They had a rash of bank robberies at that time in 1979. They had a policy, if, you was uh, [unintelligible] with a note or whatever, that, give up the money, don't ask no questions... just give up the money, you know. So, I read that in an article, and, you know, the bank is right around the corner, so... I did it. I wrote a note, and it said, uh, gimme the money -- this is a holdup, gimme the money. That's all. I had no weapon, and the money was given to me, which was close to $700. And I walked around the corner, not runnin' or nothin' like that, I walked around the corner, and I was able to get, you know, I went into a restaurant, I had lunch, I had a few beers. I stood there for about an hour and a half, and then I went and got my, well, in Spanish it's called a cura, it's my cure, you know, so, for to get high.