我们是相爱了 We fell in love 就是这样 That's all 日子非常阴暗同时发亮 Lead a life dark but shining 被悲伤与甜蜜喂得饱饱的 Fed with sadness and sweetness 因为我们就是相爱了 Cause we fell in love 就是只是这样 That's all 其余是废话 Everything else is nonsense 夜夜相伴的伟大失眠 The serious insomnia that once accompanied me every night 现在像瀑布一样让我快乐 Brings me cascade of happiness now 睡不着的原因完全相反了 For its cause is now totally the opposite 因为我们就是相爱了 Cause we fell in love 舍不得闭上眼 Too happy to close my eyes 舍不得睡 To fall asleep 今夜雪深了 It's snowing heavily tonight 我们相爱了 We fell in love 就是这样 That's all 我们好像欠世界一个理由 It seems we should say something to the world 像是一种自动驾驶 Well our love is like autopilot 要记住的是今天晚上 Please remember tonight 时间在皮肤上发芽了 When time sprouts on our skin 如果大家对我们很失望 If people are disappointed with us 我们要移民到外星球 We will move to another planet 找到新的水源 To find new water source 一个盒子套着一个盒子 那样的一层层的故事 Pages of stories Like boxes inside boxes 我们一整个整个是晕的 Make us completely confused 人们不停地发问 People keep asking 他们就是相爱了 They just fell in love 神回复 God answers 要记住的是今天晚上 Please remember tonight 时间在皮肤上发芽了 When time sprouts on our skin 如果大家对我们很失望 If people are disappointed with us 我们要移民到外星球 We will move to another planet 找到新的水源 To find new water source 一个盒子套着一个盒子 那样的一层层的故事 Pages of stories like boxes inside boxes 我们一整个整个是晕的 Make us completely confused 人们不停地发问 People keep asking 他们就是相爱了 They just fell in love 神回复 God answers 我们是相爱了 We fell in love 就是这样 That's all 日子非常阴暗同时发亮 Lead a life dark but shining 被悲伤与甜蜜喂得饱饱的 Fed with sadness and sweetness 因为我们就是相爱了 Cause we fell in love 就是只是这样 That's all 其余是废话 Everything else is nonsense 我们就是相爱了 We just fell in love 神回复 God answers 我们就是相爱了 We just fell in love 神回复 God answers