John Trudell - Baby Boom Che lyrics


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John Trudell - Baby Boom Che lyrics

You wanna know what happened to Elvis? I'll tell ya what happened I oughta know man, I was one of his army I mean man I was on his side He made us feel all right We were the first wave In the post war baby boom The generation before had just come Out of the Great Depression And World War II You know heavy vibes for people to wear So much heaviness like some kind of Voiding of the emotions Their music you know the songs Life always carries You know, every culture has songs Well anyway their music was Restrained emotion You know like you didn't wanna dance If you didn't know how Which says something strange Well anyway Elvis came along about ten Years after the nuke When the only generals America had and The only army she had were Ike and Mac And stupor hung over the land A plague where everyone tried to Materially free themselves Still too shell shocked to understand To feel what was happening Everything was getting hopeless Then when Elvis started to rock The roll just picked up I mean drabness the beaver showed us Could only be a foretold future Who wanted to be Ward and June and I mean Father never did know best He was still crazy from surviving The War Like there was this psychotic pall So widespread as to be a**umed normal Heavy man you know really Anyway Elvis showed us an out You know he showed Everybody Man and Every Girl Woman there's something good In feeling good Like a prophet for every boy every girl When someone's Mom and Dad lied Something about him told us To be sensual is really okay Someone's Mom and Dad waltzed us around Every girl wasn't suppose to enjoy it If she did she was bad and every boy Well boys will be boys Don't feel anything Take what you can Marry a decent girl when the fun's done Like no matter what we did We all were guilty Maybe someone's Mom and Dad resented What they missed And while they were trying to pa** it On us we heard Elvis's song And for the first time we made up our Own mind The first wave rebelled I mean we danced even if we didn't Know how I mean Elvis made us move Instead of standing mute he raised Our voice And when we heard ourselves Something was changing You know, like for the first time we Made a collective decision About choices America hurriedly made Pat Boone A general in the army they wanted Us to join But most of us held fast to Elvis And the commandants around him Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Little Richard Bo Diddley, Gene Vincent You know, like a different Civil War All over again I mean you take ‘Don't Be Cruel' ‘I Want You I Need You I Love You' And ‘Jailhouse Rock' Or you take Pat and his white bucks Singing love letters in the sand Hell man, what's real here? I mean, Pat at the beach in his White bucks His ears getting sunburned told us Something about old wave delusion I mean wanting and needing and Imprisonment We all been to those places But what did White Bucks at the beach Understand other than more straight Line Dancing You know what I mean? Anyway man for awhile we had a breather Of fresh energy to keep us from falling Into the big sleep Then before long Elvis got a**a**inated In all the fame Taking a long time to die others seized Control while Elvis rode the needle out Never understanding what he done It's like we were the Baby Boom because Life needed a fresher start I mean two World Wars in a row is Really crazy man And Elvis even though He didn't know he said it He showed it to us anyway And even though We didn't know we heard it We heard it anyway Man like he woke us up And now they're trying to put us Back to sleep So we'll see how it goes Anyway look at the record man Rock 'N Roll is based on revolution Going way past 33⅓ You gotta understand man he was America's Baby Boom Ché I oughta know man, I was in his army