Ken Watanabe - Inception: Inception lyrics


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Ken Watanabe - Inception: Inception lyrics

INT. APARTMENT, TOKYO - CONTINUOUS Cobb sits, waiting. Checks his watch, restless. He pulls a HANDGUN. Checks it is loaded. places it on the table in front of him. Pulls out a PEWTER SPINNING TOP, SPINS it on the table ... He INTENT STUDIES the top's spin... As he stares, the sound of a FREIGHT TRAIN builds and builds- the top WOBBLES, TIPS onto its side- the sound of the train STOPS. the PHONE RINGS- Cobb GRABS it- CHILDREN'S VOICES (over phone): Hi, Daddy! Hi, Dad. COBB: Hey, guys. How are you? CHILDREN'S VOICES (over phone): Good. Okay, I guess. Cobb closes his eyes, trying to picture his children: INSERT CUT: COBB's MEMORY- a LITTLE BLONDE BOY (3), back towards us, crouches IN A GARDEN, looks at something in the gra**... COBB: Who's just okay? Was that James? JAMES (over phone): Yeah. When are you coming home? COBB: I can't. Not for a while. INSERT CUT: A LITTLE BLONDE GIRL (5), also FACE UNSEEN, joins JAMES, CROUCHING BESIDE HIM... JAMES (over phone): Why? COBB: Well, James, like I've told you-I'm away because I'm working... LITTLE GIRL (over phone): Grandma says you're never coming back. Cobb pauses. Takes a breath. INSERT CUT: James and Philippa, FACES UNSEEN, lift their heads from the gra**, responding to someone's call− they RUN AWAY FROM US ACROSS THE GARDEN... COBB: Philippa, can you ask Grandma to pick up the phone- PHILIPPA (over phone): She's shaking her head. Cobb TENSES, as if about to SMASH the phone. COBB: Well, we'll just have to hope Grandma's wrong about that won't we? JAMES (over phone): Daddy? COBB: Yes? JAMES (over phone): Is Mommy with you? Cobb looks like he just got punched INSERT CUT: COBB'S MEMORY− MAL, WIND BLOWING HER HAIR, SMILES CALMLY... COBB: No. No, we talked about this, James. Mommy's gone. JAMES (over phone): Where? GRANDMA'S VOICE (over phone): Time to go, kids. Say bye-bye- COBB: I'll give some presents to Grandpa, okay? Just be good for- Cobb STARES at the dead phone. Then DOWNS his drink- A KNOCK at the door. Cobb GRABS the top, the gun- MOVES to the door- cracks it: Arthur. ARTHUR: Our ride's on the roof. Cobb nods. Moves to pick up his bag. Arthur watches. ARTHUR: Cobb... are you okay? Cobb looks up. COBB: Yeah, why? ARTHUR: Down in the dream... Mal showing up like that ... COBB: Yeah. I'm sorry about your leg. ARTHUR: It's getting worse, isn't it? COBB: One apology's all you're getting, Arthur. Now, where's Nash? ARTHUR: Hasn't shown. Wanna wait? COBB (shakes head): We were supposed to deliver Saito's expansion plans to Cobol Engineering two hours ago. By now they know we failed. Time to disappear. INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Cobb and Arthur head towards the elevator. ARTHUR: Where will you go? COBB: Buenos Aires. I can lie low there. Maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down. You? ARTHUR: Stateside. COBB (wistful): 'Course. Send my regards. Arthur looks at Cobb. Nods. Sympathetic. EXT. ROOFTOP HELIPAD - NIGHT The HELICOPTER sits, ROTORS SPINNING. As Cobb and Arthur reach the door, it SLIDES OPEN. Cobb steps up into the leather-padded interior. He freezes. INT. HELICOPTER ON PAD - CONTINUOUS Nash, BEATEN BLOODY, sits on the far side, slumped against the wine. Beside him: SAITO. He nods politely at Cobb. SAITO: He sold you out. Thought to come to me and bargain for his life... Saito's BODYGUARD offers Cobb a GUN. SAITO: So I offer you the satisfaction. COBB: That's not how I deal with things. SAITO: Would you work with him again? Cobb shakes his head. Saito's BODYGUARDS PULL Nash from the chopper. Saito motions Cobb and Arthur to sit. The chopper RISES. Cobb watches Nash DRAGGED across the pad. COBB: What will you do to him? SAITO: Nothing. But I can't speak for your friends from Cobol Engineering. Saito looks out at the city slipping by. COBB: What do you want from us? SAITO: Inception. Arthur raises his eyebrows. Cobb is poker-faced. SAITO: Is it possible? ARTHUR: Of course not. SAITO: If you can steal an idea from someone's mind, why can't you plant one there instead? ARTHUR: Okay, here's planting an idea: I say to you, "Don't think about elephants." ARTHUR (CONT'D) (Saito nods): What are you thinking about? SAITO: Elephants. ARTHUR: Right. But it's not your idea because you know I gave it to you. SAITO: You could plant it subconsciously- ARTHUR: The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake. COBB: No, it isn't. SAITO: Can you do it? COBB: I won't do it. SAITO: In exchange, I'll give you the information you were paid to steal. COBB: Are you giving me a choice? Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobol. SAITO: Then you do have a choice. COBB: And I choose to leave. EXT. AIRFIELD - MOMENTS LATER The helicopter sets down next to a PRIVATE JET. INT. HELICOPTER - CONTINUOUS Saito indicates the plane. SAITO: Tell the crew where you want to go, they'll file the plan en route. Cobb and Arthur look at each other. Then move for the door. SAITO: Mr. Cobb...? There is one other thing I could offer you. Cobb stops How would you like to go home? To America. To your children. Cobb turns back to Saito. COBB: You can't fix that. Nobody could. SAITO: Just like inception. Cobb considers this. Arthur touches his arm. ARTHUR: Cobb, come on- COBB: How complex is the idea? SAITO: Simple enough. COBB: No idea's simple when you have to plant it in someone else's mind. SAITO: My main competitor is an old man in poor health. His son will soon inherit control of the corporation. I need him to decide to break up his father's empire. Against his own self-interest. ARTHUR: Cobb, we should walk away from this. COBB: If I were to do it. If I could do it... how do I know you can deliver? SAITO: You don't. But I can. So do you want to take a leap of faith, or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone? Cobb looks at Saito. Barely nods. SAITO: Assemble your team, Mr. Cobb. And choose your people more wisely. INT. PRIVATE JET - LATER Cobb reclines his seat. Arthur picks at a salad, angry. ARTHUR: I know how much you want to go home- COBB (sharp): No, you don't. ARTHUR: But this can't be done. COBB: It can. You just have to go deep enough. ARTHUR: You don't know that!- COBB: I've done it before. Arthur is taken aback. Cobb turns to the window. ARTHUR: Did it work? COBB (quiet): Yes. ARTHUR: Who did you do it to? Cobb looks at Arthur. Closed. Arthur shrugs. ARTHUR: So why are we headed to Paris? COBB: We're going to need a new architect.