Kinks - Flash's Dream lyrics


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Kinks - Flash's Dream lyrics

[Scene] Mr. Black's army is closing in on Flash & The Spivs. After a long day's campaigning Flash, having overindulged The alcohol, has fallen asleep in his den. [Voice] Cooee. Cooee. Flash. Flash [Flash] Who is this? [Voice] Wake up Flash. Can you hear me Flash? [Flash] Who is this? Who dares to wake me from my slumber? [Voice] Need I announce myself? Am I such a stranger to you? [Flash] Say your name. Speak! [Voice] I am your soul. [Flash] My soul? [Voice] I have come to show you who you are. [Flash] Show me who I am? I know who I am you upstart! How Dare you intrude. [Voice] You lied and schemed and took over a simple village and Turned it into a vulgar playground for your own money- Making ends. Before you came people lived simple lives. This was a happy place. Then you ploughed up the fields, Sold off the land and lined your own pockets with the profits. [Flash] Lies! Lies! I did it to help the nation [Voice] You did it for your own preservation! [Flash] No! No! [Voice] Prepare yourself Flash, there are many who suffered at your Hands. They are craving for vengeance. Time is running out. [Flash] Can this be the end? Can this be the swan song? The final Elbow? I will not go. The people need me. [Voice] Men like you will always come and go, but the people will go On forever. Take one final look at the past Flash. Enjoy it, Because you have no future. [Flash] No! No! No! I can't stand this. Trumpets herald the final confrontation between Flash and himself.