Japan - Little bears misunderstanding lyrics


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Japan - Little bears misunderstanding lyrics

P7 [maa, futatsu sh**e kaesh**e kurerunonara, hitotsu agemashou. jyaa, ash**a, ki-tone.] --, two will be changed into overnight, this one time. tomorrow surely (I will change the single one into two by tomorrow) To, yubikirio sh**e, hitotsu kuremash**a --, i promise the one will be changed (,promised little bear) Kogumasanwa ureshikute ureshikute, sono ban hitoban, sono hoozukio teno nakani irete Little bear-san very excitedly, so overnight, the cherry (teno) yard make (so overnight, the little bear excitedly prepared the garden?) P8 Nagametari, kimonoo kisete oningyousanni sh**ari sh**e asobimash**a Scene outlook, kimono put on (oningyou)sound oh my! playing (Excited to play, the kimono ?? was put on.) Sono akuruhi, hayaku okite, kogumasanwa hatakeni yukimash**a That following day, quickly got up, little bear-san went to the yard (little bear quickly woke up the next morning to go to the yard) Sosh**e, ohirukoromade a-chiko-chio sagashimash**aga, hoozukino kino, kagemo katachimo arimasen So until around noon, here and there search, cherry tree, there was not realized (he searched until around noon but realized there was no cherry tree.) Ya-to mitsuka-tanowa, hoozukino kini yoku nita, marude betsuno kinanodesh**a Finally discovered, cherry false desire doesn't look, was entirely different feeling (he discovered that the plant that looked like the cherry tree was something else?) Kogumasanwa, su-kari kangaechigaio sh**e Little bear-san completely thought different by (little bear was confused) P10 Koreo hoozukino kidato, omo-te itanodesu This cherry tree, made a decision