Kylie_p - Experiment 3 lyrics


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Kylie_p - Experiment 3 lyrics

“Water Liars”-Barry Hannah: I chose this one because when I read the first paragraph, I felt as if it was relatable. Most people have somewhere they go when they want to get away from the world. 1. Sarah walks along the beaten path, trying to avoid falling off the side of the rocky road. Any misstep could throw her off the side of the mountain, there's no way of knowing if she could survive the fall, and didn't want to take that chance. The area was deserted, like usual, and it was easy to clear her mind here. “I hate you both!” Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs at her mother and father before sprinting out the door, letting it slam behind her. Her parents, Jill and Mark were going to go through with a divorce, but never thought to tell their only teenage daughter until it was practically over. Of course, the nights were sometimes filled with the sounds of argument, and the dog barking, but Sarah never thought much about it. Didn't all parents argue like this? It's normal. She ran until she came across her own little place, far away from her soon to be divorced parents and the rest of the world, a place her parents didn't know about. A place where divorces didn't happen, and families were always happy. Taking in the wondrous site, she could clear her mind of what had just happened, and maybe come back a calmer person. Her feet took her the three miles back to the dreaded house, all the while praying that maybe it was just a joke. 2. 1.Sarah didn't know what to think about this whole ordeal, she hated them both so much, but in her heart of course she loved them, there's no way that she couldn't. 2.“Why would I ever want to go back there?” Sarah wondered to herself, as she threw herself a little pity party on the side of the road. 3.The door slammed behind her, the words “I hate you both” lingering in the air still. 4.It felt like the Earth was falling out from underneath her, making her feel and the news couldn't quite process correctly in her mind. 5.Old memories flew through her mind, all she could remember were the happy days of vacations, dinners, and family walks. 6.She tried to push the thoughts of her parent's divorce out of her head, she wanted to just be in her happy place, clear her mind. 7.Sarah was just a teenage girl, trying to deal with all of the other things on her plate, her parent's divorce was last thing that she wanted to add to her already full plate. 8.Rocks tumbled down the edge of the cliff, Sarah's shoe kicking them off one by one, transferring all of her frustrations to each little rock. 9.Sarah was panting as she reached her secret spot, she ran the whole way hoping to get away from the words that were spoken to her. 10.“This can't end well,” Sarah thought to herself as her parents sat her down on the tanned, leather couch.