Laurence Fishburne - Black and Blue lyrics


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Laurence Fishburne - Black and Blue lyrics

Cut to: GOTHAM ROOFTOP The armored Batman stands in the rain, the Batsignal glowing in the sky above him. Cut to: DAILY PLANET LOIS LANE I need a chopper to Gotham. Call the heliport. PERRY WHITE Chopper? We can barely afford a bicycle. You want to chase a story? Go to the ship. Superman's probably there already. LOIS LANE Perry, it's not for a story. Perry and Lois stare at each other for a while. PERRY WHITE Jenny, get her a chopper to Gotham. And forget the heliport, put her on the god damn roof. On the roof, Lois! Cut to: DAILY PLANET ROOFTOP Lois imbarks on the helicopter. PILOT Where're we headed? She points to the Bat-Signal. LOIS LANE There! Cut to: GOTHAM ROOFTOP Batman's wait is over as Superman is gliding above him. He lands with a loud thud on the ground. BATMAN Well. Here I am. SUPERMAN Bruce, please. Superman starts walking towards him. SUPERMAN I was wrong. You have to listen to me. Lex wants us... Superman eventually triggers a trap, with two loudspeakers playing high-frequency noises at him. He winces in pain, but eventually takes a manhole cover from the ground, rips it in half, and throws each part at the speakers. He stands to recover, and then continues his walk. Batman decides to go for him as well. SUPERMAN You don't understand. There's no time! Batman comes face to face with Superman. BATMAN I understand. Superman pushes Batman with one hand, making him fly a high distance. Batman groans before starting to rise up again. When Superman takes another step, he triggers another trap, with gatling guns that fire with tremendous force, pushing him backwards before he decides to fly and use his heat vision to destroy the trap. Batman is now upright again, and watches Superman walking along the flames of the destroyed traps. He then fly-tackles Batman into a nearby building, and tosses him onto the Bat-Signal. Batman breaks the roof's ledge, but is still conscious and begins to rise again as Superman lands again and walks towards Batman. SUPERMAN Stay down! If I wanted it,you'd be dead already! Batman unpins and throws a smoke grenade. Superman flies through the smoke, but doesn't see Batman, who is now behind him with a shotgun of sorts. He fires a bullet, Superman catches it, and the cartridge explodes, exhuding Kryptonite gas. Superman loses his breath and falls to his knees, contorting in pain. Batman puts the gun down, and stares down his weakened opponent. BATMAN Breathe in. That's fear. You're not brave. Superman tries punching Batman, who manages to block the fist with his arm. BATMAN Men are brave. Again, Superman punches and is countered, twice. Then Batman headbu*ts him, throws punches – some of whom are blocked – and kicks him in the gut, before hitting Superman in the throat and kicking him onto a nearby gla** ceiling. Batman then jumps on his opponent, landing feet-first on his stomach and pushing both into the abandoned building. When they land, Superman groans in pain. Batman then kicks Superman away, kicks him in the face, and lands some punches before grabbing him by the neck and bashing his head against the wall, before delivering more punches and a headbu*t. Superman stares, feeling his strength returning, and catches Batman's leg as he tries another kick. He then throws Batman through a nearby wall, and gets up. Both heroes run towards one another, with Batman grappling his opponent and pushing him against a wall. He delivers punches to the face, but after the fourth, the sound is similar to hitting a steel pillar… and with Superman barely flinching. Batman realizes what happened, Superman nods in disapproval, and after rising from the ground tackles Batman, breaking them onto the lower floor. He throws Batman onto some bathroom stalls, and prepares to jump onto his opponent again, who grabs his shotgun and fires another Kryptonite dust shell on Superman – but not before the hit connects, throwing Batman onto the other room and partially breaking his mask. Superman still writhes in pain as Batman takes a kitchen sink from a wall and bashes it onto Superman's head. Batman grabs his seemingly unconscious opponent by the head, and carries Superman on his shoulder before the summit of a round staircase, and throws Superman through the newel. He crash-lands on the ground floor. Batman uses his grappling gun to land softly afterwards. After recoiling the grappling hook, he la**oes it onto Superman's foot and drags his opponent along, closer to where the Kryptonite spear is. BATMAN I bet your parents taught you, that you mean something. That you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson. Dying in the gutter. For no reason at all. As Superman appears awakened and ready to get up, Batman fires the hook and throws him around the room, breaking various pillars. BATMAN They taught me the world only makes sense, if you force it to. Batman removes the spear from the ground and approaches Superman. Outside, Lois's helicopter lands, and she rushes towards the building Batman now stands above Superman. BATMAN You were never a god. [steps on Superman's throat] You are never even a man. Batman slices a cut through Superman's face, making him bleed. As he prepares to impale his opponent's head, Superman gathers enough strength to talk. SUPERMAN You're letting him... k** Martha. BATMAN What does that mean? Why did you say that name? SUPERMAN Find him! Save...Martha. BATMAN Martha. Batman has a flashback to the tomb reading "MARTHA WAYNE 1946 – 1981” and the murder of his parents THOMAS WAYNE Martha. BATMAN WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME? SUPERMAN Martha! BATMAN Why did you say that name? Lois has entered the room, and runs towards the downed Clark. LOIS LANE Clark! Stop! Please! Stop! BATMAN Why did you say that name? LOIS LANE It's his mother's name. It's his mother's name. Batman takes his foot off Superman, thinks for a while and then angrily throws the spear away. Cut to Outside Kryptonian ship Lightning is coming from the sarcophagus as a news crew is gathered near the military barrier. REPORTER We're no getting any answers. We're stil right outside the containment center. A dangerous situation.Military and police personnel surrounding the area. Cut to WAREHOUSE Anatoli readies a flamethrower as Martha Kent watches. The digital clock on the table has just pa**ed 10 minutes. Cut to Gotham Building Superman is rising again. SUPERMAN Luthor. He wanted your life for hers. She's losing time. LOIS LANE The scout ship seems to be drawing power from the city. It's got to be Lex. BATMAN They need you at that ship. I'll find her. SUPERMAN My mother needs me. As Superman tries walking away, Batman holds him by the chest. BATMAN Wait! I'll make you a promise. Martha won't die tonight. Both men nod approvingly. Lois puts her hand on Clark's neck, and he nods before flying away.