Karine Polwart - Mirk, Mirk is This Midnight Hour lyrics


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Karine Polwart - Mirk, Mirk is This Midnight Hour lyrics

O mirk, mirk is this midnight hour, And loud the tempest's roar; A waefu' wanderer seeks thy tower, Lord Gregory, ope thy door. An exile frae her father's ha', And a' for loving thee; At least some pity on me shaw, If love it may na be. Lord Gregory, mind'st thou not the grove By bonie Irwine side, Where first I own'd that virgin love I lang, lang had denied. How aften didst thou pledge and vow Thou wad for aye be mine! And my fond heart, itsel' sae true, It ne'er mistrusted thine. Hard is thy heart, Lord Gregory, And flinty is thy breast: Thou bolt of Heaven that flashest by, O, wilt thou bring me rest! Ye mustering thunders from above, Thy willing victim see; But spare and pardon my fause Love, His wrangs to Heaven and me.