Krysten Ritter - AKA You're A Winner! lyrics


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Krysten Ritter - AKA You're A Winner! lyrics

TITLE SEQUENCE The screen is entirely black as Malcolm speaks. MALCOLM: There was a kind of freedom to being under Kilgrave's control. You're not a slave to guilt or fear or even logic. You just... do what you're told. The screen lights up as someone lights a match, and brings it up to their cigar. Cut to Kilgrave sitting at a poker table with a few other men. KILGRAVE: If you light that thing, I'll make you put it out in your eye. HARVEY: I'd like to see you try. KILGRAVE: a**holes try. I just do. Put that out. The man puts the match and his cigar into a gla** of whiskey, then looks confused. The dealer begins dealing cards. DEALER: Okay, gentlemen, who's feeling lucky? KILGRAVE: All righty, what do we have this time? Kilgrave and the other men playing look at their cards. Kilgrave looks a little disappointed. HARVEY: You might want to work on that poker face. KILGRAVE: What the hell. I'm all in. He puts all of his money into the center of the table. HARVEY: Friggin' weirdo. I'm out. KILGRAVE: What? Where are your balls? Don't we all have balls here? Ladies, tell us we all have balls. All of the women in the room chime in. WOMEN: You have balls. KILGRAVE: See? You have balls, Harvey, so go all in. Harvey goes all in. KILGRAVE: Man knows how to live. Tell you what, let's take a walk on the wild side. Let's have everybody go all in. Let her ride. All of the men at the table go all in. Kilgrave excitedly drums on the table. KILGRAVE: Yeah, now it's getting interesting. Best estimate, where's the pot right now? DEALER: Just over a million dollars. KILGRAVE: Yeah, that should do it. Let's make it really crazy. Everybody fold. Everyone but Kilgrave folds. KILGRAVE: Oh, I guess that makes me the winner. And me with a deuce and a seven. Harvey looks furious. KILGRAVE: Would you pack this money for me? He hands a woman a bag for the money. KILGRAVE: You'll be dining out on this story for years. The night you lost a million dollars to the worst hand you had ever seen. MAN: You're leaving? Kilgrave gets up. So does Harvey. He tosses the dealer one of the wads of money. KILGRAVE: For the luck. Thank you. Kilgrave takes the money and begins to leave. Harvey stands in his way. HARVEY: I don't know what just happened there, but you're gonna sit down and give us a shot to win our money back. KILGRAVE: I've got a better idea. Let's see how long it takes you to put your head through that post. Go on. Kilgrave leaves with the money. Harvey bangs his head into a wooden post. The other men try to stop him. MAN: Harvey, what are you doing? Harvey, Harvey, stop! Stop! CUT TO: JESSICA'S APARTMENT Malcolm lies on the couch. Jessica lies on the floor. MALCOLM: The beauty of what he does is that nobody knows how he does this. It can't be explained, so it can't be believed. JESSICA: It doesn't matter how he does it. It matters where, so I can catch him. Did he have a new favorite bar? Did he catch movies at the Nitehawk? You have to know something! MALCOLM: I know that his powers aren't magic. JESSICA: How do you know that? MALCOLM: The same way I know that elves don't exist. JESSICA: I preferred your brain on d**. MALCOLM: Look, I'm just saying that if we pool our information, then maybe we can hone in on his limitations, you know? Profile him. JESSICA: You want to discuss him? Fine, go to that survivor's group. But if you want to catch him, give me something I can use. Someone knocks on the door. Jessica and Malcolm both get up. JESSICA: Who is it? LUKE: Luke. MALCOLM: Who's Luke? Jessica ignores Malcolm and goes to the door. JESSICA: What are you doing here? LUKE: I want to hire you. MALCOLM: In the middle of the night? He's been Kilgraved! LUKE: Open the door, Jones. MALCOLM: Don't! She opens the door. Luke's shirt is dirty and torn. JESSICA: Are you hurt? Sorry, stupid question. MALCOLM: Just keep your distance, all right? Or I'm gonna have to kick your a**. JESSICA: If he had been Kilgraved, you'f be dead by now. LUKE: What's a Kilgrave? JESSICA: Go home. Malcolm leaves. JESSICA: Why are you really here? LUKE: Like I said. I want to hire you. He pulls out a bundle of cash. JESSICA: To do what? LUKE: Find someone. JESSICA: I'm giving you the name of a top-notch private investigator. They both walk into her apartment. JESSICA: Angela Del Toro. Reasonable rates. LUKE: I came to you. JESSICA: And you shouldn't have. LUKE: You know how hard it was for me to show up on your doorstep? I need this handled fast, discreetly. By someone who brings something extra to the table, in case it gets rough. JESSICA: Looks like it already got rough. Start at the beginning. LUKE: Kid's name is Antoine Grier. He got in deep to a loan shark. Disappeared a week ago. JESSICA: And you want to find him because...? LUKE: His sister's worried about him. Her name's Serena. Serena gave money to Antoine to pay off a loan shark. I had a little conversation with the shark's boys. Seems Antoine hasn't made any payments in weeks. JESSICA: You said you only protect yourself and what's yours. LUKE: I promised his sister. JESSICA: Is she yours? LUKE: You really wanna know? She looks away. LUKE: Help me find him, Jones. JESSICA: Keep the money, I owe you a favor. She slides the money back over to him, but he puts his hand on hers. LUKE: I didn't ask for a favor. JESSICA: Text me any information you have on Antoine. Phone number, address. LUKE: I went by his place already. He's not there. JESSICA: I'll take another look. LUKE: Tonight? JESSICA: First thing tomorrow. They shake on it. Jessica quickly takes her hand away. Luke leaves. She sighs and sits down. Her phone rings. It's Hogarth. JESSICA: If this is a booty call, I like your chances. HOGARTH: It's Hogarth. JESSICA: Yeah, I know. Cut to Hogarth and Pam cuddling in the back of a limo. JESSICA: Look, I still don't have any dirt on your ex. I think you're gonna have to accept that maybe she's clean. HOGARTH: Well, keep looking. That isn't why I'm calling you. I just picked up a message from the prison infirmary. Hope Shlottman was attacked. JESSICA: God damn it. God damn it! She gets up and hangs up. CUT TO: PRISON Jessica walks up to the prison. Hogarth meets her outside. JESSICA: Hey. Was it Kilgrave? HOGARTH: Doesn't appear to be. Hogarth continues to her car. JESSICA: Wait, you're leaving? HOGARTH: Not a lot I can do. Hope refuses to accuse her attacker. No one saw anything. JESSICA: Bullsh**. HOGARTH: Of course it's bullsh**. Which is why I bribed a guard. He was not cheap. JESSICA: You know who did it. HOGARTH: This case is getting very expensive, Jessica. JESSICA: Name! HOGARTH: Word has it the attacker's name is Sissy Garcia. JESSICA: Garcia could have been Kilgraved. HOGARTH: I checked the logs. Garcia had no visitors before or after. No contact with anyone other than Hope. JESSICA: He doesn't leave fingerprints. HOGARTH: Regardless, Hope will not speak to me. She will not ask for isolation. So Garcia's free to do it again. Expensive and exasperating. Your turn. Jessica enters the prison. Cut to her walking into the meeting room. Sissy is sitting at a table. When Jessica arrives, Sissy stands up. SISSY: Whoever you are, puta, this visit don't start until Sissy gets her snacks. She holds out her hand. SISSY: Cash for the machines. Jessica gives her some cash. SISSY: Thanks, s**y. Sissy walks over to the vending machine. Jessica slowly walks over as well. SISSY: I think this is what they call a conundrum. Takis or SunChips? Suddenly, Jessica grabs Sissy's arm and twists it behind her back, shoving her into the vending machine. JESSICA: Whatever problem you have - SISSY: What? JESSICA: - with Hope Shlottman ends now or I take your hand home with me. SISSY: Oh, gringa loca, that wasn't no beef man. That was services rendered. JESSICA: What is that supposed to mean? SISSY: Hope wanted that beat down. JESSICA: Bullsh**. SISSY: She paid me for it. Fifty bucks and a pack of smokes. Jessica lets go of her. SISSY: God! b**h best be careful messing with my digits. I got ladies to satisfy! Jessica walks away. Cut to her visiting Hope in the infirmary. JESSICA: You hired Sissy with my money to take you out? Fifty bucks and a pack of smokes. HOPE: Not to k** me. JESSICA: Then what? Are you punishing yourself? You can't pay penance for something you didn't do. HOPE: I'm not. JESSICA: God damn it Hope. HOPE: I'm pregnant. Still. Jessica sits down. HOPE: I can feel it growing like a tumor. JESSICA: They have a doctor on call here. HOPE: Two months. That's the soonest the doctor can get to me. JESSICA: Hogarth will get the appointment moved up. HOPE: No, I'm not waiting. Every second it's there, I get raped again and again. My parents are shot, again and again. JESSICA: One beating was more likely to k** you than cause a miscarriage. HOPE: It was worth the risk. It'll be worth the next risk. Whatever it takes. JESSICA: Jesus, Hope. HOPE: I wanna live. I wanna have children. But... I won't give life to this... thing. I won't do it. JESSICA: Okay. CUT TO: SUBWAY STAIRS Jessica comes out of the subway. Cut to her crossing a street. JESSICA: (Narrating). Someone missing as long as Antoine usually stays missing. Normally, I don't give a sh**. More billable hours for me. But Luke being the client makes this case personal, which is against my policy. Jessica approaches a house. Her cell phone starts beeping. She takes a picture of herself faking a smile. Cut to Kilgrave in a restaurant on his computer. He's looking at a real estate website. KILGRAVE: Everybody, quiet! Everyone in the restaurant stops talking. His cell phone dings. He receives the photo that Jessica took. KILGRAVE: Cutting it close, Miss Jones. He swipes through some other pictures she's sent him. He smiles, then looks back at his computer. Cut back to Jessica. She enters the house. In a car nearby, someone watches her. She approaches the apartment. She enters, and it's very messy. She hears something fall over in the other room and finds Luke. JESSICA: Luke, what the hell. LUKE: I thought you said, 'Tomorrow, first thing'? JESSICA: I had to deal with something. LUKE: More important than a paying customer? JESSICA: Life and d**h, actually. LUKE: Figured you were blowing me off. JESSICA: I wouldn't just bail on you. LUKE: You've done it before. I don't even know what the hell I'm looking for. JESSICA: Anything that points to where Antoine might have gone. Airline receipts, train schedules. LUKE: Won't find any of that if someone grabbed him. JESSICA: No one did. Antoine's toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant are all missing. Kidnappers aren't generally big on hygiene. He packed up. Which probably means Antoine's okay. LUKE: Still gotta find him. JESSICA: Because you promised his sister? Is there another reason why you're so amped up about this? LUKE: I keep my word. Jessica sighs, and walks over to a trash bin. She picks it up and shows it to Luke. JESSICA: Welcome to the holy grail of P.I. work. She dumps the trash out on the table and sifts through it. JESSICA: Eye-drops, lot of ash, rolling papers. LUKE: Antoine's a pothead. JESSICA: Lottery tickets, contest entry forms. Optimistic s**er. LUKE: Stupid. JESSICA: But useful stupid. Jessica takes out her phone and calls someone. She speaks in a very high, perky voice. JESSICA: Hi! This message is for Antoine Grier. Congratulations! You're a winner! Give us a call back within 24 hours at this number or your Xbox One prize will be forfeited. Kay, thanks, bye! She hangs up. Luke chuckles. LUKE: Not bad. Cut to them exiting the apartment. LUKE: How often does that 'you're a winner' thing work? JESSICA: You'd be surprised. Two men are at the bottom of the stairs. Jessica grabs one of them and shoves him against a fence. Luke grabs the other. JESSICA: Are you following me? Did Kilgrave send you? LUKE: These guys work for Sirkes, the loan shark Antoine owes. Didn't I just kick your a** yesterday? SIRKES: So that was you. Sirkes approaches. LUKE: I was looking for Antoine. I thought you might know where he was. SIRKES: And you thought I kidnapped him. Why would I do that? It doesn't get me my money back. LUKE: You want your money? I want to find Antoine. How about we work together? SIRKES: You're talking about a business arrangement? LUKE: I am. JESSICA: The hell you are! She throws the man she was holding towards Sirkes. LUKE: Take it down a notch, Jones. SIRKES: Look, you rough up my employees, that hurts my professional reputation. That's all any businessman has. JESSICA: a**hole thinks he's Carl Icahn. LUKE: We're in the street in broad daylight. A brawl will bring cops, jail. sh** we don't have time for. You're a businessman. Let's do business. What's your finder's fee for tracking down deadbeats? SIRKES: Eight percent. LUKE: She's a P.I. A good one. She'll do it for five. JESSICA: The hell I will. (Luke gives her a look). Fine, five percent. LUKE: If we all walk away right now. SIRKES: You known to deliver? JESSICA: It's like you said, all I have is my professional reputation. SIRKES: You got a deal. Come on. Sirkes and his goons leave. LUKE: Carl Icahn? JESSICA: I read his book. I'll text you if I find anything. LUKE: It's a long commute home, this time of day. I'll give you a ride. He gets on his motorcycle. She just looks at him. LUKE: I'm not gonna infect you. JESSICA: I know. Luke hands her a helmet. LUKE: It's the law. She puts on the helmet and gets on the motorcycle. He starts it up. LUKE: Hold on tight. He drives off. Jessica holds tight to him. After a while, they arrive back at Jessica's apartment building. She lets go of him and takes off her helmet. LUKE: So, uh, what's next? I mean, with Antoine? JESSICA: I'm gonna do some digging on the internet. I'll call you if I find something. She walks into the building without saying anything else. Malcolm approaches Luke. MALCOLM: Luke. LUKE: You got a problem with me? MALCOLM: Depends. Whether your interest in Jessica is actually your interest. LUKE: Whatever that means, it's none of your business. MALCOLM: Have you been approached by a British guy? LUKE: Are you high? MALCOLM: I wish. LUKE: Look, if you got a thing for her, man, good luck. (He sits down on his motorcycle). Just don't get attached, man. Trust me. MALCOLM: You got attached? LUKE: Again, not your business. MALCOLM: It is if you're gonna hurt her. LUKE: I don't think that's possible. MALCOLM: Whatever your issue is, just don't take it out on her, all right? She's been through hell and saved me from the same. Malcolm begins to walk away. Luke looks pensive for a moment. LUKE: Hell got anything to do with this Kilgrave I keep hearing about? CUT TO: HOGARTH'S OFFICE Hogarth and Pam are in Hogarth's office. The phone rings, and pam answers it. PAM: Jeri Hogarth's office. JESSICA: Put Hogarth on. PAM: Hi, Jessica. Yes, why be polite to a lowly secretary? Pam hands the phone to Hogarth. HOGARTH: Were you just rude to Pam? JESSICA: I'm rude to everybody. Did you get Hope's meds? HOGARTH: Pam picked them up. Yes, Pam is helping with this. Pam who has been waiting for my divorce with the patience of a saint. Pam who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Hogarth looks up at Pam, who looks shocked. JESSICA: Jesus, I didn't ask for your wedding vows. Meet me at the prison tomorrow morning. PAM: Did you mean that? HOGARTH: I did. Hogarth chuckles as she hands a small box to Pam. Pam opens it to find a wedding ring. PAM: I want to. I really, really want to. But first, the divorce. She puts the box back on the table and begins to leave the room. PAM: I'm Catholic. CUT TO: JESSICA'S APARTMENT Jessica sits in her apartment on her computer. There's a knock at the door. She gets up and walks to the door. JESSICA: Go home, Luke. LUKE: I know about Kilgrave. JESSICA: What do you know? LUKE: I know what he did to Malcolm and to you before that. JESSICA: God damn it, Malcolm. LUKE: You were trying to tell me about him when you and I were, uh... Whatever we were doing. JESSICA: You had no reason to believe me. LUKE: So I shut you down. That's the reason you broke it off. JESSICA: Don't, that's not the reason. LUKE: Then what was it? JESSICA: Why does it matter? LUKE: Maybe I can make it right. She opens the door. JESSICA: You can't. You didn't do anything wrong. It's me. I'm a piece of sh**. LUKE: Hey, hold on. JESSICA: You have no idea what I've done. LUKE: Doesn't matter. It was him, not you. JESSICA: You don't know. LUKE: Jessica Jones, you are a hard-drinking, short-fused, mess of a woman, but you are not a piece of sh**. Jessica kisses him. Cut to the next morning. They're naked and lying in bed together. JESSICA: What? LUKE: Just... thinking. JESSICA: I gotta get up. LUKE: If you gotta. Jessica looks back at him, then gets back into bed. LUKE: You still going to go after this Kilgrave guy? JESSICA: Mmm-hmm. LUKE: You don't have to face him alone. JESSICA: Yeah, I do. LUKE: Good for you. I gotta say something. Just then, Jessica's cell phone rings. She picks it up. JESSICA: It's Antoine. Luke nods. She answers the phone. JESSICA: Good morning! MAN: Yeah, this is Antoine Grier. I won an Xbox One? JESSICA: Antoine! Congratulations! We'll deliver your prize today at 3:00 p.m. What's your address? MAN: 257 Delancey Street. It's a BK Express. JESSICA: Okay, you'll have to be there to sign for it. MAN: Gracias! She hangs up. JESSICA: Do Antoine and Serena have Puerto Rican accents? LUKE: No. Why? JESSICA: Then that's some other guy calling from Antoine's phone. If Antoine was bragging about the money his sister gave him, I'm afraid your friend Serena might be out of a brother. LUKE: She's not my friend. I barely know her. And I never met her brother. JESSICA: Then, why? LUKE: She has something I need. Proof my wife's d**h wasn't an accident. After Reva died, I went nuts. I stormed into the MTA looking for details about the crash. Serena was an administrator. She tried to calm me down. I ended up being dragged out by eight guards. JESSICA: So she's seen your strength and she's taking advantage. Her proof could be nothing! LUKE: I thought the same thing. So I went through Reva's stuff that I'd packed away after she died without looking. But I found an envelope with my name on it. Instructions inside. Told me to go to a warehouse on 14th and 8th. That's the corner where Reva got k**ed. So I checked it out. She said she buried something when the foundation was being poured. I dug until I couldn't feel my hands. There was nothing there. Jessica begins to have a flashback. Cut to the warehouse on 14th and 18th. Jessica is breaking through the floor with an axe. Reva and Kilgrave watch from nearby. Eventually, Jessica finds a lockbox. Inside is a flashdrive, which Kilgrave takes. The three exit the warehouse. KILGRAVE: Take care of her. Reva turns around. Jessica is about to hit her when the flashback ends. Cut back to Jessica's apartment. JESSICA: What does Serena have? LUKE: I won't know until we find Antoine. JESSICA: A video from the bus? An eyewitness? LUKE: I hand over her brother, she hands over the proof. I just hope that guy on the phone shows up at 3:00 for his prize. JESSICA: Oh, sh**! The goddamn alarm didn't go off! Jessica takes her phone and runs to the bathroom. She takes a picture and sends it to Kilgrave. LUKE: You okay? JESSICA: Fine! LUKE: I'm taking off, Jones. I copied the address. See you at 3:00. JESSICA: Okay. Jessica receives a text from Kilgrave. 'You're late. Don't let it happen again.' Cut to Jessica leaving her apartment. Malcolm is in the hallway. MALCOLM: He seems like an okay guy. JESSICA: It's not for you to decide who knows my history. MALCOLM: Just looking out for you, but I... I take your point. I went to that group that you told me about. The Kilgrave survivors. It was good, you know, saying it out loud. JESSICA: I prefer repression. MALCOLM: And self-medication. JESSICA: Look, I'm not gonna talk about my sh**ty story, Malcolm, because there's always someone who's had it worse, someone's life who is ruined worse. MALCOLM: It's not a competition. She gets into the elevator. JESSICA: Shut up, okay? Just stop talking. The elevator doors close. CUT TO: PRISON A shot of a yellow pill in Hope's hand. JESSICA: Once you take this, there's no do-overs. You'll be sick as sh** for about eight hours, so I need you to be 1000% sure. Hope throws the pill in her mouth and swallows. JESSICA: That's... sure. HOPE: Please work fast. Please work fast. Hogarth is in the hallway. Jessica walks out of the room to talk to her. JESSICA: You're staying? HOGARTH: You're leaving? JESSICA: Just tell me if you're gonna stay with Hope. HOGARTH: I wasn't planning on it. JESSICA: Look, I will get something on your ex, okay? I will make her sign those divorce papers if I have to dangle her off of a ledge. Is that what you want to hear? HOGARTH: Yes. JESSICA: Then stay with Hope. Jessica walks away. CUT TO: SUBURBS Kilgrave approaches a house with a bag of money. He knocks on the door and a man answers. MAN: May I help you? KILGRAVE: I like your home. Nicest on the block. MAN: Thanks. KILGRAVE: And the neighborhood, the big trees, gra**, birds. Wish I'd grown up somewhere excessively normal like this. MAN: I'm sorry, what is it you want? KILGRAVE: Yes, I've always been bad at small talk. I'm used to just saying things and they happen. It spoils you. MAN: Well, what a burden. KILGRAVE: You have no idea. MAN: Well, I need to go. The man begins to close the door. Kilgrave sticks his foot in it just before it closes. KILGRAVE: I'd like to buy your house. MAN: It's not for sale. KILGRAVE: I've done some research. I believe it's worth just over $600,000. MAN: Like I said, it's not for sale. Now, move your foot. KILGRAVE: You are going... Kilgrave breathes in and stops himself. KILGRAVE: I wanna show you something. Kilgrave walks over to where he left the bag of money and opens it. KILGRAVE: This is $1.26 million. I'd like to give this to you in exchange for your beautiful home. MAN: You can't be serious. KILGRAVE: I am. MAN: But you could buy two houses with this much money. KILGRAVE: I know. Exciting, isn't it? MAN: I mean, is this even legal? KILGRAVE: Completely. I've had a real estate agreement drawn up. Kilgrave hands the man some papers. He looks them over. MAN: I'd have to show this to a lawyer. KILGRAVE: Mmm, feel free, I want everything above-board and binding. Avoid seller's remorse. There is one condition. You have to have moved out of here by the end of day tomorrow... if you choose to sign. CUT TO: SIDEWALK Jessica walks briskly on the street. JESSICA: (Narrating). Some a**holes would call Hope selfish, but she's got nothing on me. Helping Luke was supposed to make up for the pain I caused him, but I'll hurt him worse if I don't get to Antoine first. Jessica stakes out a building. Luke walks up behind her with two cups of coffee. He speaks, startling her. LUKE: You're early. JESSICA: So are you. LUKE: I'm gonna find the guy that called Antoine's phone. JESSICA: He'll be the one having a sh** fit that his Xbox hasn't arrived. LUKE: Then the dude's here early, too. Inside a nearby building, a man is getting angry. He storms out. JESSICA: Let me follow him. You're too close to this. LUKE: I'm not sitting this out. MAN: Hey, yo, taxi. JESSICA: Luke, let me do my job! LUKE: Let's go. The man hops in a taxi. Jessica and Luke get on Luke's motorcycle and follow the taxi to a warehouse. Luke parks his motorcycle outside. They approach the building. LUKE: I'd say it's a good place to hold a guy prisoner. They approach a door. Jessica breaks the lock, and they walk in. They find a ma**ive room filled with lots of weed. LUKE: Sweet Christmas. That's some good herb. Jessica hears a dog growling and turns to find guard dogs approaching them. JESSICA: Oh, sh**. LUKE: I got this. JESSICA: Are you sure? LUKE: Sharp teeth. It's kind of my specialty. Easy. Easy, easy. Easy. Jessica continues through the building. After she pa**es a door, a man calls out to the dogs. MAN: Hey, yo, Myers! Krueger! Shut up, man! Hey, yo, I said shut - Jessica sneaks up behind the man and pins him up against the wall. JESSICA: Where's Antoine? MAN: Who? JESSICA: Tell me what you did with Antoine or I put you through this door. Cut to another part of the warehouse. Antoine is listening to some music and rapping along. ANTOINE: Respect my mind, or die from lead shower. I pray my dick get big as the Eiffel Tower - Jessica throws the other man into the room. Antoine takes off his headset. JESSICA: Antoine Grier, you're coming with me. She takes him out of the room. ANTOINE: I know I owe Sirkes. JESSICA: And your sister. ANTOINE: Serena sent you? JESSICA: Just keep moving. ANTOINE: I was waiting till I had this crop on the street. Go back to her as an entrepreneur. Sirkes and his men come into the room and surround them. JESSICA: Ah, sh**. SIRKES: You are a good P.I. Maybe I'll throw you some business in the future. Pay her. JESSICA: How about a new deal? All this weed is worth three, four times what he owes you. Let me keep Antoine, all of this is yours. ANTOINE: What? SIRKES: I don't re-negotiate. JESSICA: I'm not gonna hand him over. SIRKES: Then I'll take both. One of the men approaches Jessica. She throws him over a table. More men approach her. Luke arrives and throws some of the men as well, destroying a few tables. JESSICA: The dogs all right? LUKE: Of course they're okay. I don't hurt dogs. Luke and Jessica fight off the thugs. Antoine tries to escape, but Sirkes catches him and throws him down. SIRKES: Goddamn punk. Disrespect me? JESSICA: Get out of the way, a**hole. Jessica picks up Antoine. Luke begins to fight Sirkes and his other men. Jessica leaves with Antoine. JESSICA: Let's go. Luke fights off all of Sirkes's men. CUT TO: SERENA'S APARTMENT Jessica knocks on the door. Serena answers it. JESSICA: Serena Grier? SERENA: Oh, my God, Antoine! Oh! Do you have any idea how worried I've been? ANTOINE: I was gonna pay everybody back. I had a plan. SERENA: To steal money from a loan shark? ANTOINE: No risk, no reward. SERENA: You sound like Dad, you know that? JESSICA: Enough! Give me whatever you promised Luke. SERENA: Who are you? JESSICA: The one who brought your brother home. Serene turns to Antoine. SERENA: Go to my room and wait for me there. Antoine leaves. SERENA: I went to Mr. Cage. JESSICA: Who hired me. I'm a P.I. Come on! Serena leads Jessica to another part of her apartment and pulls out a file. Luke walks in. LUKE: Guess I should get used to you bailing on me. JESSICA: I had Antoine in hand. The priority was getting him home. LUKE: That's mine. Luke takes the file from Serena. JESSICA: Whatever's in that file, it isn't gonna make things better. LUKE: Why do you care? JESSICA: I know a lot about holding on to sh**. It'll only hurt you and everyone around you. Luke reads the file. JESSICA: Luke... There's a reason, an explanation... LUKE: Charles Wallace. JESSICA: What? LUKE: Charles Wallace. He was the bus driver. LUKE: In the accident? LUKE: Wasn't an accident. The a**hole was drunk. He got liquored up, went to work, and k**ed my wife. JESSICA: Luke... That's... It's over. Done. Right? Luke leaves without saying anything. JESSICA: It's over. SERENA: God forgive me. He's gonna k** that man. JESSICA: What do you mean? Why would you say that? SERENA: The MTA covered it up. Wallace's blood alcohol test never even made it to the file. JESSICA: Why the hell would they do that? SERENA: Wallace's brother-in-law ran the claims division. Charles Wallace is still driving the same route listed in that file, like it never happened. Jessica hurriedly leaves. CUT TO: BUS Luke sits on the bus. Other people slowly get off as the bus goes from stop to stop. Eventually the bus driver, Charles Wallace turns to face Luke. WALLACE: Sorry, but this is the last stop. LUKE: You know who I am? WALLACE: No. No idea. LUKE: How about Reva Connors? WALLACE: You're the husband? LUKE: And you're the a**hole who k**ed my wife. WALLACE: I'm sorry for what I did. I've been sober since the accident. I'm just trying to make things right. Luke lifts him up. LUKE: Time's up. Luke throws him through the front windshield wiper. Jessica approaches, running, and picks up Wallace. JESSICA: Get up. Go on, get up. Go, go! You can't k** him. LUKE: The hell I can't. She tries to stop Luke. She looks back at Wallace, who is still struggling to get up. JESSICA: Run! Would Reva want you to become a murderer? LUKE: Don't matter. Reva's dead, and so is her k**er. Luke pushes her aside. JESSICA: Charles didn't k** your wife! I did! LUKE: Stay out of it, Jones. JESSICA: It was me. I k**ed Reva. LUKE: Bullsh**. JESSICA: Reva was at that warehouse because Kilgrave and I took her there. LUKE: Oh, no way. JESSICA: Reva had something that he wanted. He made her tell him where it was. He made me dig it up... And then he told me... He forced me to... Luke screams and pushes her up against the bus. LUKE: Shut up. JESSICA: I hit her... full-strength. She was dead before the bus even got there. The driver swerved to miss her body. Luke screams again and punches the bus. LUKE: You slept with me. JESSICA: I didn't plan that. It just happened. LUKE: You made me think... I could get past it. Did Kilgrave force you to do that? She shakes her head. LUKE: You let me be inside you. You touched me with the same hands that k**ed my wife, while you knew. JESSICA: I'm so sorry. LUKE: If I never found out about Charles, would you have ever told me the truth? She says nothing. LUKE: I was wrong. You are a piece of sh**. Luke walks away. Jessica begins crying. CUT TO: RESTAURANT Malcolm is speaking at a survivor's meeting. MALCOLM: It's not just the things that he made me do that keep me up. It's the question of who I am. I mean, he turned me into an addict, a liar, a thief. He did that. But I don't know if it was in me to begin with or... Or if it's part of who I am now. CUT TO: PRISON Hope is in a lot of pain. Hogarth and a nurse talk nearby. HOGARTH: How much longer? NURSE: A few more hours. HOGARTH: Collect what you can. Deliver it to the lab at this address. NURSE: If you don't mind my asking, what do you want with a dead fetus? HOGARTH: I do mind. Keep this between us. The nurse leaves. Hogarth approaches the bed where Hope is struggling and sits down, holding her head. CUT TO: JESSICA'S APARTMENT Jessica sits on the floor, surrounded by empty bottles. JESSICA: Birch Street. Higgins Drive. Cobalt Lane. Birch Street. Higgins Drive. Cobalt Lane. CUT TO: SUBURBAN HOUSE The man hands Kilgrave the keys to the house. KILGRAVE: Tell me, are you happy with our deal? MAN: You bet. Absolutely. I mean, I didn't think we'd get everything packed up, but the kids made a game of it... KILGRAVE: Leave now. The man leaves. Kilgrave looks around, inspecting the house. He finds some marks on a post near a wall. He tears the wallpaper away to reveal, 'Jessica 11 years'. The marks are part of a growth chart. He peels away more of the wallpaper, revealing more ages. He smiles. Cut to outside the house. A woman walks with a stroller. The camera pans back to reveal a street sign for the intersection of Higgins Drive and Birch street. END EPISODE