Kydd Karma - NeedsMoreNerds Celebrates 10K IQ lyrics


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Kydd Karma - NeedsMoreNerds Celebrates 10K IQ lyrics

I've come a long way. Never would I think I would be a contributor, let alone an editor, of the website formerly known as RapGenius. I've been a fan for a long time and a member for who knows how long (seriously, someone tell me, I can't remember that far back) and I'm honored to contribute so much to this website. What I do remember is my first encounter with annotation in music - AP English, senior in High School. After annotating songs in cla** I took to here to see if I could contribute to annotating my musical inspiration - Prince. Funnily enough, my weak point was annotating, but I believe that has changed now thanks to my experience here. Now I am Prince's 2nd Top Scholar, as well as Michael Jackson, NicePeter, EpicLloyd, and Top 2 on 183 other artists. As much experience and IQ that I have built, I've only been an editor a short 29 days, and I'm striving to make my mark on Genius known as an artist, editor, and writer. Now, I have so many I need to thank for helping me reach this acheivement. First and foremost, to the person that mentored me into being an editor, ewokABdevito - I'm honored to be in your ma**ive Genius family. To my many friends and followers - Zachary, Michael, Elizabeth, Jeff, George, YEAHTIM - and those are just the ones with real names I can list that top the list! I seriously love interacting with all 50 of you guys on a daily basis, seeing what you're listening to and annotating. I secretly wish we had actual Genius offices and cubicles that all of us could come to and hate everyday-hey, hey, don't start that music! Don't cut me off! Hell no! This is my moment! You know what, that's why I didn't want to do this damn acceptance speech. Before I curse out somebody, I want to thank all the editors/mods - Shawn and some others - who reached out to me when I was just a pushy contributor...and I'm gonna get off this song before I confront a few [EXPLETIVE DELETED] on here... Y'know what, [EXPLETIVE DELETED] it...S[RETRACTED], what's good? You not about this life, or you either K[RETRACTED], I've got some of your IQ, [EXPLETIVE DELETED]. Don't look at me crazy, you could be next [RETRACTED]...