Kari Rueslatten - I Manens Favn lyrics


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Kari Rueslatten - I Manens Favn lyrics

[In the Moon's embrace] Fall for meg na inatt vinn min vilje, vinn min hand Uten deg kan jeg ei leve Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt vil fange deg inn og du blir min Har vi en i manens favn? Da hun sa han i dansen den aller forste dag Sang hennes hjerte og lo hennes sjel, og lo hennes sjel Det var han hun skulle ha Hun hadde aldri sett slik ynde i en mann Og dansen gikk pa vollen, pa vollen Det var han hun skulle ha Fall for meg na inatt vinn min vilje, vinn min hand Uten deg kan jeg ei leve Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt vil fange deg inn og du blir min Har vi en i manens favn? Han sa, "skjonne kvinne, kom over hit Hor, vil du vel gifte deg, gifte deg med meg sa ung jeg er" Hun ble nok blendet av hans sjarm og hans sote ord For da hun vaknet den andre dag, den andre dag Fant hun sengen tom Fall for meg na inatt vinn min vilje, vinn min hand Uten deg kan jeg ei leve Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt vil fange deg inn og du blir min Har vi en i manens favn? Sa kom den tredje dagen, og med den den tredje natt og dansen gikk pa vollen, pa vollen Han danset som om ingenting var hendt [ENGLISH] Fall for me this very night win my will, win my hand Without you, I cannot live Beware, my magic power (will trap you and you will be mine Do we have one in the Moon's embrace?) When she saw him dancing the very first day Sang her heart and laugh did her soul, and laugh did her soul It was him she would have She had never seen such grace in a man And the dance was on the rampart, on the rampart It was him she would have Fall for me this very night win my will, win my hand Without you, I cannot live Beware, my magic power will trap you and you'll become mine Do we have one in the Moon's embrace? He said, "beautiful woman, come over here Listen, will you pledge your troth, pledge your troth to me, though young I am" She certainly was blinded by his charm and his sweet words For when she awoke the second day, the second day She found the bed empty Fall for me this very night win my will, win my hand Without you, I cannot live Beware, my magic power will trap you and you'll become mine Do we have one in the Moon's embrace? Then came the third day, and with that the third night and the dance was on the rampart, on the rampart He danced as if nothing had happened