All Joanna Baillie Songs

Songs In album
A Character -
A Cheerful-Tempered Lover's Farewell To His Mistress -
A Child To His Sick Grandfather -
A Disappointment -
A Hymn -
A Hymn For The Kirk -
A Lamentation -
A Melancholy Lover's Farewell To His Mistress -
A Mother To Her Waking Infant -
A November Night's Traveller -
A Nursery Lesson (Devotional) -
A Poetical Or Sound-Hearted Lover's Farewell To His Mistress -
A Portrait -
A Proud Lover's Farewell To His Mistress -
A Reverie -
A Riddle (#1) -
A Riddle (#2) -
A Sailor's Song -
A Scotch Song -
A Second Hymn For The Kirk -
A Simile -
A Sketch -
A Song Written For An Irish Melody -
A Song, -
A Summer Day -
A Third Hymn For The Kirk -
A Volunteer Song -
A Winter Day -
Additional Lines To Retaliation -
Address To A Steam-Vessel -
Address To The Evening Primrose -
Address To The Muses -
Address To The Nymph Of The Mountain Stream Between The Arrochar And Cairndow, In The Western Highlands Of Scotland -
Annan Water -
At Lake Thrasymenus -
Belshazzar's Feast -
Cameronian Dream -
Chorus Of Greek Matrons -
De La Charite Pour Les Pauvres Prisonniers, Dieppe -
Devon's Poly-Obion -
Devotional Song For A Negro Child -
Elegy On The Abrogation Of The Birth-Night Ball, And The Consequent Final Subversion Of The Minuet -
Epistle To Earl Harcourt, On His Wishing Her To Spell Her Name With Of Catherine With A K. -
Evening -
Fair Mead Lodge -
Female Picture of a Country Life -
Fothringay -
Fragment Of A Poem -
Fy, Let Us A' To The Wedding -
Hay-Making -
Hooly And Fairly -
Hope And Memory -
Hymn #3 -
Hymn #4 -
Hymn #5 -
Hymn #6 -
Hymn #7 -
Hymn For The Scotch Kirk -
Hymn On The Seasons -
Inscription For A Retired Seat In A Friend's Shrubbery -
Job XIII. 15. -
L'Ennuyee -
Lines For A Friend's Album -
Lines On The d**h Of Sir Walter Scott -
Lines On The d**h Of William Sotheby, Esq -
Lines Suggested By A Portrait Of The Queen, Taken On The Last Examination Previous To Execution -
Lines To A Parrot -
Lines To A Teapot -
Lines To Agnes Baillie On Her Birthday -
Lines Written In Lady Lonsdale's Album, At Lowther Castle, Oct.13,1821 -
Lines Written In The Autumn Of 1818 -
Lines Written On The Field Of Quatre Bras, 1821 -
Lines, Written At Athens In 1820 -
London -
Lord John Of The East -
Love -
Maid Of Llanwellyn -
Malcolm's Heir -
Malcolm's Heir -
On A Sleeping Boy -
On A Sprig Of Heath -
On Burning A Packet Of Letters Received From A Friend At An Early Period Of Life, Whose Correspondence Had Lapsed Into Silence, And Whose Friendship Into Apathy. -
On Grey Hair -
On Leaving Greece, 1820 -
On Memory -
On Reading Walter Scot's -
On The King's Illness -
On Time -
Orpheus To Eurydice -
Paestum -
Rhymes -
Rhymes For Chanting -
School Rhymes For Negro Children -
Second Devotional Song -
Second Nursery Lesson (Admonitory) -
Select Verses From The 147th Psalm -
Sir Maurice -
Song #2 -
Song #3 -
Song #4 -
Song #5 -
Song #7 -
Song #8 -
Song #9 -
Song For an Irish Melody -
Song written At Mr. Thomson's Request -
Song Written For A Welch Air -
Song Written For A Welch Air Called -
Song Written For A Welch Melody -
Song, A New Version Of An Old Scotch Song -
Song, Called the Country Lady's Reveillie -
Song, For An Irish Air -
Song, Poverty Parts Good Company -
Song, Woo'd And Married And A' -
Song, Written For An Irish Air -
Sonnet 1 -
Sonnet 2 -
Sonnet 3 -
Sonnet 4 -
Sonnet 5 -
Sonnet 6 -
Sonnet 7 -
Sonnet 8 -
Sonnet On The Apennines -
Sonnet To---- -
Sonnet Written At The Piraeus, 1820 -
Sonnet, Written Off Cefallonia, 1820 -
St. Cecilia -
St. John XXI. 1. -
St. luke VII. 12. -
St. Luke XVIII. 16. -
St. Matthew V.9. -
Stanzas, Suggested By A Canzone Of Petrarch -
Sunset Meditation, Under The Apprehension Of Approaching Blindness -
The Address Of Odusseus To The Greeks, At Thermpoylae, On The 20th Of July, 1822 -
The Banished Man, -
The Black Cock -
The Cataract Of Lodore -
The Clearing Shower -
The Devonshire Lane -
The Elden Tree -
The Fountain -
The Ghost Of Fadon -
The Grenwich Pensioners -
The Horse And His Rider -
The Lot Of Thousands -