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I call myself sofloantonio everybody else calls me h*mo got no talent that's for sho I take videos and reupload I got no talent No talent No talent Virgin 4 life I got no talent no talent no talent I wanna die Hey nice video It would be a shame if I took it from yo Got no talent anint that the truth So I gotta leech off those that do Listen honey I'm not funny Your YouTube vids make me money Download and reupload And put my face in real close You wanna see a funny cat video too bad First you gotta look at my head true fact Hey Why's everybody mad? "Your a dissapoinyment" Thanks dad Wake up in the morning and look down No Dick but I don't frown I've had no dick for a while now I used to be in denial bout it Stay up all night cry out load Never wore shorts when I was out Then I saw other you tubers Get big Get big That would make me feel okay with no dick no dick So I tried to make my own But I'm way to sh**house bro So I reuploaded someone else's Prank and now I'm know as sofloantonio everybody else calls me h*mo got no talent that's for sho I take videos and reupload I got no talent No talent No talent Virgin 4 life I got no talent no talent no talent I wanna die