Epic Hero Monomyth: (Lebron James) 0. Status Quo: When he makes it to the NBA 1. Call To Adventure:When he had the oppertunity to become the greatest ball player 2. Assistance: He has a great trainer 3. Departure: He leaves his family to go play games 4. Trials: He has to face the best players in the leauge 5. Approach:Lebron confronts Kobe 6. Crisis: he attempted to get his first ring but he failed 7. Treasure: He was then traded to a better team, where he won the ring 8. Result: Everyone showed him respect 9. Return: He returns home to his family and friends with a ring 10. New Life: Now he trains younger ball players to good like him 11. Resolution: Even though there was better players.. He showed he was the best 12. Return To Status Quo: Lebron goes home with more confidence and respect from other people.