The wheel's still in spin; Our world's being torn apart. Where do we begin To make a brand new start? Nothing left to win; We thought we were so smart. Wouldn't let the truth in; Wouldn't open up our hearts. Rain pounding on tin, Runaway shopping carts. Nothing left to win; The Doomsday countdown starts. They believed in Santa, The Easter Bunny, and Love, Till Sherman burned Atlanta With a wave of his white glove. We always had a remedy For any kind of malice, Till someone k**ed Kennedy That dark day in Dallas. We polluted the soil; We polluted the sea. Soon, some space cowboy'll Pollute the whole galaxy. That bright light ahead you see Is from that lonesome train. That train's bound for misery; The track runs through your brain. "Wear your rue with a difference," Said Claudia to the king. "You know one hundred years hence, None of this will mean a thing." They believed in Santa, The Easter Bunny, and Love, Till Sherman burned Atlanta With a wave of his white glove. Turn on the shiny spigot; The dirty water flows. Just like the boastful bigot In his best Sunday clothes. Open up that window To let the fresh air in. See the dust particles glow With radioactive sarin. Our world was packed with sparkling dreams All wrapped up in rainbows. Now, all of those once-bright dreams Lie scattered in the shadows. Progress sure has slowed, And there's no going back. Every winding road Leads to a cul-de-sac. "Wear your rue with a difference," Said Claudia to the king. "You know one hundred years hence, None of this will mean a thing." We believed in Santa, The Easter Bunny, and Love, But Sherman burned Atlanta With a wave of his white glove.