International Cla**ification of Diseases - Mental Disorders (290-319) lyrics


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International Cla**ification of Diseases - Mental Disorders (290-319) lyrics

Psychosis (290–299) Organic psychotic conditions (290–294) (290) Dementias (290.0) Senile dementia, uncomplicated (290.1) Presenile dementia (290.2) Senile dementia with delusional or depressive features (290.3) Senile dementia with delirium (290.4) Vascular dementia (290.8) Other specified senile psychotic conditions (290.9) Unspecified senile psychotic condition (291) Alcoholic psychoses (291.0) Alcohol withdrawal delirium (291.1) Alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder (291.2) Alcohol-induced persisting dementia (291.3) Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (291.4) Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication (291.5) Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions (292) Drug psychoses (292.0) Drug withdrawal (292.1) Drug-induced psychotic disorders (292.11) Drug-induced psychotic disorder with delusions (292.12) Drug-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (292.2) Pathological drug intoxication (292.8) Other specified drug-induced mental disorders (292.81) Drug-induced persisting delirium (292.82) Drug-induced persisting dementia (292.83) Drug-induced persisting amnestic disorder (292.84) Drug-induced mood disorder (292.85) Drug-induced sleep disorders (292.89) Other specified drug-induced mental disorders (292.9) Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder (293) Transient organic psychotic conditions (293.0) Delirium, conditions cla**ified elsewhere (293.84) Anxiety disorder in conditions cla**ified elsewhere (294) Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic) (294.0) Amnestic disorder in conditions cla**ified elsewhere (294.1) Dementia in conditions cla**ified elsewhere (294.10) Dementia in conditions cla**ified elsewhere without behavioral disturbance (294.11) Dementia in conditions cla**ified elsewhere with behavioral disturbance (294.2) Dementia, unspecified (294.20) Dementia, unspecified without behavioral disturbance (294.21) Dementia, unspecified with behavioral disturbance (294.8) Other persistent mental disorders due to conditions cla**ified elsewhere (294.9) Unspecified persistent mental disorders due to conditions cla**ified elsewhere Other psychoses (295–299) (295) Schizophrenic disorders (296) Episodic mood disorders (296.0) Manic disorder, single episode (296.1) Manic disorder, recurrent episode (296.2) Major Depression, single episode (296.3) Major Depression, recurrent episode (296.4) Bipolar affective disorder, manic (296.5) Bipolar affective disorder, depressed (296.6) Bipolar affective disorder, mixed (296.7) Bipolar disorder, unspec. (296.8) Manic-depressive psychosis, other and unspecified (296.9) Other and unspecified affective psychoses (297) Paranoid states (298) Other nonorganic psychoses (299) Psychoses with origin specific to childhood (299.0) Autism, current or active (299.1) Childhood disintegrative disorder (299.8) Other specified pervasive developmental disorders (299.9) Unspecified pervasive developmental disorder Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300–316) Neurotic disorders (300) (300) Neurotic disorders (300.00) Anxiety State Unspecified (300.01) Panic disorder, no agoraphobia (300.02) Generalized anxiety disorder (300.1) Hysteria, unspec. (300.11) Conversion disorder (300.15) Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (300.2) Phobic disorders (300.21) Agoraphobia w/ panic (300.23) Social Anxiety Disorder (300.3) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (300.4) Dysthymic disorder (300.5) Fatigue, psychogenic (300.8) Somatoform disorders (300.81) Somatization disorder (300.9) Neurosis, NOS Personality disorders (301) (301) Personality disorders (301.1) Affective personality disorder (301.2) Schizoid personality disorder (301.3) Explosive personality disorder (301.4) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (301.5) Histrionic personality disorder (301.6) Dependent personality disorder (301.7) Dissocial personality disorder (301.8) Other personality disorders (301.81) Narcissistic personality disorder (301.83) Borderline personality disorder (301.9) Personality disorder, unspec. Psychos**ual disorders (302) (302) Sexual deviations and disorders (302.0) Ego-dystonic s**ual orientation (302.1) Zoophilia (302.2) Pedophilia (302.3) Transvestic fetishism (302.4) Exhibitionism (302.5) Trans-s**ualism (302.6) Gender identity disorder in children (302.7) Psychos**ual dysfunction, unspec. (302.71) Psychos**ual dysfunction, inhibited desire (302.72) Impotence, psychos**ual dysfunction (302.72) Psychos**ual dysfunction, inhibited excitation (302.75) Psychos**ual dysfunction, premature ejaculation (302.76) Dyspareunia, psychogenic (302.8) Other specified psychos**ual disorders (302.81) Sexual fetishism (302.82) Voyeurism (302.83) Sexual masochism (302.84) Sexual sadism (302.85) Gender identity disorder in adolescents or adults (302.89) Other -Frotteurism -Nymphomania -Satyriasis -Dendrophilia Psychoactive substance (303–305) (303) Alcohol dependence syndrome (303.0) Alcohol intoxication, acute, unspec. (303.9) Other and unspecified alcohol dependence -Chronic alcoholism -Dipsomania (304) Drug dependence (304.0) Opioid type dependence (304.1) Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence (304.2) Cocaine dependence (304.3) Cannabis dependence (304.4) Amphetamine and other psychostimulant dependence (304.5) Hallucinogen dependence (304.6) Other specified drug dependence (304.7) Combinations of opioid type drug with any other drug dependence (304.8) Combinations of drug dependence excluding opioid type drug (304.9) Unspecified drug dependence (305) Nondependent abuse of d** (305.0) Nondependent alcohol abuse (305.1) Nondependent tobacco use disorder (305.2) Nondependent cannabis abuse (305.3) Nondependent hallucinogen abuse (305.4) Nondependent sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse (305.5) Nondependent opioid abuse (305.6) Nondependent c**aine abuse (305.7) Nondependent amphetamine or related acting sympathomimetic abuse (305.8) Nondependent antidepressant type abuse Other (primarily adult onset) (306–311) (306) Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors (306.1) Hyperventilation (306.3) Pruritus, psychogenic (306.4) Psychogenic GI symptoms (306.8) Bruxism (307) Special symptoms or syndromes, not elsewhere cla**ified (307.0) Stuttering (307.1) Anorexia nervosa (307.2) Tic disorder, unspec. (307.23) Tourette's disorder (307.4) Specific disorders of sleep of nonorganic origin (307.41) Insomnia, transient (307.42) Sleep disorder, persistent (307.45) Jet lag syndrome (307.46) Somnambulism (307.5) Other and unspecified disorders of eating (307.51) Bulimia nervosa (307.52) Pica (307.6) Enuresis (307.7) Encopresis (307.8) Pain, psychogenic (307.81) Headache, tension (308) Acute reaction to stress (308.0) Predominant disturbance of emotions (308.1) Predominant disturbance of consciousness (308.2) Predominant psych*motor disturbance (308.3) Other acute reactions to stress (308.4) Mixed disorders as reaction to stress (309) Adjustment reaction (309.0) Adjustment disorder, depressive (309.1) Depressive Reaction Prolonged (309.2) With predominant disturbance of other emotions (309.8) Other specified adjustment reactions (309.81) Post-traumatic stress disorder (310) Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310.0) Frontal lobe syndrome (310.1) Organic personality syndrome (310.2) Post-concussion syndrome (311) Depressive disorder, not elsewhere cla**ified (311.0) Depression, NOS Mental disorders diagnosed in childhood (312–316) (312) Disturbance of conduct, not elsewhere cla**ified (312.3) Disorders of impulse control not elsewhere cla**ified (312.30) Impulse control disorder unspecified (312.31) Pathological gambling (312.32) Kleptomania (312.33) Pyromania (312.34) Intermittent explosive disorder (312.35) Isolated explosive disorder (312.9) Conduct disorder, unspec. (313) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence (314) Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood (314.0) Attention deficit disorder (314.00) Attention deficit, w/o hyperactivity (314.01) Attention deficit, w/ hyperactivity (314.9) Hyperkinetic conduct disorder (315) Specific delays in development (315.0) Developmental reading disorder (315.1) Developmental mathematics disorder (315.2) Other specific developmental learning difficulties (315.3) Developmental speech or language disorder (315.31) Expressive language disorder (315.32) Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder (315.34) Speech and language developmental delay due to hearing loss (315.39) Other developmental speech disorder (315.4) Developmental coordination disorder (315.5) Mixed development disorder (315.8) Other specified delays in development (315.9) Learning disability/developmental delay, NOS (316) Psychic factors a**ociated with diseases cla**ified elsewhere Mental retardation (317–319) (317) Mild mental retardation (318) Other specified mental retardation (319) Unspecified mental retardation