Joyous Celebration - Beat lyrics


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Joyous Celebration - Beat lyrics

1: Sithi Oh Msindisi (We say, Oh Savior)... Oh Msindisi, oh Msindisi Nguwe olithemba lam (Oh Savior, oh Savior; You are my hope) (Repeat) 2: Ithemba lam Baba (My hope Father) Ithemba lam ndonyuka nalo (I will rise with my hope) Ndingene endumisweni (To enter the place of praise) (Repeat) 3: Ndingene, ndingen' endumisweni Baba (To enter the place of praise Father) Oh ndingene endumisweni, (Oh To enter the place of praise) (Repeat) 4: Ngena, oh ngena ngob' indawo isekhona (Come in because there's still a space left) Ngena, ngena, indawo isekhona (Come in, come in there is still room) Ngena nawe mama, Ngena nawe Baba (Come in you mother, come in you Father) Ngena, ngena, indawo isekhona (Come in, come in there is still room) 5: Ngonyama kaJuda, Wanqob'uSathane (Lion of Judah You defeated Satan) Xa simi ngakuwe sonqotshwa ngubani (If we stand by you who will defeat us)