的骄傲之子 A proud young person was just starting to taste life 还远远读不懂青春不死那一首诗 and was yet to understand the poem about how youth would never die 灰头土脸狂奔永不知疲惫的日子 The days I ran around wildly with dirt all over 妈和爸狠狠赏过屁股上几棍子 The lessons given by Mum and Dad. 穿着破球鞋的人就这样渐渐长大 The youth with worn out sneakers started growing up 年轻心脏的梦在不知不觉中发了芽 And so did the sprout of dreams and hopes in the heart: 扬帆远航乘风破浪要去惊讶天下 To sail, to ride the winds and waves, and to astonish the world one day 生命的意义就是要纵情燃烧不怕留疤 The meaning of life is to burn as brightly as possible with no fear of getting scars 日月问少年能够不羁多少个四季 Life asked the youth how long she would keep this spirit 少年说一定率性而行无所畏惧 I said I would stay frank and fearless 不管路上遇到妖魔鬼怪还是腥风血雨 I wouldn't care for devils, monsters or reigns of terror on the way, 靠自己的拳头向着阳光生长坚定不移 and would grow towards sunshine unswervingly, relying on my own power 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 清脆的酒瓶碰击声就在昨日 I could still hear the crisp clinking of wine bottles sounded like it was yesterday 八月的暴雨之后横空出世 The weeds sprung up irresistibly after the rainstorm in August, 盛夏的野草疯狂侵略之势不可阻止 混杂的汗水味每个人都屏息咬紧牙齿 The mixed smell of sweat made everyone held their breath and gritted their teeth 我听到不同颜色的人在呐喊我的名字 I heard people in different shadows chanting my name 不管那个声音是捍卫还是讽刺 I didn't care if those words were to mock or in defense 我都只想说一句不好意思 All I wanted to say was sorry 因为我从来就不循规蹈矩服从压制的模子 I would never stick to any rules or yield to suppress 后来我渐渐离开了这座城市 Then I started to leave the city 像更多心怀抱负的少年一样奋力展翅 Struggling to fly higher like many other ambitious youths 天大地大的精彩和危险才真正略知 I started to know the true wonders and dangers of this world 天花乱坠的诱惑和匿名口水满地充斥 Full of various temptations and anonymous condemns 他们企图让我沦为被现实裹挟的人质 People tried to make me a slave of material success 我梗着脖子摇头低声说了个不字 But I whispered a "NO" with a stiff neck and a shake of my head 就算遍体鳞伤也要孤注一掷握紧旗帜 I would stick to being myself even if it meant cuts and bruises 戴上皇冠披上荆棘才是时代的样子 To be brave and strong is the look of our time 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 我知道攀登高峰的崎岖变得越来越难走了 I know it is getting harder and harder to climb the peak 好多曾经一起追风的热血少年都朽了 Of those we started together, many of them have aged 力不从心的时候说真的也想过放弃吧 In time of struggles I came up with the idea of give up as well 独自一人的坚持毕竟举步维艰啊 It is really difficult when in even one step it is myself 这些都是你也有过的想法吧 That must have been something you've thought of too 但我知道你绝不可能妥协吧 But I know by no means you will compromise 虽然不同样子不同身世但追梦的初心一致 We started with the same dream regardless of different looks and life experiences 我就是你心底绝不跪地求饶的倔强分子 I'm here to remind you to never surrender 我已准备好踏上下一段新的征程 I'm ready for the next journey 我会不懈战斗直至生命最后一程 I will struggle untiringly till the end of my life 狂风暴雨电闪雷鸣或者喝彩声 I won't care about the thunderstorms, or the cheers that come along with 独奏震耳欲聋的英雄交响永远精神 I will play a solo of hero symphony always 我要如最初的那个西门少年 I'd like to be the same youth grew up in Ximen 不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 To keep running without being afraid of bleeding or rumors, 我要如最初的那个西门少年 I'd like to be the same youth in Ximen 不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 To keep running without being afraid of bleeding or rumors, 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 Wildfire cannot burn out our wildness 我要如最初的那个西门少年 I'd like to be the same youth in Ximen 不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 To keep running without being afraid of bleeding or rumors, 我要如最初的那个西门少年 I'd like to be the same youth in Ximen 不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 To keep running without being afraid of bleeding or rumors