Kabir - Looking at the grinding stones - Dohas (Couplets) I lyrics


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Kabir - Looking at the grinding stones - Dohas (Couplets) I lyrics

Looking at the grinding stones, Kabir laments In the duel of wheels, nothing stays intact. searching for the wicked, met not a single one When searched myself, 'I' found the wicked one Tomorrows work do today, today's work anon if the moment is lost, when will the work be done Speak such words, sans ego's ploy Body remains composed, giving the listener joy Slowly slowly O mind, everything in own pace happens Gardner may water a hundred buckets, fruit arrives only in its season Give so much O God, suffice to envelop my clan I should not suffer cravings, nor the visitor goes unfed In vain is the eminence, just like a date tree No shade for travelers, fruit is hard to reach Like seed contains the oil, fire in flint stone Your heart seats the Divine, realize if you can Kabira in the market place, wishes welfare of all Neither friendship nor enmity with anyone at all Reading books everyone died, none became any wise One who reads the words of Love, only becomes wise In anguish everyone prays to Him, in joy does none To One who prays in happiness, how sorrow can come