Jeff And Maya Bohnhoff - Won't Get Fooled lyrics


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Jeff And Maya Bohnhoff - Won't Get Fooled lyrics

We'll be fighting in the aisles For the format of our files. And the OS we were using will be gone. While the man who spurred us on Delays our upgrades for so long. He decides and our systems sing the song. Press any key for the MS solution. Click my mouse for the new revolution. Smile and grin at the changes all around. Will I have enough RAM today, To boot up Plug & Play? Better get on my knees and pray - We don't get fooled again. The new OS came today - It promised us a better way. We were liberated from 640k. But my resources are drained. And my disk access is lame. They used the banners from the last market campaign. Press any key for the MS solution. Click my mouse for the new revolution. Smile and grin at the changes all around. Will I have enough RAM today, To boot up Plug & Play? Better get on my knees and pray - We don't get fooled again. I move my cards and my data aside If they happen to be left half alive. I load all my drivers and I pray to the sky, Because I know the monopolized never die. There's nothing on the screen Looks any different to me. All the icons are erased by and by. And the close box on the left, Is now the close box on the right. And the page fault errors still rule the night. Press any key for the MS solution. Click my mouse for the new revolution. Smile and grin at the changes all around. Will I have enough RAM today, To boot up Plug & Play? Better get on my knees and pray - We don't get fooled again. Meet the new DOS. Same as the old DOS....