Salicylamide overdose – cascading disenchantment March rolls in like a man – out like a cow How quickly we forget marriage is a solely financial endeavor When our freedom is on the line A heated debate becomes simple sleight-of-hand My lover: a quota to fill My drug: an expensive walk down with the apes My crush: the hazards of hunting big game Imply that I set aside my pride and die this time This time I reject your supine generosity Fake, love-scorned and war torn evolutionary tie It's time now – I did not ride out my Father's dime to have to do his time This increasing debt so self-sufficient Temporary, yet still thankless I remain imprisoned – trapped And there's nothing He can say to make us right This brings the fight to your doorstep I'll ring the bell on your pink slip An irregular cyclical pattern of points Set to waste away On a predetermined path of destruction Fan this flame more, and stake your caste Watching the floor, pushing time past Fan this flame more, and stake your caste – a slave Holding peers for ransom, bleeding to concede Are we nothing more than the sum of the last hundred years of war - Just weak weeding frail? You're frail.