Kalki - Asphyxia (The Birth of Legion) lyrics


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Kalki - Asphyxia (The Birth of Legion) lyrics

Walking along a path Fraught with the songs of madness inside them So many souls from endless Shehols Residing in their depths Many tried to question them & got naught but riddles & belittling comments To questions as toxic as their auras & caustic dogmas they tried to impose Upon this army personified Within a sole being known as Legion The Bible describes them As being infected by demons and devils But in this story like that of the X-Men & Professor X's offspring With a holocaust survivor as his madre (mother) Yeshua does not cast the demons into swine To slaughter these harmless beings with His tidings He sees those residing inside Legion And rather than harm them He provides them with solace and heals them & Legion becomes a One Man Army unstoppable Spreading all the forgotten gospels Like Gnostics such as Enoch & Thomas & all the prophetesses lost from patriarchal gleanings Many war with this being But the forms that reside inside him Are freed when he talks He personifies each of them And absorbs all their thoughts Synthesized into teachings for all Some have the gall to call them evil But they who cannot see cannot possible seize What they author when they mock them He breathes and k**er bees on a swarm Proceed to stalk them He peacefully shocks them with creeds they embody EMPs from his mind drop all of them With each completed thought That his speeches foster Born from aether & phosphorous Water & fire, the trees & their knowledge & all that is born in the skies Like Allah in His guise as Enlil & Allat as Inanna The wars Legion fought with men k**ed on either side Not always victoriously but never senselessly No ill-gotten friendships or misleading dogmas Mentally zen penmanship Though the bleak horrors in their mind Try to make him an apprentice to darkness They will not falter but neither will he or they They will not heed the dismaying regions that sway them From Eden's spacestation in a cedar forest in Baalbek To the Peaceful spaceship he will lead as Nemo In the Cosmic seas of ancients Il ne sera pas ce que l'on croit (He will not be what they think) Ni ce que l'on écrit ou décrit (Nor what they write or describe him as) Il est né, et dans le Jardin il doit ramper comme Ea (He is born, and in the Garden he must crawl like Ea) Il sera tenté par la chance (He will be tempted by Fate/Luck) Mais c'est la santé qui l'entrance (But it's health that entrances him) Champion depuis l'enfance (Champion since childhood) On le croyait Français, mais non (They thought he was French but no) Il est de partout dans le monde (He is from everywhere on the planet) Des quatres coins et des tas d'recoins (From the 4 corners and tons of other places) Trop d'histoires immondes mais il choisit le Bien (too many horrible stories, but he chooses Good) Des mémoires d'outre-tombe (memories from beyond the grave) Mais il ne succombera pas (But he will not falter/give up) Il fonçera droit vers la contrée de sa Foi (He will head straight towards the land of his Faith) Restera aux abois pour les droits des gens (He will stay on guard for the rights of peoples) Descendants de ses ancêtres (Descendants of his ancestors) Quoi qu'on pense de son être (Whatever people think of his being) La cadence le complète quand il pense (Cadence completes him when he thinks) C'est comme ça qu'il s'exprime (That's how he expresses himself) Des textes dignes des mecènes (Texts worthy of his philanthropists) Qui le menent vite vers ce qu'il aime (That lead him quickly towards what he loves) Il ne règnera pas comme d'espiègles rois (He will not rule like deceitful kings) Et quand cette armée des ténèbres en lui (and when this Army of Darkness within him) Sera enfin libre de son ennui (Will finally be freed of its boredom) Quand ceux et celles qui célèbrent (When those who celebrate) Ce qu'ils croient qui s'ensuit décèderont (What they think will follow finally die) Il deviendra terre noire comme suie, kal-ki (He will become Earth as black as coal, Kal-Ki) Et son ère sera la vie qu'on espère pour l'humanité (And his era will be the Life we hoped for humanity) Plus de vanité, on va militer pour le calme et l'Amour (No more vanity, we will be militant for calmness and Love) Pour la Paix, sans les drames dont on nous bourre le crane (For Peace, without the dramas they stuff into our brains) Il sera bouquin et boucane, pas bouc émissaire (He will be both book and smoke, not a black sheep) Toute fin a son drame, mais dans ce cas (All endings have their drama, but in this case) Le mystère se résoudra en vers et en sutras... (The mystery will be resolved in verses and sutras)