Kevin James Salveson - And So, Light lyrics


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Kevin James Salveson - And So, Light lyrics

在那金色的沙滩上 On that golden sand 洒着银白的月光 Sprinkled is the silvery white moonlight 寻找往事踪影 I look over to see where the past went 往事踪影迷茫 The past that is now vast and hazy 往事踪影已迷茫 Trace of the past has become misty 久别离的姑娘 As if it was a fantasy 你在何处躲藏 Where are you hiding 久别离的姑娘 The girl who left for long 我骑在马上 I'm riding on the horse 箭一样地飞翔 And flying like an arrow 飞呀飞呀我的马 Fly and fly my horse 朝着她去的方向 Towards the way she went --Translated by Yue Yu