Jessica Fleetwood - Week 5 Reading Journal lyrics


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Jessica Fleetwood - Week 5 Reading Journal lyrics

9-9-13 Darcy moved to New York from Detroit and left her ex-boyfriend there.She starts to meet new people and go through a rough time with them.She tells her friend some things that happened in the summer.Her friendship with this girl made everything better because she gained her trust over the summer.I think it's important to have a good bestfriend. 9-10-13 Darcy had to go in for work. She wasn't feeling good because she couldn't go to sleep last night.She also wasn't feeling good because her mom lost her job.Darcy has a big part on the family now that her parents don't have a job.She has to be able to keep her job so that she can bring money into the family.If she looses her job her and her family could end up living on the streets.So she tells her bestfriend about her problems because she needs someone to talk to and her friend helps her with her problem by putting some money into her pocket. 9-11-13 Miley Cyrus got 40 million views on her song in just 2 days.I think that's amazing because that means that a lot of people look up to her and like her song.I use to like her but now I don't because she's change and I don't like it She has so many young people looking at her but she's still acting like a bad person.She's a bad role model now. She's been on the news about her performance this past week.So many people are talking bad about her. 9-12-13 Justin Bieber goes on his world tour.I kinda listen to his music.He's a good role model because he does a lot of greet things.He also helps his fans out by giving them donation to there school if they need help.He also visits his fans that have cancer in the hospital and invite them to one of his concerts and brings them up on stage with him.He's always interactive with his fans whenever he has an off day.