King Kimbit - Cigarettes lyrics


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King Kimbit - Cigarettes lyrics

You're the temporary type I enjoy you like a cigarette Except it's you who puts me out Leaving me these frost bitten fingertips You look dope So I'd smoke ya But then I'd have to spit you out Because I don't want the taste of you to stay up in my mouth All you do is run in and jump out But I'm still here somehow Just waiting for you From sun up til sun down I never know when I should go because I don't get the cue I'm a fool, yes I know But it's cool, let's just roll with it for now I should know better than to wait for you to come around But there's just something about you now That keeps on pulling me back like a tourist attraction Implanted Strategically placed in the midst of your presence So when you're not here I just sit and reminisce With help from the taste of your kisses Your lips on my heart have imprinted You left memories on the tip of my tongue Which I am afraid to speak of For when they roll off of it I'll have lost all you left me with Until you decide to come back again I'm here where you left me Dried up and empty Waiting on you to come back and pour up My refill Fill me up with some of that Supposed to be love stuff Because sh** That's been All i know This makeshift relation You're the ship I'm enslaved in And though you've never necessarily promised me Any acres I am ready to settle My tractor Is waiting