Zach Braff - Sam lyrics


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Zach Braff - Sam lyrics

INT. NEUROLOGIST WAITING ROOM – DAY TIME Hi, I'm Andrew Largeman. I'm sorry. I'm really late for my appointment. RECEPTIONIST Andrew. Andrew. Okay, Andrew. I'm gonna need you to fill out this paperwork for me. As soon as we're ready, we'll call you in. ANDREW Okay. Thank you. I'm sorry. RECEPTIONIST It's okay. Have a seat. Hello, Miss Lubin. MRS. LUBIN Oh, hello there. RECEPTIONIST Just have a seat. We'll be with you soon, okay? MRS. LUBIN Thank you. RECEPTIONIST You're welcome. ANDREW [To the walker dog.] How's it going? [Dog gets on his right leg and because to hump it.] Get off. Get off. Heel. Heel! [Sam laughs out loud.] Got any suggestions? SAM [Takes her headphones off.] Oh, what? ANDREW You got any suggestions? SAM Yeah, kick his balls. Kick his balls. [Walks over and sits next to him.] ANDREW Yeah, but I don't wanna destroy future generations of charitable dogs. SAM Don't worry about it. I got three Dobermans. If I didn't kick them in the balls regularly, I'd never get anything done. ANDREW But he's gotta be close to finishing by now. SAM Not yet. Here comes the lipstick. RECEPTIONIST Mrs. Lubin? We're ready for you now. MRS. LUBIN Okay. Come on, Arthur. ANDREW I feel so used. Thanks for your help. For, at least, your good intentions. SAM I recognize you. ANDREW Oh, did you go to Columbia High? SAM No, not from high school. From TV. Didn't you play the retarded quarterback? ANDREW Yeah. SAM Are you really retarded? ANDREW No, I'm not. SAM Cool. Great job, man. I mean, I thought you were really retarded. You're just as good as that Corky kid, and he's actually retarded. If there was some sort of retarded Oscar, you would win like hands down, kick his a**. ANDREW Well, thank you. Thanks, I appreciate it. I have to fill out this form though, so... SAM Right on. ANDREW Thanks. SAM My cousin's an actor. Jake Ryan Winters. Doubt you've ever heard of him. He was, like, on Xena once as a gnome or something. That's really cool though. ANDREW Thanks. SAM Oh, my God. That scene. That last scene...where you give the speech to the whole stadium, and your dad... oh, your dad gives you the thumbs up. Aw. That was, like... That was emotional. So, you got anything else coming out? ANDREW No. You know, I'm auditioning... SAM I can't believe you're not really retarded. I mean, Jake's not a very good actor. You can't really tell on Xena 'cause he's in the hairy gnome suit, but when we were little, he used to put on these really, really low-budget renditions of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals in our attic. And they were awful! Like, so bad. It s**s, though, because there's not that much work for little people, you know? Anyway, I'm talking too much. I'll just. You got to fill out your forms. ANDREW What are you listening to? SAM The Shins. You know them? ANDREW No. SAM You gotta hear this one song. It'll change your life. I swear. Oh, I'm sorry. You have to...You gotta fill out your forms. Conundrum. Think you could, uh...maybe listen while you fill out your forms? ANDREW I think I can handle it. SAM Yeah? Okay. THE SHINS ♫ Gold teeth and a curse for this town Were all in my mouth Only, I don't know how They got out, dear Turn me...♫ ANDREW It's good. I like it. SAM So, what are you here for? ANDREW What are you here for? SAM Waiting for a friend. You? ANDREW I, uh... SAM Oh, f**, that was nosy. I'm sorry. I am so nosy. I didn't, I didn't mean to be. I'm sorry. ANDREW No, I just... I get these headaches. I just want to have it checked out. SAM Cool. RECEPTIONIST Andrew Largeman? ANDREW Yes. RECEPTIONIST We're ready for you now. ANDREW Oh, okay. Thank you. Nice meeting you. SAM You didn't. I'm Sam. [Shakes Andrews hand.] ANDREW Andrew. Nice to meet you. SAM Good luck with your head. ANDREW Thanks. RECEPTIONIST Don't worry, Sam. We'll be with you next. [Sam embarra**ingly puts her headphones back on.]