King County Elections - Mike Luke - U.S. Senator Candidacy Statement lyrics


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King County Elections - Mike Luke - U.S. Senator Candidacy Statement lyrics

Elected Experience: I have run for office locally and worked on various campaigns throughout Snohomish county. Other Professional Experience: A Washington state business owner from 2002 to 2014 in the Edmonds area. Education: An a**ociates degree from Edmonds community college in 1996. Community Service: I was previously elected to the position of legislative district chair of the 32nd LD Republicans and an elected member of the Snohomish county Republican party executive board from 2012 to 2014, additionally an elected Precinct Committee Officer since 2008. I left the Republican party in January 2016 to become a member of the Libertarian party. Statement: The world is far from perfect and I acknowledge that. It can be better, not through increasing and micromanaging government but by reducing the presence of government in our lives. Each election like this we are so often limited to only 2 choices from the major political parties, resulting in either settling for the lesser of two evils or having no choice at all? The voter, our state and nation deserve better choices. I am open to individual trade agreements with individual nations provided it enriches our nation and we can withdraw anytime. I am against agreements like the TPP as it robs our nation of jobs to enrich foreign interests. We have lost so many jobs overseas for no good reason and our economy has suffered too long. The current US foreign policy does not keep us safe. It creates danger to our people while putting future generations in unsustainable debt which has weakened our economic security. But the highest cost is on us as a people. Look what we have allowed to be done to our loyal soldiers? While we have allowed the government to indebt us to engage in unnecessary and never ending war, look at the blood that has been shed and the injuries that our soldiers and their families have suffered over the last 15 years. There is no authorization for the federal government to prohibit Marijuana, this is a matter for the states. Although I believe in an individual's right to consume whatever they desire to, the real transgression against the people is denying them a right to a medical necessity and medical research. Marijuana should be recla**ified and this federal prohibition ended. To see a more complete position on these issues and many others please visit my website: Thankyou!