Ivana Akotowaa Ofori - Solitaire lyrics


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Ivana Akotowaa Ofori - Solitaire lyrics

Some days find me sitting alone - Actually, most days, I find myself on my own. When the day's dark and dreary, When it's raining and I can't see clearly, I find myself thinking deeply About the word 'solitary'. I'm locked inside by the rain outside But at least I have my Windows, So I open up my laptop And I stare at the logo. I looked deep into my system And I found a name for my lifestyle there. I don't know if it's consolation or recreation, but it's called Solitaire. The kings and queens Travel in droves like sheep Talking loudly about things That are really not that deep While I lag behind And people lag behind me While they walk in groups We are solitary ...And we'll never be royals Because our social lives are just way too jacked up, And it really is inexpressible. I fear I'm about to break down. I think I need a time out. I'm going to begin a countdown, And perhaps, by the time I'm done, I'll be fine Ten, nine Eight, seven, I'm living in hell And I'm praying for heaven. Six, five, four, Three, two I abhor... I abhor groups of decks, I take my single deck apart One By one By one I am one, And as one, I am a unified whole. My soul is intact, and I'd like it to stay that way. I don't need an upgrade, I am the best grade that can be given. Nothing - and I mean nothing - can take my place. I am an Ace. I am one, but I am too... Too loud, Too quiet, Too sad, and they don't like it. I am too undesirable to turn myself into two Too many people in twos, Hand-holding, Waist-grabbing, Forehead kisses, Ass-tapping Couples talking late into the night, And seeing them around is such a bother. Why don't I have a significant other? Is it because I live...solitaire? I hate threes. God, I hate threes. They always turn into two and one, And I am always the one. Three means two people converse and one diverts And one hurts, But two honestly does not give a coin's toss. Solitaire. Toss a coin, and maybe you'll get lucky. Four stands for Four-leaf clover, For green fertility in the background, For the sunny summer periods That are briefly rid of idiots. Inauguration into clubs Can lift your heart. Four is a symbol of stability, For unity, For companionship... But that is not the point of solitaire. It's not fair That good things can come to such an abrupt end That you begin to wonder if they ever really started But before we get there, There's the mediation point. Five Is the halfway between one and ten, When it's all too easy to get lost in confusion. If I get a five... If I get a five, I'll be halfway done, And if I'm halfway done, Then I've almost won. But if I don't, Then I'm back to one, One And one is... Solitaire. Six goes like this: It's just two threes, Two twos live in bliss And two ones remain in a fix - Until seven. Seven is a morbid type of heaven. One is so high above the clouds That they can't be touched. Heart beating red and hot in one's chest One feels blessed, At least till eight When hate suddenly fills your soul, Turning your red heart into a red diamond That none can penetrate. Ha! ...And you wonder why you're still single You don't allow yourself not to be... Solitaire. My diamond heart is tired, So I fall asleep by nine. My lonely heart hopes that I dream of you And when I wake, you'll be mine. I can no longer pretend That I don't really care About the negative emotional consequences Of being Solitaire. I haven't always wanted to be alone. I know that's what I put across, Because I couldn't handle the thought of not being the boss of my own emotions. So I remained Solitaire, Dug a hole, put my diamond heart in it, And filled it up with layers of sand. I never found a perfect person, But you're like a perfect ten over ten. Ten times, four suits, Twelve cards, plus one - Solitaire. To leave the singles' club, Free my diamond heart Use the one thing missing: a spade To dig up my past and uncover the treasure that lies beneath. And you can turn my red diamond back into a red heart, My Black Knight... Oh wait, wrong game. But chess, I play that too. (I happen to be a Jack of all trades.) But you know, a Jack is still not a Queen. Janelle Monae taught me how to be queen. She told me weird is good if you'll just believe. And she wrote for the people who feel ostracized The goats amongst the mares, The ones treated unfairly, The ones who feel solitary: Queer, untouchable, emigrant, excommunicated and Negroid. Well I say my Queen stands for Queer, untouchable, extraordinary, exceptional And the N is for not held down by society's demands to fit into a group. After all, if a man is one of the peasants, Then he can't be king. Solitaire. The King begins the real game by being the head of the stack. And maybe that's the aim of Solitaire. The king begins the game, but in the end, it all comes down to One By one By one, I place the pieces of my life back into position. The rain clears and restores my vision And I can see now that I am one I am one, And that is enough Solitaire. Alt + F4, Close window, End Program.