Krysten Ritter - AKA I've Got the Blues lyrics


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Krysten Ritter - AKA I've Got the Blues lyrics

OPENING CREDITS Screen is completely black PHILLIP: It's not fair, it's mine! Cut to the inside of the Jones family's car, as it approaches a truck. BRIAN: Let him play. Flash, screen goes black WOMAN: ...pick up line seven. Dr. Lancow, line seven. CUT TO: HOSPITAL ROOM Images resembles the point of view of someone opening its eyes, and struggles to stay focused. First, it's a television and the ceiling lights in an hospital room. Black again. YOUNG TRISH: It's not fair. I don't even know her. [camera shows a spot on the ceiling] We just go to the same school. I don't want to do this. DOROTHY: And I don't want to cover up for a stupid starlet who set a nightclub on fire. The eye is revealed to be that of young Jessica, which is bruised and with a tube running below it, as she continues to struggles to open it. YOUNG TRISH: It was a tablecloth. I don't know how it started. Another point of view shot. Dorothy and "Patsy" are seen in front of the room's door, while an IV bag and pole is closer to the viewer. DOROTHY:Because you were pa**ed out. YOUNG TRISH: It's not the first time that somebody's pa**ed out. Black. DOROTHY: And that's the headline of every tabloid. [closer yet unfocused view of the Walkers, Dorothy whispering] We have got to change the Patsy conversation. [point towards the camera]Taking in your little friend will be a start. Screen goes black again, aside from a brief POV shot. PHILIP: She broke it!She broke my Game Boy! brakes screeching, and a crash sound song playing on TV THEME SONG: ♪ ...Patsy! ♪[screen is initally blurred trying to focus on the now turned on TV] ♪ I really wanna be your friend, Hope this day will never end ♪ (Close-up of Jessica's upper face as she opens her eyes. Black eyes, a cannula in her nose, and several bruises on her face.) ♪ It's Patsy! It's Patsy! I really wanna be a friend with you ♪ ♪ It's Patsy! It's Patsy! ♪ ♪ I really wanna... ♪ The TV shows the title screen of "It's Patsy" YOUNG TRISH: This is torture. Dorothy turns off the TV. Jessica closes her eyes. It's shown the room is filled with flowers and balloons, and Trish is wearing a red wig. DOROTHY: [sighs] It's a photo op. YOUNG TRISH: Some photo op. She looks dead. DOROTHY:She's awake sometimes. She's just not making new memories yet. YOUNG TRISH: Well, you can be the one to say, "Welcome back. By the way, your whole family's dead." Trish scratches her hair DOROTHY:The doctors will tell her that. Jessica breathes shakily DOROTHY: Will you stop messing with your wig? They're gonna be here any minute. YOUNG TRISH: Itchy as hell. Jessica sheds a tear as she squirms in both pain and sadness YOUNG TRISH:Mom, look! She's awake. Dorothy pushes Trish aside, goes towards Jessica DOROTHY: Hi, Jessie. I know you must be confused right now, but everything's gonna be okay. Patsy's gonna save you. The bed-ridden Jessica is nearly crying as the image goes off focus Cut to NIKU An equally sad adult Jessica stares with her head down. Camera focus on a bloody table cloth that touches the floor. Then it cuts to Robyn, still gasping with a noose around her neck. Malcolm besides her starts to take the rope off. Both get out as Jackson and Don start letting themselves loose as well ROBYN: No! [sobs, gets up quickly] MALCOLM: It's okay. [Jessica looks towards them] ROBYN: [hyperventilating] I just... I k**ed myself! I tried to k** myself! [embraces Malcolm] MALCOLM: It's all right, it's okay. ROBYN:Why would I do that? MALCOLM: It's okay. ROBYN:I hate suicide! MALCOLM: He's gone. It's over. It's over. Malcolm sees Jessica, who has covered Hope's body with a table cloth. Don and Jackson see her too, and once Robyn calms down, she witness the scene as well. Jessica sadly stares out the window and sniffs before getting up and walking towards the former hostages. JESSICA: Okay, here's the lie. We're all friends. [gets a napkin, cleans her hands] We came here for a drink. I invited a former client and she k**ed herself and that's the end of the story. MALCOLM: What? ROBYN: You want me to lie? MALCOLM: Okay... ROBYN: I can't lie! You're the liar. MALCOLM: Robyn, just listen to her. ROBYN: I'm hurt! JESSICA: If you wanna explain your self-lynching party, go right ahead. MALCOLM: Yeah. Right, I'll find a dumpster on another block. [grabs the metal bar, and starts unwrapping the ropes with Jessica, while talking to to Jackson and Don] Come on, guys. You know we can't explain this. Just help, please. ROBYN: We'll tell them we're in a cult. MALCOLM: What? No. ROBYN: At least cults are real. One tried to recruit me once. DON: You'll get us arrested. ROBYN: Then we tell our truth! For Ruben. For tablecloth girl. JESSICA: They're dead! And there's nothing that I can do about that. But I can rip Kilgrave's throat out. You saw what happened, and I'm immune to him. But those cops aren't. They're gonna get themselves hurt. MALCOLM: Just like we did. JESSICA: So help me get out of here so I can save them and k** him. ROBYN:No matter who gets dead along the way? JESSICA:It's less people than he'd k**. Malcolm finishes with one rope, the men decide to do the same. MALCOLM: [pointing] Those. Cut to STREET Sirens wailing, as the Chief Medical Examiner is pushing a cart with Hope's bodybag atop it. The area is surrounded by bystanders alongside the "police line" tape. Camera pans across the cops DETECTIVE: That 's all? Good, then. Jessica, Malcolm and Robyn are already outside Niku, Don, Jackson walk down the stairs. All look sad. DETECTIVE: Talk to these guys yet? Okay, I'm gonna get a statement from these people, all right? OFFICER: Okay. [he goes to Malcolm and takes him away] DETECTIVE: [approaching Robyn] Step with me, ma'am, and we'll get your statement. As Robyn walks away, she stares at the saddened Jessica. She walks towards the camera. Cut to close-ups of the speakers. MALCOLM:I came to the bar to have a drink, and... the next thing I know, everyone just started screaming. But I didn't really see what happened. ROBYN: I saw it all. Every single detail. JACKSON: I knew she k**ed her parents, but, uh... she seemed like a nice girl. JESSICA:She said that she wanted some company... after everything. ROBYN:It's all etched into my brain. Forever. JESSICA:I guess what she really wanted was an audience to watch her die. DON:She k**ed herself. With a gla**. MALCOLM:With the stem of the gla**. JACKSON:That was her choice. Nobody told her to do it. JESSICA:I guess she couldn't live with the guilt. ROBYN:A lot of weird sh** has been going down. OFFICER:How so? Jessica stares at Robyn from a distance; Robyn stays silent for a while ROBYN: Well... a crazy girl walked into a bar and jabbed a gla** into her own neck. I'd call that weird. I really hate mental illness. Jessica walks towards Trish's car under an overpa**. CUT TO TRISH'S CAR Jessica enters and sits on the pa**enger seat, nearly crying. Trish is sad too. TRISH:It made sense to me, too. JESSICA:What? TRISH: Trading Albert for Hope. It made sense. JESSICA:Well, they're dead now. TRISH: They? JESSICA:Albert's as good as dead. [sighs heavily] sh**, I got blood on your car. TRISH: Don't worry. The car's getting used to it.[Jessica starts pushing bu*tons on her phone]I'm gonna take you home, okay? JESSICA:How about Riverbank Medical Center? TRISH: Right, of course, you took a blow to the head. But Metro's closer. JESSICA:Riverbank morgue.[shows her cellphone] I just got a John Doe. Police scanner app. Could be Albert. TRISH: [sighs] Right, somebody should be there to put him to rest. JESSICA:Screw that. I'm looking for leads. Where he was found, how it was done... Anything that indicates where Kilgrave was and where he's going. TRISH: Are you going in undercover as a corpse? You're covered in blood. JESSICA:Well, it's a morgue. It's not a photo shoot.[sighs] Fine, home first, then the morgue. Come on, it'll be fun. Jessica scowls, Trish drives away CUT TO A HOSPITAL CORRIDOR JESSICA: I've narrowed my search to John Does, last 12 hours, elderly. TRISH: Well, most dead bodies are old people. JESSICA:Since when are you the naysayer? TRISH: Just trying to keep it real. JESSICA:Great. Thanks. Opens another door, go through it. They get to the head desk outside the morgue, where Maury Tuttlebaum reads the magazine Food Connoisseur. JESSICA: Hey. I'm here from the Medical Examiner's office.[Maury sighs] There's an older male subject that I need to... examine. MAURY: Your name? I have a list. JESSICA: Uh, Katya Bell-Hortense.[looks at the staff list on the table] Uh, Kelly Huang. [points at that name] I replaced Kelly Huang. Right there. New hire. MAURY: I've had no calls authorizing an after-hours visit. JESSICA: [scoffs] Are you saying I made up Kelly Huang? Kelly Huang was a really great woman, and she died. It was tragic. MAURY: You have to leave. JESSICA: Okay, look, do you know who this is? TRISH: Oh, this is embarra**ing. JESSICA: This is Trish Walker. MAURY: And I'm Maury Tuttlebaum. What's your point? TRISH: He doesn't know who I am. JESSICA: Trish Talk? The highest rated talk show in the city? [Trish sighs] How about... ♪ It's Patsy, Patsy I really wanna be your... friend ♪ MAURY: There's a list. You're not on it. TRISH: Okay, thank you so much. Let's go. [Jessica sighs, grabs the magazine] JESSICA: Are you a gourmand, Maury? MAURY: I appreciate a good meal. JESSICA:Trish can get you a table at any restaurant in the city. TRISH:Name it. MAURY:Saterre. TRISH:I had the chef on my show when they opened. JESSICA: You did? Trish turns on the cell phone beeps, dials, and speaks French. TRISH:You really have to try the duck confit. It's amazing. MAURY:Five minutes. No funny business. Cut to MORGUE MAURY: Older male, came in an hour ago. How'd you hear about him? JESSICA: Dinner at the fancy restaurant is supposed to buy us quiet a**istance. Maury drags a drawer with a corpse out of the freezer MAURY:This is him. [Coughs] Weird thing. He got hit by a car and thrown. The landing k**ed him. You don't see that much mid-city. Speeds are too low. TRISH: So, did he throw himself in front of the car? MAURY:I wasn't there. JESSICA: [takes the towel from the corpse's face, it's not Albert, she sighs] God damn it. Call me if you get any more old dudes, especially if the body's messed up. Pieces missing, head literally shoved up the a**, knees bent backwards, body dissolved in acid... TRISH: I'll get you the chef's table at Per Se. [hands him a business card] Thank you. Call us. Cut to STREET, NIGHT Jessica and Trish walk towards the car JESSICA:If I can get a network of morgue staffers to keep an eye out, maybe I'll get lucky. TRISH: It's proactive. That's good. JESSICA: If you're just keeping it real? TRISH: You're grasping at straws. JESSICA: I need him dead. TRISH: We all do. JESSICA: He keeps throwing innocent people at me and I keep falling for it. TRISH: That's because you're trying to protect them. JESSICA: Not anymore. Hope died to teach me that lesson. TRISH: I doubt that's what she had in mind. JESSICA: There's another morgue ten blocks away. TRISH: After 24 hours with no sleep, your short-term memory goes to hell. JESSICA: I was unconscious last night, so that counts. TRISH: After 48 hours, there's blurred vision, impaired judgment... JESSICA: I'm fine. TRISH: I'm not. I have to sleep. So do you. JESSICA: Yeah, you're right. I'm just gonna walk home. Thanks. Trish enters her car as Jessica walks away. Jessica is seen at a taxi. JESSICA: St. Vincent's Hospital, Pennsylvania Plaza. Shot outside the hospital, Jessica seeing a checklist of morgues on her cellphone. TAXI DRIVER: Where do you wanna go next? JESSICA: Mount Sinai Hospital. Short montage, with Jessica marking the checklist as the car goes to many hospitals. Night pa**es, to the point the day rises and Jessica is struggling not to sleep in the backseat. Cut to: STREET, MORNING JESSICA: Here. TAXI DRIVER: You want me to wait again? JESSICA: No, thanks. TAXI DRIVER: You call this a tip? She walks away from the taxi, approaches a fancy building which an employee is closing JESSICA: Hey, did this used to be a morgue? [employee shrugs] This crap-a** website. Jessica sits on the door, closes her eyes and then hears voices, remembering the traumatic events... JESSICA: Why would you do this? HOPE: You can k** him now. JESSICA: [sobbing]I will. I'll k** him. Jessica opens her eyes. A man in a purple suit is walking by. She runs towards him, and ends hit by a car. Screen goes black. POV flashes of the street MAN: Didn't see much myself. WOMAN: Was she in the middle of the street? A stopped truck with the engine smoking, then Jessica lying on the asphalt, opening her eyes. A horn honks. Cut to Jessica's blurry POV, a jogger and an old man walking his dog approach. JOGGER: [walking towards Jessica] Did you get hurt? OLD MAN: What happened, miss? Something wrong? JOGGER: I don't... OLD MAN: [seeing Jessica]Oh! The truck driver gets out of the vehicle, goes near the two OLD MAN: What did... Is that... JOGGER: I think that she's breathing. TRUCKER: Oh, my God. [Jessica groans in pain] Is she all right? Is she moving? JOGGER: I don't... I don't know. A crowd starts gathering BYSTANDER: Was she in the middle of the street? OLD MAN: The truck tried to slow down. I know, I... JOGGER: [to the trucker]Put your jacket under her head. Come on. [he starts removing it] OLD MAN: Did somebody call the police or something here? Jessica notices some fancy shoes approaching the jogger. JOGGER: Paramedics should be on their way. [getting to Jessica] Here, honey. Let me put this under your head. JESSICA: Get off! POV of Jessica grabbing the woman's arm and dragging her away as she groans in pain. The man in the purple suit is seen... and it's not Kilgrave JOGGER: [groaning] Ow! Are you crazy? MAN: Sit still, ma'am. WOMAN: She's in shock. JESSICA: [grunts] I'm good. [starts to get up] MAN: Take it easy. WOMAN: Ma'am, you should really stay down. WOMAN 2: You really should wait for an ambulance. JESSICA: Back off! I'm fine. TRUCKER: Who pay for my truck? Jessica limps away Cut to WNEX TRISH: We've been listening to Diane Masagi talk about her autobiography, Blowing: Behind the Scenes With a Rock Flautist.And as a treat, Diane has agreed to give us a live sample of her work. Take it away, Diane. Diane plays the flute. Trish sees Simpson in the control room TRISH: [mouths] I'll be back. [goes to the control room] NICOLE: What are you doing? There's five minutes left in the show. TRISH: [sighs] She's got it in her. Just sit there and nod, okay? [Nicole takes off her phones and goes to the studio] Thank you. SIMPSON: Hi. TRISH: What are you doing here? SIMPSON:Uh, you wouldn't answer my calls. TRISH: Because I don't want to talk to you. SIMPSON:I don't blame you. I was an a**hole. TRISH: a**holes are a nuisance. I deal with them every day. You were violent and scary. SIMPSON:I know. I... I am so sorry. You know, Kozlov's d**, they were messing with my mind. Everything turns... red. You know, it's good for battle, and it's bad for... people you care about. So, I... I quit the program. TRISH: [scoffs]Just like that? SIMPSON:Yeah, I had to get out of there. Some things... [cell phone chimes; Trish gets a message from Jessica: "Ow. Pick me up?"] It wasn't worth it anymore. TRISH: Well, I'm happy for you. I really am. But I have to get back to work. SIMPSON:Look, Trish, it wasn't me. I... [sighs] Christ, even I don't buy that. [scoffs] TRISH:Look, apology accepted. Okay? I'm in the middle of a show. SIMPSON:Yeah, of course. Hey, have you seen Jessica? 'Cause I owe her an apology, too. And I wanted to say sorry in person, but she's not home. TRISH:If I see her, I'll relay the message. SIMPSON:Maybe I could see you later.Nothing says sorry like a rare steak and some cheesecake. Or, you know, tofu and wheat berries, or... TRISH:Sure. Later. Simpson leaves. Trish replies to Jessica "Where are you?". The response makes her gesture to a surprised Nicole that she is leaving. Cut to TRISH'S APARTMENT Jessica raises her shirt to show her bruises TRISH: Holy crap. JESSICA: Yeah, purple is his favorite color and he didn't even get to give it to me.That's what they call irony. [Trish wraps Jessica's abdomen with saran wrap. Jessica grunts]Sorry. Oh, sh**. TRISH: You know, I can have a doctor here in 30 minutes. JESSICA:It's fine. It's just ribs. I heal faster than most. You know that. TRISH:You'll heal wrong if you're not careful. JESSICA: [chuckles] Story of my life. TRISH:Okay, one more. [finishes wrapping] Jess, you're strong, but even you can break. JESSICA: As is evident by the rib sticking into my liver. [breathes deeply] TRISH: You want to sleep? JESSICA: No. TRISH: Okay, well, just sit down, at least. Come on. Jessica sits down on a couch, groaning TRISH: [lifting Jessica legs and putting them on the couch] One... two. [puts an ice bag on her belly] JESSICA: Thanks. [sighs heavily, Trish unzips boot] I didn't even see the truck coming. You said. The a**hole didn't even slow down, didn't hit the brakes. No skid marks. [sighs] Humanity s**s and they don't deserve saving. TRISH: [chuckles] Okay, so, if you could save a cla** of first-graders or k** Kilgrave, you'd k** him? JESSICA: Screw 'em. TRISH: Puppies? JESSICA: Yeah, puppies never did anything for me. TRISH: All right, what about nuns? JESSICA: [scoffs] They still make those? TRISH: [laughs] What if he took someone you love? Would you let 'em die? JESSICA: [sighs] Lucky me, I don't have too many of those. Don't worry. I'm not just keeping you around because you have pull with the morgue attendants. TRISH: [chuckles] Still looking out for me, huh? JESSICA: I can protect the one or two people I care about. TRISH: "Two"? Someone I don't know about? JESSICA: One. Just one. TRISH: Okay. [puts a blanket on Jessica] Well, it's nice to be appreciated. Trish turns off the lights, and leaves. Jessica stares and hears the voices that start a flashback. YOUNG TRISH: I'm quitting! I'm quitting! DOROTHY: You cannot quit! Cut to BATHROOM Young Jessica, next to the sink, is taking her bathroom stuff from her backpack and putting it around the room, while listening to the argument outside. DOROTHY: You are Patsy! YOUNG TRISH: I'm Trish! DOROTHY: I worked too goddamn hard to make that name famous. YOUNG TRISH: I don't want it! Any of it! Jessica tries to take hair out of a brush. DOROTHY: You are a spoiled brat! People are starving, and you're complaining about having to wear a goddamn wig! The hairbrush breaks, Jessica stares at it for a while before putting it in the trash and continuing to unload things. YOUNG TRISH: You're not the one who has to wear it all the time. I'm sick of it! I'm sick of all this Patsy sh**! If you loved me... DOROTHY: If I loved you? Do you know the sacrifices that I have made? You show some respect to your mother, Patsy! YOUNG TRISH:I'm not Patsy! DOROTHY: I said shut up! Young Jessica sighs heavily, and just as Trish screams in pain, she punches the sink, and breaks the thing. YOUNG TRISH:Ow! I hate you! Jessica gets shocked, and then looks at her hands DOROTHY: Patsy! Get back here, God damn it! YOUNG TRISH: I hate you! [cries] DOROTHY: Oh, get back here, God damn it. [Trish sobs] Sweetheart... You know, I'm only trying to protect you. YOUNG TRISH: You're crazy. Young Jessica pushes the broken sink, then raises it above her head and gets up, amazed YOUNG TRISH: ...stay away from me! I don't want anything to do with you. Jessica gasps, then manages to put one arm down to hold the sink single-handedly YOUNG JESSICA: How am I doing this? DOROTHY: I'm not going to punish you! I'm just trying to help you! Come back here! Young Trish enters the bathroom. Jessica first puts the other arm back up, then lowers the broken sink to the floor as an amazed Trish watches. Jessica rises quickly YOUNG JESSICA: What happened to your shoulder? YOUNG TRISH: Are you kidding me? YOUNG JESSICA: You're hurt. She hurt you. YOUNG TRISH: You were holding a 150-pound chunk of marble over your head. YOUNG JESSICA: How'd it happen? YOUNG TRISH:I got hit with a People's Choice Award. You? YOUNG JESSICA: I don't know. YOUNG TRISH:[tries to lift the broken sink, grunts] You're a freak. I mean that in a positive way. YOUNG JESSICA: Can you find a nicer word? YOUNG TRISH: Gifted? YOUNG JESSICA: I guess. I broke a brush earlier, too, but that might have been regular. YOUNG TRISH: I have to tell Mom. YOUNG JESSICA: No! God, no. YOUNG TRISH: You can't hide this. YOUNG JESSICA: I can, and your mother is a dangerous nutjob. She just stabbed you! And if she knew that I had something that she could exploit, too... No! Jessica turns on the faucet, wets a towel, and cleans up Trish's injury YOUNG TRISH:Did the car accident cause it? YOUNG JESSICA: I have no idea. If you tell anybody, I'm gonna tell everybody that you're a pathetic victim of child abuse. YOUNG TRISH:Don't you dare. YOUNG JESSICA: They'll make a Lifetime movie about it. Stolen Childhood: The Patsy Walker Story. I'd be saving you. YOUNG TRISH: Shut up! No! YOUNG JESSICA: Then it's a standoff. YOUNG TRISH:Okay, deal. I don't tell and you don't save me. [hands over the towel, leaves the bathroom] Back to TRISH's APARTMENT Jessica breathes deeply, her cell phone vibrates, an unknown number sent the text "We have another body". She groans and leaves the bed. CUT to HOSPITAL CORRIDOR Jessica approaches the morgue door JESSICA: I'm looking for Tuttlebaum. WOMAN: His shift just ended. JESSICA: He texted me earlier about a male subject that came in, 60s? WOMAN: From the old CDC building? Place was a hazard. JESSICA: Wait, the CDC? Show me. WOMAN: You should go upstairs and ask reception. Jessica exchanges looks with the woman, and then walks away CUT to MORGUE Jessica breaks the morgue window, enters, and finds two bodies - Clemons and Louise - all horribly burned. As she's checking the autopsy report, her phone vibrates. TRISH: [in her apartment] Next time you collapse, try 911. JESSICA: Clemons is dead. TRISH: Kilgrave? JESSICA: Yeah, he must've doubled back to destroy the evidence.Maybe Clemons got in his way? He burnt everything down, Trish. TRISH: Oh, Jesus. JESSICA:Albert's body will show up eventually. Kilgrave won't let him live. TRISH: I'm coming to you. We'll hit up the rest of the morgues. JESSICA:Okay, meet me at my place. Just give me an hour. TRISH: See you then.[Jessica turns off] Cut to OUTSIDE TRISH'S APARTMENT As Trish is leaving her apartment, Simpson is sitting in the corridor, he waves. TRISH: I'm firing my doorman. SIMPSON:Yeah, you should. He sleeps on the job. TRISH:So, you just let yourself up? SIMPSON:I was hoping maybe we could talk. You know, you said I could come by later, so... TRISH: Uh, later, not eight hours later. SIMPSON:Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, so... that's why I didn't knock. TRISH: [scoffs] Go home, Simpson. Before you fall asleep on the floor. SIMPSON: [gets up] Trish, I like you, which sounds like I'm in fifth grade again...What I mean is, I'm... [chuckles] I just... I don't want to lose you because of some bad medication. That's... TRISH: Okay. SIMPSON:So, uh... you were on your way somewhere? TRISH:Um... Store down the street. I'm... I'm out of soy milk. SIMPSON:So, you're not gonna go see Jessica? She got you doing something? TRISH: See, when you ask questions like that, I start thinking that you're off. SIMPSON:"Off"? TRISH: I should go. SIMPSON:I... I just want to know where Jessica is. TRISH: Why? SIMPSON:My boys are dead because of her. TRISH: Because of Kilgrave! SIMPSON:Yeah, and I'm gonna-gonna k** him, but she just keeps getting in the way. TRISH: Jessica is the only one who can k** him, which is exactly what she's trying to do. You're the only one getting in the way! Elevator dings; McMan*s and another guy come out MCMan*s: Hey, Simpson. We'd hate to have any trouble while your girlfriend's here. SIMPSON:What is this? TRISH:Who the hell are you? MCMan*s: Doc's worried about you. SIMPSON: Yeah? Well, tell Kozlov I appreciate the concern, but I'm not coming back. MCMan*s: [chuckles] We, uh... we can't leave here without you, Simpson. Hmm. TRISH: Well, please, take him. Really. Please go. SIMPSON: No, go back inside-inside. [smirks] I got this. TRISH: Don't. Simpson takes two pills MCMan*s: Don't make this messy. No one wants to hurt Patsy. SIMPSON: [both chuckle] Look, I... I think you should leave. Simpson shoots them in the head, Trish screams. Simpson then turns to her. Cut to STREET Jessica answers her phone. JESSICA: Trish, are you at my place already? SIMPSON: Sorry, it's Simpson. [he is cleaning the blood from the corridor while entering Trish's apartment] I knew you wouldn't pick up if it was me calling, so I stole her phone. JESSICA: Listen, a**hole... SIMPSON: Hey, relax. She's headed to your car now to meet you. She wouldn't let me come, so... Yeah, I'm a dick, but I need your help. JESSICA: What do you want? A trail of blood is seen on the floor as Simpson walks to the kitchen to wash his hands SIMPSON:Well, uh, same thing as you, or so Trish tells me. To k** Kilgrave. JESSICA: I got this. SIMPSON:Yeah, well, I got a lead. Jess, I know where he is. JESSICA: Where? SIMPSON:Uh-uh-uh. See, I want in. My lead, I watch him die. I can go catch up with Trish, but if you're not there yet... JESSICA: I'll be home in 30. [turns off the phone] CUT to KITCHEN As the camera pans down from Simpson, the two bodies are seen on the floor. He walks towards a door. TRISH: [pounding the door] Hey! Can anybody hear me? Simpson, open the door! Help! SIMPSON:Trish, this is the only way to keep you safe. It is shown that Trish is inside her practice room TRISH: Simpson, you said you wanted to talk. Let's talk. Open the door. SIMPSON:I'll take care of things, Trish. It's what I do. It's what I do. Simpson walks away as Trish continues to pound on the door TRISH: Simpson! Simpson! Simpson gets out. Trish grabs a dumbbell, starts hitting the door hinges. Cut to OUTSIDE JESSICA'S APARTMENT As the elevator door opens, Malcolm is outside it. MALCOLM: There you are. Where have you been? Jessica walks out the elevator MALCOLM: Are you okay? JESSICA:Yeah. MALCOLM:We've been waiting for you. JESSICA:"We"? MALCOLM:The folks with the nooses around their necks. They want a plan, or at least some news. JESSICA: Well, they're gonna have to keep waiting. MALCOLM:Come on, I... I gotta tell them something. We're meeting tonight. Jessica drops her keys. Malcolm gets down to get them, opens her door. JESSICA: Tell them to forget it ever happened. MALCOLM:You asked them to lie, to let you handle it. They did.I think they deserve an update. JESSICA: They do. Jessica gets in, closes the door and locks it. Malcolm sighs and walks away. Cut to JESSICA'S APARTMENT Jessica changes her clothes. Simpson knocks on the door, then points his gun towards it and practices pulling the trigger. He puts it down just as a couple is leaving their apartment and briefly look towards Simpson. Jessica opens the door. SIMPSON: Hey, Jess. You all right? JESSICA: Well, what doesn't k** us makes us stranger. SIMPSON: Stronger. JESSICA: If you say so. Where's Trish? SIMPSON: [taking a seat] I convinced her to stay behind. She agreed. JESSICA:Yeah. Keep her from harm's way. SIMPSON:Yeah, well, she's not built for this sort of thing. She's not like us. Her heart's too good-good. JESSICA:So, where's Kilgrave? SIMPSON:Well, I need a guarantee that he's gonna die. JESSICA:He sealed that deal when he k**ed Clemons. You don't look surprised. SIMPSON:Well, I heard about it from the Precinct. Hmm. He was a... great detective. Did they say how he died? JESSICA: Fire. SIMPSON:Still putting it out. JESSICA:Actually, I saw the coroner's report and it was a bullet to the head. SIMPSON:That's a mercy. Kilgrave must have shot him. JESSICA: Or had someone else shoot him. SIMPSON:Yet another reason to k** the ba*tard. JESSICA:Actually, I hacked a file from the cops, and ballistics show the bullet was police issue. He forced a cop to shoot him. SIMPSON:Bullsh**. There's no way ballistics came back that fast. JESSICA:Yeah, you're right. I took a flyer. SIMPSON:So... you think I shot Clemons? JESSICA:You knew where to find Trish at Albert's hotel. Only Clemons and I knew she was there. [Simpson scoffs] Which means you went to the CDC first. And that fresh burn on your arm confirms it. Simpson sees said burn, under his watch SIMPSON:I didn't even feel that. Simpson goes for his gun. Jessica kicks him in the chest, he falls down and his shot hits the window. The gun slides towards the corner of the room. Jessica grabs the chair as Simpson gets up, pins him against the wall with it. JESSICA:Tell me you're Kilgraved. SIMPSON:Clemons was gonna put him in the system. Simpson grabs the chair, kicks Jessica's shin, pushes the chair to free himself and hits Jessica with it. She falls on her desk. He gets the gun and turns to shoot, the bullets hit the empty desk. Jessica kicks the desk, it hits Simpson and makes him fall. JESSICA:You piece of sh**! She jumps on Simpson, makes his final shots hit the wall, the lamp, and the ceiling. She eventually disarms him, but he takes the advantage, grabs Jessica, and rams her into a locker. As Jessica lies down, Simpson takes more pills JESSICA:What the hell are those? Jessica tackles Simpson, but he grabs her and throws her through the wall. SIMPSON:You're done protecting him. JESSICA:I am trying to k** him. SIMPSON:You're lying. Jessica charges at Simpson, he pins her to the wall, she pushes back and makes him hit a lamp. Simpson hits her plenty. SIMPSON:Any other day, you would've won this. [throws her at the wall] It's your ribs, isn't it? [kicks Jessica on the floor] JESSICA:You're on something. You're messed up. SIMPSON: [putting Jessica on a chokehold] You could have k**ed him a dozen times. [choking] Now I'm just doing what has to be done. Someone has to. Trish arrives, hits Simpson in the head with a fire extinguisher. He then grabs the extinguisher. SIMPSON: Out of my way! Simpson pushes Trish into the wall. Jessica kicks him in the stomach, he hits the front door and breaks the gla**. Jessica runs towards Trish. JESSICA: Go, go, go, go, go! Both rush to the bathroom. Trish closes the door as Simpson approaches. Both lock the two bathroom doors. Simpson hits the door, tries the other one, returns to the first. JESSICA: What the hell is he taking? TRISH: I don't know. Some kind of combat enhancement. Increases adrenaline or something. JESSICA: Did you know about this? TRISH: [panting] I didn't know the extent of it. Simpson is pushing himself into the door JESSICA:I can't beat him, Trish. I'm too hurt. SIMPSON: [kicking the door] I only want Jessica. You can still leave, Trish. TRISH: Yeah, you can still screw yourself! Simpson continues to hit the door, then leaves to get a metal bar. Inside the bathroom, Trish gets the pills she took from Simpson the other day. JESSICA: Tell me those aren't his pills. TRISH: [grabbing pills] If it works for him... Simpson breaks a hole through the door with the metal. SIMPSON: You stole my pills. [Trish is nearly taking them] No, don't! It'll k** you. TRISH: Hasn't k**ed you. SIMPSON: Trish, you have no tolerance. [takes another vial from his jacket] You see these? Without a blue to come down, your brain will forget to tell your lungs to breathe. [throws the vial out the window] I won't need a blue for another ten hours. JESSICA: Give it to me. TRISH: No, no, if it k**s you, there's nobody to take out Kilgrave. JESSICA: No, don't! Trish swallows the pills SIMPSON: [grabs Jessica by the neck] Without the blues, you'll die! Trish sighs, gets a screwdriver on the floor and stabs Simpson's hand. He falls back and takes it out. TRISH: Worth it. Trish opens the door and hits Simpson a lot. SIMPSON: I'm not trying to hurt you. Simpson throws Trish on the kitchen table, breaking it. Jessica hits Simpson from behind, throws him on the cabinets, bashes his head into the refrigerator and then slams the fridge on him for a final hit, until Simpson lies down, unconscious. TRISH: Is he dead? JESSICA:I don't know. TRISH: Jesus, that was amazing! JESSICA: Are you okay? TRISH: Are you kidding me? I'm pumped! Is this what it's like for you? Like, all the time? JESSICA: Trish, why don't you slow down for a minute? TRISH: I can't! I'm too psyched! I'm too... [gagging] I'm too...[panting] JESSICA:Trish, say something. TRISH: I can't... JESSICA: Trish...[Trish gasps] Oh, my God! Trish! Trish, don't...Trish, don't do this. Trish, are you okay? Trish? [Trish chokes] Trish, breathe! Trish! [dials 911] I need an ambulance right away. 485 West 46th Street, 5th floor. Hurry! Trish, they're on their way. Trish, Trish, don't do this. [shouts] Trish! Jessica tries doing CPR as it cuts to a flashback. Cut to: YOUNG TRISH'S APARTMENT A sleepy young Jessica hears moans near a partly open door. YOUNG TRISH: Stop it! Stop! DOROTHY: Come on. YOUNG TRISH: No, I don't wanna do this. DOROTHY: Come on. Come on. YOUNG TRISH: No, I don't wanna do this. Dorothy is holding young Trish next to the toilet. DOROTHY:Well, you shouldn't have eaten all that pizza. Then we wouldn't have to do this. YOUNG TRISH: Stop it! DOROTHY: The camera adds ten pounds. You know that. You want them to call you Fatsy? YOUNG JESSICA: [opening the door] Stop it! DOROTHY: Get out! This is private. YOUNG JESSICA:Let her go. Dorothy lets Trish loose, walks towards Jessica. YOUNG TRISH:Jess, get out. DOROTHY: This is family business. You're not part of any family. YOUNG TRISH: You promised not to save me. YOUNG JESSICA:I can't help it. Dorothy grabs Jessica's shoulders. Jessica throws Dorothy into the wall, breaking the gla**es of the framed pictures DOROTHY: Ow! [shuddered breathing] Dear God in heaven. [leaves] YOUNG TRISH: Now she knows. YOUNG JESSICA: Good. Cut to AMBULANCE Trish is lying down, respirator in her face. EMT: What did she take? JESSICA: I don't know. EMT:Coke? Meth? JESSICA: No, God, no. Nothing like that. EMT:You're not helping her by not telling me what she took. JESSICA: Uh, she said it was a combat drug.Something to increase adrenaline, numbs pain. EMT: That's a new one. JESSICA: Trish. Trish. [EKG beeping rapidly] EMT: Damn it. We're losing her.[EKG flatlining] JESSICA: Trish. Trish. The EMT grabs a serum, puts it in a syringe. JESSICA: What is that? EMT: Sure it was a stimulant? JESSICA: Yeah, yes, yeah. Yes, just do it. Drive faster! The EMT injects Trish JESSICA: [softly] Trish... Trish, come on. Trish, please. Please, please, please, please.[EKG stops] Trish. [beeping] Trish gasps. JESSICA: Trish. Oh, my God, Trish. [the mask is taken off Trish] Are you all right? Is she gonna be okay? Trish. Trish! God damn you. Trish chuckles softly, Jessica sighs and kisses her in the cheek. JESSICA: Just had to be a hero, didn't you? TRISH: I learned it from you.[chuckles] Cut to STREET Malcolm is waiting, Robyn approaches him. ROBYN: They're not coming. MALCOLM: How do you know? ROBYN: Because I'm not delusional. The group is done. MALCOLM: You came. ROBYN: To warn you. Stop group-texting your location to a bunch of strangers.Any one of them could be brainwashed to gouge your eyes out. MALCOLM: That's... that's not how Kilgrave works. ROBYN:Well, I'm sorry, are you a professor of Kilgravism? MALCOLM: Starting to think so. [Sighs] ROBYN:Well, it's gonna get us all k**ed. MALCOLM: Jesus, what is it with people? ROBYN:At best, they're a**holes. At worst, they're... zombie a**a**ins. MALCOLM: So what, it's just every man for himself, then, huh? Everything I learned in church, all the praying that my mom did for the sick and the dying, all the... all the community projects my dad worked on, basically, everything that they taught me... it was all bullsh**? They're idiots and I'm just the only a**hole in the world who didn't know? ROBYN: Yeah, you got duped, mop top. I thought me and Ruben were stronger together than alone. But he still got sliced up and thrown out anyway.No one can help anyone. MALCOLM:If I believe that, I'll k** myself. ROBYN: Well, there's a noose in a dumpster somewhere. No one's gonna stop you this time. Robyn runs away. Malcolm then leaves too. Cut to HOSPITAL ROOM Trish is at a hospital bed, when she sees Jessica sleeping in the couch near her she goes to sleep as well. Cut to JESSICA'S APARTMENT Door opens. People with flashlights walk in. Eventually the unconscious Simpson is seen. WOMAN: Got him. MAN: Apartment's clear. A hand goes for Simpson's neck to check his pulse. Turns out it's Kozlov. KOZLOV: Take him. Malcolm returns, sees Jessica's apartment broken and considers calling her, but gives up and just enters his apartment. CUT TO: HOSPITAL ROOM Jessica asleep in the hospital couch. She hears the cellphone vibrating. She sees a text... UNKNOWN: Heard you were looking for me. Jessica awakes. UNKNOWN: I ran into your "boyfriend". UNKNOWN: If you hurry UNKNOWN: You can say goodbye. Couch is suddenly empty CUT TO: STREET Cab arrives outside of Luke's. Jessica comes out, he sees her, and then just closes the window. A bomb goes off. A burning Luke walks down into the street JESSICA: Luke! She puts out the fire with her jacket. Luke sits, both stare at each other END CREDITS