Lady - The Ladies Defence: (Chap. 13) lyrics


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Lady - The Ladies Defence: (Chap. 13) lyrics

You, who already drag the Nuptial Chain, Will now have no occasion to complain, Since they beyond their Sphere no more will tower, But for the future own your Sovereign Power And being induced by this Advice of mine, To you their sense and Liberty resign Turn Fools and Slaves, that they the more may please. Now it is fit for gifts so vast as these, We should some little gratitude express, And be more complaisant in our address bear with their faults, their weaknesses of Mind, When they are Penitent, we should be kind. And that their Faith we may the more secure, For them some Inconveniences endure When they're in Danger, their Defenders prove 'Twill shew at once, our valour, and our Love. But let it be our more immediate care To make them these unerring Rules revere. Bid them attentively each precept read, And tell them, they're as holy as their Creed Besure each morning 'ere they eat or Pray, That they with Care the sacred Lesson say, This, will our quiet, and their Souls secure, And both our Happiness, and theirs ensure, I on their Duty could with ease enlarge, But I would not too much their Memories charge, They're weak, and should they over-loaden be, They'll soon forget what has been said by me, Which Heaven avert! since it much Thought has cost, And who would have such wondrous Rhetoric lost? Melissa. A Mouse the labouring Mountain does disclose, What raised my Wonder, my Derision grows. With mighty Pomp you your Harangue begun, And with big Words my fixed Attention won. Each studied Period was with Labour wrought, But destitute of Reason and of Thought. What you meant Praise upon your selves reflects, Each Sentence is a Satyr on your Sex.