Law Genius - Law School Genius! lyrics


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Law Genius - Law School Genius! lyrics

WELCOME TO LAW SCHOOL GENIUS! Where we read, annotate, and study cases together in the hopes that, collectively, we may somehow make it through! Looking for something that's not here? Add it yourself or email Christine with your awesome cases, outlines, syllabi, whatever! And don't forget to create an account! CASEBOOKS They're free, they're interactive, and they're amazing! Torts Con Law Property Contracts Crim Civ Pro Want one tailored to your cla**? Make your own collection, or hit up Christine or the Law Genius forum for help! TAG PAGES! Where all the cases in a given area are piled up together, for your browsing/studying pleasure! Con Law Civ Pro Torts Property Contracts Crim Net Neutrality BitCoin Please tag things that you're reading! New & relevant tags always welcome! There are so many tag pages that would be amazing: negligence, evidence, employment law, family law, admin, tax, bizorgs/corporations, the possibilities are endless! All we need is for people to tag the stuff they're reading, or make suggestions on any case that it be tagged X or Y, and it shall be done! OUTLINES Share your outlines with the world! OTHER THINGS! Model Rules of Professional Conduct And don't forget to poke around Law Genius!