Yuridia - Week 8 Reading Journal lyrics


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Yuridia - Week 8 Reading Journal lyrics

9.30.13 The story opens with the revelation that Seattle is being plagued by a string of unsolved murders, which Edward suspects is caused by a young vampire that is unable to control it's thirst.Alice has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for revenge of James, has returned to Forks. After a few days later, Edward proposes to Bella and, despite having an aversion to marriage, she accepts. Bella and the Cullen's realize that the murders in Seattle are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by Victoria. The Cullen's then join forces with the werewolf pack to combat this threat.In order for Bella stopping Edward from going to the fight and get himself k**ed she kisses Jacob and realizes that she also loves him. During the battle, Victoria tracks Edward's scent to where Bella is hidden in the woods, and Edward is forced to fight. Edward was forced to go to fight and Bella was hidden in the woods. The Cullen's had defeated Victoria's army.When Edward came back Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater. After receiving a wedding invitation from Edward, Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape his pain, angry at Bella's decision to become a vampire. 10.1.13 this book is about flies lol. These flies were contagious they kept growing bigger and bigger until a point that people were afraid and had to move away.8 years pa**ed and a scientific guy decided to come up with some kind of medicine that will make flies go back to there original size and when that happen he would destroy them. His mission has been accomplish and now people went back to there homes and lived happily. 10.2.12 During this history Americans are looking for a change. The years that they had failed politics and politics from Washington they finally got a chance to reclaim the Americans dream. Obama has showed that he could be a good leader to the United States.This book is mostly about how Obama will make change in the economy and making it better.He will make healthcare affordable for every one, achieve energy independence, and keep America safe in a dangerous world. 10.3.13 After years of Jedi being in the galaxy she has discovered a rebellion is growing. This is a deadly weapon that could release it's power anytime. Some had to confront it and will a master did what had to be done. He confronted his old apprentice now the journey could start a new chapter with out having fear.