LD (US) - II. PlayStation (skit) lyrics


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LD (US) - II. PlayStation (skit) lyrics

- "No Assembly Required" from Zombies Ate My Neighbors plays. The sound of bu*ton pushing and fidgeting can be heard. This is followed by footsteps. [L:] Yo, how long are you gonna play this? [A:] Until I get to the end. I've never beat the game before man. There's like 50 levels and I've only gotten to 21. [L:] What level is this? [A:] Bout to be 22 if you give me a minute. I'm tryna show this thing who run it. [L:] Mhm. - There's a brief beat. Controller rattling. [L:] You know they're making a movie to this right? [A:] What?! [L:] I'm serious. Zombies Ate My Neighbors has been in development for like 2 years. [A:] Take my money. Do it. [L:] Nah, they're just desparate. [A:] Pssh. - More controller rattling. [A:] Aw... no, no, no. No, no—no! - A game over sound rings out. [A:] Damnit—ugh! You know, I've always hated the fact you couldn't save on these things. - There's silence. [L:] You heard anything from Steph? - Well, tense silence now. [A:] Nah, she hasn't messaged me since earlier. (beat) Yeah. [L:] You good? [A:] Leave it man. Please. I'm not thinking about her right now. I got other stuff on my mind now—other stuff I worry about too... [L:] My bad. I mean, I don't know what be going on in your head man—no one does. - L files through a nearby box filled with disk cases. [L:] Whoa... [A:] What? [L:] Bruh, you still have your PSX games? [A:] (laughs) Of course. What, you thought I didn't? [L:] Wait, where's the actual PlayStation? - There's silence. [A:] Uhhh... [L:] Nah, chill. [A:] I don't know. [L:] You gotta have it. [A:] It might be in the basement. [L:] Yo, we out! - Quick footsteps are heard. [A:] L! Where you going? - The boys enter the basement. They're heard searching through the mess they find in front of them. [L:] You got everything down here. Boy, this is a Lord Finesse vinyl. Where the hell did you get a Lord Finesse vinyl? [A:] That's probably my Dad's. Some of those in there are my Mom's—I bought the newer ones—but that looks like my Dad's. - More searching. [L:] Here's the controllers. [A:] Yo right there! [L:] Where? [A:] It's right there in front of you. [L:] Oh sh**... (beat) Dude. This is a miracle. - L kisses the PlayStation. [L:] Thank you sweet Jesus. (beat) Yo, where's the outlets? We playing this right now. - A click is heard. The PlayStation theme plays. [A:] Oh my... Yo, you have no idea how much I've missed that sound. [L:] (sighs) Nostalgia. [A:] Bro, let's get it. Swing the controller. 'Bout to whup some a** real quick.