Lady - The Ladies Defence: (Chap. 8) lyrics


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Lady - The Ladies Defence: (Chap. 8) lyrics

They would have then no Reason to complain, But 'till that time Reproofs will be in vain. Some few perhaps, whom Virtue has refined; Who in themselves no vicious Habits find, Who swayed by Reason, and by Honor led, May in the thorny Paths of Duty tread; And still unwearied with your utmost Spite, In the blest Euges of their Minds delight, but still the most will their Resentment show, And by deplored effects let you their Anger know. Sir William. She's in the right. They still would virtuous prove, were they but treated with Respect and Love. Your barbarous Usage does Revenge produce, It makes 'em bad, and is their just Excuse. You've set 'em Copies, and dare you repine, If they transcribe each black, detested Line? Parson. I dare affirm those Husbands that are ill, Were they unmarried, would be faultless still; If we are cruel, they have made us so; Whatever they suffer, to themselves they owe, our love on their obedience does depend, we will be kind, when they no more offend. Melissa. Of our offences who shall judges be? Parson. For that great Work Heaven has commissioned me. I'm made one of his Substitutes below, and from my Mouth unerring Precepts flow; I'll prove your Duty from the Law Divine, Celestial Truth in my Discourse shall shine. Truth drest in all the Gaieties of Art, In all that Wit can give, or Eloquence impart. Attend, attend, the August Message here, Let it imprint a reverential Fear.'Twill on your Mind a vital Influence have, If while I speak, you're Silent as the Grave. The sacred Oracles for deference call, when from my oily Tongue they smoothly fall. First, I'll by Reason prove you should obey, next, point you out the most compendious way,