Labtekwon - The Economy of Tricknology lyrics


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Labtekwon - The Economy of Tricknology lyrics

[Labtekwon] There's 3 types of money that are recognized globally One types real and the other two are phony Let's begin with the real and expose the fallacy Concluding with a timeline of our economic reality First: real money, actual silver and gold The value of which is based on the weight it holds Gold and silver are universally accepted And in global commerce they're never rejected Paper money is the illusion of funds The United States Constitution removes confusion since the country begun Article 1, Section 10, Part 1 Says states should only use gold and silver for legal tender This is part of the Constitution we should remember Gold and silver don't burn or wither Unlike money made of paper pictures Between real and fake there's a major difference Fake money number one: gold and silver certificates IOU's for the gold and silver equivalent This form of currency's connected to a precious metal The only paper money that's remotely credible But gold certificates are like checks for a checking account If ain't no gold to back up the paper, then the check's gonna bounce Causing a deficit of high level amounts And borrowing from private banks ain't the way out Cuz when private banks loan money, they do it with interest Which means the debt gets bigger the more money thats printed Then the hole gets deeper, your economy gets weaker And dollars ain't even worth the denomination they feature Which leads to fake money number 2 and the last paper cash It's called fiat money and it's trash It ain't backed by nothing, except a decree by the government But in terms of actual value it has no substance Fiat money's only good for trade in the place where its made Like tickets from Chuck E. Cheese or tokens from an arcade Fiat money can be printed by the page What I explain is an intricate plot, August 15, 1971: Nixon shock Richard Nixon switched the U.S. currency from gold standard to a fiat But here's the real joke: America's been broke And your dollars ain't even dollars: they federal reserve notes AKA promissories, the government's promise to pay But the promise was broke and the fiat degrades everyday Which means it takes more fiat for commercial exchange This is a basic explanation of the equation we call inflation When it comes to money its a simple concept If it ain't gold or silver: it's an instrument of debt For now bookmark the fiat and the Nixon Shock Lets take it all back to where it really all starts International bankers: conmen, gangsters and loan sharks Now, get your understanding correct, about this bank of Satan, Mammon and d**h Money and war, gold, guns and swords Flashback: England the year was 1694 King William the 3rd formerly William of Orange War cost money and England needed more, for the conflict with France A goldsmith named William Patterson provided finance And here's how he did it: He loaned the throne of England 1,200,000 pounds in gold certificates At 8% interest, an innovation in business Patterson had exclusive rights to print money for the kingdom And he obtained the first charter for the Bank of England King William and parliament signed the agreement Turning England's economy into a line of credit The more money Patterson printed: the bigger the deficit And England kept spending even when the balance was negative ‘Cuz people rarely cashed in the certificates for the actual gold ‘Cuz paper money is convenient, and easy to hold But the Bank of England was not government controlled It's a business entity; it's privately owned So the more money Patterson printed, the more money England owed William Patterson had bought they country Then parliament began giving grants to the East India Company Now you had the government borrowing money to pay private corporate contracts Sound familiar? America does that You see, the bailout scam was invented way back This ain't conspiracy theory: it's conspiracy fact In the 18th century banks, insurance companies and tax collectors In this time the financial scam had been perfected 300 years later: England has a multi-billion pound deficit The world is ruled by banks: not kings and presidents Multi-nationalist corporations are treacherous and devilish Mammon is the demon that rules money and the lust for material gain To this day the cult of Mammon remains a Satanic game Christ threw the money changers out of the temple and was crucified within 4 days In the Maat, Bible ,and Koran charging interest on a loan is wrong Moneychangers play both sides and move nations like pawns Simply loan sharks and gangsters doin a con But someone would come along and take it to a level the world had never seen A man with a devilish scheme, the place was Germany the year was 1773 A goldsmith by the name of Amschel Mayer Bauer Met with 12 men to form a 25-point plan to sieze global power As a child, Bauer's parents wanted him to complete rabbinical training But when his parents died, he was educated in banking He made friends with princes he sold trinkets to build his business But his real wealth came from loaning governments money with interest Bauer's crest and seal, was an eagle holding 5 arrows on a red shield He changed his name to match the crests style Circa 1760 the beginning of the House of Rothschild The plan was to conquer the world by controlling economies A man named Adam Weishaupt provided esoteric philosophy The two would combine for the purpose of global monopoly May 1st, 1776 was the birth of the illuminati A Zionist Luciferian cult an elite secret society Subsidized by lies; a dynasty of tyranny It's not a myth, they exist they just conceal where the strings connect It doesn't take a genius to look at the world and see Satan's in effect But let's take another look at the Rothschild crest It's red like blood in the shape of a hex An eagle is a bird of prey, arrows are tools of d**h The crest's 5 arrows represent Rothschild's 5 sons The plan was to conquer the world without firing a gun For the House of Rothschild to begin their reign of the earth To 5 European cities each son was dispersed The 1st son Amschel ran the Bank in Frankfurt The son Nathan took over the Bank of England The 2nd son Salomon started the Bank of Vienna The 4th son Carl went to Naples, to complete the agenda The 5th son Jacob started the Central Bank of France Through manipulative finance the House of Rothschild advanced And the Illuminati was the light of the lamp 1791, 15 years after the Revolutionary War The Rothschilds had the 1st federal reserve on American shores A federal reserve loans money to a nation with minimum regulation It's a collective of private banks backed by private investors It's not a government agency, it's a part of the private sector When the second charter of the U.S. federal reserve expired in 1836 The renewal of the charter faced intense resistance from a president who knew the risks Andrew Jackson, with deliberate action Prevented the renewal of the Federal Reserve to happen So the Rothschild faction divided America with civil war The Bank of England financed the North The South was financed by the Bank of France It was never about slaves: divide and conquer was the plan In 1863 the National Banking Act was pa**ed Once again private banks could print cash and issue money Within 100 years private banks would own this country Abraham Lincoln opposed the federal reserve Before he could hinder the bankers he was a**a**inated in his second term These bankers knew what they wanted and they knew how to get it And once they got it, they would protect it with diabolical methods J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller were members of the collective All 19th Century industrialist were secretly connected Same as it is now, it was back then In the 20th Century it was next level, the Rothschilds were at it again November 1910 Marks the conception of the modern day version of the Rothschild economic leviathan Their agent Paul Warburg held a meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia In the name of novus ordo seclorum aka the new world order A meeting of bankers, the Secretary of Treasury and a senator Met with Paul Warburg to plot how to control U.S. legal tender And so new legislation for a federal reserve was then drafted In1913 President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act after congress pa**ed it America had been sold out to economic fascists 10 private banks merged to form the federal reserve Rothschilds Bank of London, Lehman Brothers of New York, Warburg Bank of Hamburg Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Rothschild Bank of Berlin Goldman Sachs of New York, I'm sure you've heard of them Lazard of Paris, Chase Manhattan and Warburg Bank of Amsterdam And Kuhn Loeb of New York, members since the federal reserve scam began Through this new federal reserve the new world order was economically crafted The same year the IRS was born to collect yo' taxes 1914: the moneychangers started the 1st world war of the ma**es 1919: the council of foreign relations was formed to implement the tactics 1929: the stock market crashes 1932: FDR tried to help the damage heal with his New Deal And briefly the gold standard of currency was repealed But America's fate had already been sealed By 1938 the United States was basically bankrupt Private banks collected hundreds of billions in interest and was caked upBut of course the rule of money and war remained true So the next big business deal was called World War 2 The Rothschilds funded both sides, there are great profits to be made in wartime Of course, this is a war crime; that all involved will deny But conmen are always liars Ig Farben was the Chemical Company that was a part of the Rothschild Empire Ig Farben was also the chemical providers for Nazi gas chambers that k**ed Ashkenazi Jews Don't let the fact that they claim Judaism get you confused Playing both sides is a tactic multi-nationalist use They see the world like a chessboard and humans are pieces they can move or lose Remember it's the business of Mammon and d**h; Satan runs the company And they have no loyalty to religion, race or countries World War 2 was an excellent opportunity to pimp the global community So prior to the end of the 2nd World War a new global economy was formed The Bretton Woods agreement was established in 1944 The Bretton Woods agreement gave birth to World Bank and IMF But the main thing it did was connected to the dollar of the U.S After the defeat of the Axis: the United States became central bank of the planet And all the world's major economies were merged The U.S. dollar became the international reserve The global economy was based on gold at $35 an ounce But America didn't have enough gold to back up the world's bank account That actual amount didn't match the gold certificates they had printed And the NGO federal reserve was still going to collect that interest The United States had been sold bought and rented And after two World Wars and Vietnam: the debt was tremendous Because every reserve note printed, still had that fee of interest America couldn't cash the check it wrote with the Bretton Woods Agreement In the 1960's the gold reserves were bein bought out by the Europeans So Richard Nixon changed the system which brings us to current economic conditions And if you recall at 2 minutes and 42 seconds I left a bookmark August 15th, 1971: Nixon Shock The U.S. Dollar was converted from gold standard to a fiat All the debt from back in the days ain't never gonna get paid For multi-nationalist corporations: trillions are made Money's an illusion they print it by the page And the minimum wage is still less than the living wage The Illuminati is a cartel of bankers, ain't nothing changed Regardless of your phenotypic traits of your DNA: you've been played The 85% are modern day slaves The 10% s** your blood, it all remains the same Money and war, Mammon and d**h Ponzi schemes, genocide, World Bank, IMF Corporate hit-men, corporations and the Rothschild crest Money changers, usury, treason, the right, and the left Conmen, loan sharks, and gangsters: The nature of the debt