You, my lady You have saved me from solitude My dreams never could Come, then maybe I will teach you my magic arts The tale of the stars Ive chosen you so listen to my song Love has stronger wings than reason Niniane, my lady of the lake Time has come for you to take my place The voice has fallen mute The fire has died within me Ive lost the Sight, but who will mind If youll succeed me The secrets remain locked in your heart forever My futures yours Sweet lady of the lake You betrayed me Stole my power- I was misled You took all I had What posessed me When I put all my trust in you Could not see you through Living on this isolated height Deprived of love, but Ill be alright Niniane, youve cast a spell on me A tortured man, why wont you set me free Im buried alive Shut in this case of darkness Theres no escape here from my grave My sk**s cant save me The legend will grow and I will withdraw forever But down my cheeks the melting sorrows flow Feel the magic See your visions and dream your dreams You know what they mean Im your spirit Just a word, just a breeze of air Ill always be there...