Yoshinori Kitase - Final Fantasy 7 Script: Disc 1 - Part 2 lyrics


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Yoshinori Kitase - Final Fantasy 7 Script: Disc 1 - Part 2 lyrics

Scene 7: The Morning After - Sector 7 Scene 8: The Train - A Narrow Escape Scene 9: Reactor #5 - President Shinra Scene 10: Flowers Blooming In The Church Scene 7 - The Morning After - Sector 7 - (The scene changes to Tifa's bar, the next morning. Cloud goes up the elevator. Tifa and Barret are standing, Marlene is mixing drinks.) [Tifa] "Good Morning! Cloud!" "Did you sleep well?" ***Cloud Barret's snoring kept me up.... [Tifa] "psstpsst..." "(keep it down, they'll hear you. Barret's always edgy before an operation.)" [Tifa] "I'm going this time." [Barret] "Our target's the Sector 5 Reactor. Head for the station first." "I'll fill you in on the train." [Barre]t "Yo! Cloud!" "Before the next mission, I got somethin' I wanna ask you!" "I, uh,..... I don't really know how to use Materia!" "I'll give you that Materia you found. Just teach me how to use it!" [Cloud] "...sigh..." ***Cloud Ok, I'll explain it (Cloud explains the Materia system.) Sure. I'll explain how Materia works. First, access the menu. You know the basic functions. The triangle bu*ton brings up the menu. Directional bu*tons move the cursor. Like this. Select each menu by using the OK bu*ton. If you want to leave the menu, just push the CANCEL cutton. See? Let's go ahead. Now you're in this menu. Select [Materia] sub menu. Select who you want to use it. Now look at my weapon here. Each weapon and armor has slots in it. Choose which slot you want to put Materia in. Now select the Materia you want to use. This is curative Materia. If you want to know what its effect is, line the cursor up with [Check], and push the OK bu*ton. It's just like selecting battle commands. Just line the cursor up to [Magic], you can see that the available magic has increased. Now you can use new magic [Cure]. And that's all there is to equipping Materia. See? It wasn't that tough! When you want to remove any Materia, it's as easy as pointing to the materia slot, and pushing the triangle bu*ton. There's just one thing you have to be careful of. Whenever you equip Materia, your situation changes. Parts of you may become stronger... while others get weaker. Normally, when you equip [Magic] Materia, your magic power will get stronger. But your physical strength weakens. So, Materia's kind of a double'edged sword. On the left side of the screen, you can see the Materia's effect on you. It's wise not to overuse Magic Materia. But try out various things. Push the CANCEL bu*ton to exit the sub menu. Ok, that's about it. I'll give you some advanced tips later. [Barret] "Shi....! What's this 'It wasn't that tough' crap!" "I'm clueless......" "Well, you handle the Materia then!" ([Materia System] Access the menu and select [Materia] to equip Materia.) [Tifa] "Cloud! I got a message from the Weapon Shop man upstairs." "He has something he wants to give you. Don't forget!" "Marlene, you watch the store while we're gone!" [Marlene] "All right! Good Luck." (Cloud explores Sector 7.) [Johnny] "I'm leaving. Goin' faraway. But when I come back I'll be a better man! This is goodbye!" "Hey! Childhood friend! You better take good care of Tifa!" (He exits.) [[[People in Sector 7]]] "Ah... Johnny's gone. You look a little disappointed." "I don't like to say it myself but, I'm just a lonely guy when I'm not drinking." "I hope he doesn't get hurt." "That worries me the most." "Yesterday, everyone in town was peeking at the two of you from outside the bar." "Tifa's childhood friend. That's a good one!" "Ahh! Now I ain't got no one to pick on!" "He used to give us nothing but headaches when he was here, but now that he's gone.... I kind of miss him." "......strange, isn't it?" "Ha! Ha!..... I wonder if my son's already left?" "When it's just my wife and I here, you have no idea how lonesome it gets." "Listen! If there isn't anyone to listen, what's the use of getting gossip on everyone?" "Yeah, and you Mr. I-don't-care!" "I'll get a little more information that would pique even your interest. You wait and see!" "You dried up old geez. You tired?" "Why don't you rest up on the third floor of my house? "There's just one condition." "You gotta give me some cash." "Go ahead and help yourself to the room." "Use whatever bed you want. Sleep tight, old guy." "This is a slum, so don't think you can stay for free." "What are you going to do?" "Doesn't just seeing the bed make you sleepy?" "You'd better save when you can." "That's the trick to being tough. Remember that, old dude." "This is the Beginner's Hall." "You say you're a beginner? But your eyes say you're not." Cloud "Don't mess with me. I used to be in SOLDIER. I'll tell you how much I know.... an' for free too!" "Hey! You got one right off!" "That was Materia. Next, take this [treasure chest]!" "This is the fabled [Save Point]!!" "At a [Save Point] you can use a [tent] and/or select *SAVE*." "There's more, too. Look for something called secret." "Even if you are wiped out, if you save you can restart from that same point." "That way you don't have to worry when you've been wiped out." "This is jumping ahead a little but, when you leave Midgar..." "Once you get the world map, you can save anywhere you like. Remember that." That should be all you need to know about the Save Point. I'll probably see you again somewhere on the road. Take care! I'm a [treasure chest]!! Beginners make sure and keep an eye out for me!! (Two kids fighting) Cloud "You've got to hang in there. Your limit gauge is just starting to build." "Waaah!" Cloud "OK! Now your limit gauge is full, go ahead and use it! Fight with your limit technique." (The kid wins the fight.) "Great!" (Two kids fighting) "Magic! Magic!" "Help!" Cloud "Calm down! When your enemy uses magic counter with [Magic Barrier] or [reflect]." "[Magic Barrier] reduces the damage received from magic by half." "[Reflect] bounces the attacks off you. But the number of times you can use it is limited so be careful." (The kid wins the fight.) "Great!" (Two kids fighting) "Wow! You sure are strong! I'm going to be strong, too!" "Me too!" Cloud "If you want to get as stong as me you need to use Materia." "And you have to find the best combinations of them." "The type of Materia you put in your weapons and armor will determine how quickly your Materia grows." "Put Materia into the open slots in your weapons and armor. The possible combinations are limitless." "That's about all I can tell you. If you want to be like me, you have to have some natural talent." (kids) "I still don't get it!" Cloud "Listen kid, don't piss me off!" "That's all right. Just give it a try. Little by little, you'll get used to it." "Hey SOLDIER! Tell us about battles! We'll even pay you!" Cloud "I'm not hard up enough to take money from guys like you. But I'll rap with you for a while." (Cloud gives battle tutorial here) "Heh heh... He'll forget about it. OH, you!" "Get my friend on the second floor to teach ya." "He, HEY! Waitaminit you!!" "You can't just walk outta here without buyin' somethin'...." "Might be unhealthy fer ya, if ya know what I mean." "Ahh... Another slow day..." "If this keeps up, this store's goin' under...." "Can't sell any really good medicine in a slum like this." "Oh!! Look at this! This doesn't happen everyday. You a....... customer?" "Yes!! Welcome!! We sell! We buy!" Scene 8 - The Train - A Narrow Escape - (Cloud arrives at the train station. Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie are waiting there.) [[[People at the station]]] "I've had it!" "Me too." "You know this is the first time we've ever agreed on something." "Yes..." "Well then, shall we.....?" "Yes......" (Cloud approaches the train and everyone gets on.) [Barret] "YO!" "Looks like this ain't no private car! So split up!" (They meet the well-dressed Shinra manager again.) "....hoodlums again. God, don't I just have all the luck..." [Barret] "You say sumthin'?" "I said, 'you say sumthin'!?" (Barret walks over to the man.) [Barret] "Yo, look at that! It got empty alluva sudden." "What's goin' on?" "DAMN!" "I... it's empty because of... g, guys like you..." (Barret smacks him.) "Y, Y, YIPES!!" "You... you've seen the news, right? AVALANCHE says there'll be more bombings." "Only devoted employees like me would go to Midgar on a day like today." [Barret] "You workin' for Shinra?" [Shinra Manager] "I won't give in to violence..." [Tifa] "Barret!!" [Barret] **** You lucky **** (Barret and Tifa run to the back of the car.) [Cloud] "So, what are we going to do now?" [Barret] "sh**! the hell you so calm about? you bustin up my rhythm..." (The train starts moving.) [Tifa] "Seems like they just finished connecting the cars. We're finally leaving." [Cloud] "So what's our next target?" [Barret] "Hah! Listen to Mr. Serious-about-his-work!" "Awright.... I'll tell ya!" "Jessie's probably already told you, but there's a security check point at the top plate." "It's an ID scan system checkin' all the trains." [Tifa] "Which Shinra is very proud of." [Barret] "We can't use our fake ID's anymore..." (The train intercom comes on.) Good Morning, and welcome to Midgar Lines. Arrival time at Sector 4 station will be 11:45. [Tifa] "That means we've only got three more minutes to the ID Check point." (Barret runs forward.) [Barret] "Alright, in three minutes, we're jumpin' off this train." "Got it!?" (He sits.) [Tifa] "Cloud, come over here! Let's look at the Railway Map Monitor." [[[People on the Train]]] "Hmm....? You're the only ones that'll talk to me or come to my house." "I'm impressed." [Shinra Manager] "Waaaaah!!" "Don... don't worry about me. (oh man, oh man, oh man...!! I'm gonna brag to everyone at work about this...)" (Cloud looks at the map with Tifa.) [Tifa] "Hmm, it looks like you've seen this already..." "It's all right. Come a little closer." (A red light starts flashing.) [Tifa] "That's odd. The ID Check Point was supposed to be further down." Type A Security Alert!!! Unidentified pa**engers confirmed... A search of all cars will be conducted! Repeat!! Type A Security Alert!! Unidentified pa**engers confirmed... A search of all cars will be conducted! [Tifa] "What's happening?" [Barret] "What's goin' on!!" (Jessie rushes in.) [Jessie] "We're in trouble." "I'll explain later. Hurry! Get to the next car!" [Barret] "^%#@%! Someone blew it..." Unidentified pa**engers located in Car #1 Preparing for Lock Down [Barret] "Let's go! Keep it up!" (They rush to the next car.) Car #1: Locked Down Upgrading to Level 2 warning [Biggs] "Hurry!" [Wedge] "They're gonna lock the door, sir!" Unidentified pa**engers located in Car #2 Preparing for Lock Down [Jessie] "Just run!" "Changing to Plan 2!" [[[People in Car #2] "Gosh! You're adults but you're making such noise!" "Please behave while on the train!" "Does this mean we're in a major bind?" (They rush to the next car.) Car #2: Locked Down Upgrading to Warning Level 3 (The light stops flashing.) [Barret] "Awright! We clear!?" [Jessie] "Not yet. They're starting another search. If we're caught, we're done for!" "But, don't worry. If we move up the train, car by car, we should get past it!" (Jessie breaks her way out. Light starts flashing again.) Unidentified Pa**engers: Moving to front of Train Currently tracking location [[[People on the train]]] "Hee hee!" [Johnny] "Later... goodbye... adios, Midgar!" (They reach Car #4.) Car #4: Locked Down Upgrading to maximum security alert!! (Barret runs to the front of the car.) [Barret] "All right!! We made it!" "Yo! This way!!" (He opens the door of the train.) "Let's go!! We're gonna dive outta here!!" [Tifa] "Scary... huh." [Cloud] "Too late to be saying that now. Why'd you come along anyway?" [Tifa] "Because..." [Barret] "Hey you two! There ain't no time for that!" (They get ready to jump.) People in Car #4 (Jessie is disguised as a Shinra soldier) [Jessie] "It's me, Jessie. How do I look, Cloud?" "Do I look good in a Shinra uniform?" [Cloud] "You look great, just like a man." [Jessie] "Yay!! I'm so happy.... I think?" [Cloud] "Just concentrate on our plan." [Jessie] "You're right, sorry." [Tifa] "Yeah!! I've made up my mind." "Watch closely. I'm gonna jump!" (She does so.) [Cloud] "You don't care if I go first?" [Barret] "A leader always stays till the end." "Don't worry 'bout me, just go!" (Cloud moves to the door.) "Yo! Don't go gettin' your spikey-a** hurt!" "It's only the beginnin' of the mission!" (Cloud jumps.) [Barret] "Later! You take care of the rest!" (Barret jumps.) Scene 9 - Reactor #5 - President Shinra - (Cloud, Barret, and Tifa land in an underground subway.) [Barret] "Good, so far everything's going as planned." (He walks down a bit.) "Better not let your guard down till we get to the Sector 5 reactor." "Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie got everything ready for us. So MOVE it." "Well, the reactor's just down this tunnel!" (They walk down the tunnel, until they reach a grid of laser beams crossing the tunnel.) [Cloud] "Those light beams are the Shinra's security sensors. We can't go any further." (They see a ventilation duct in the wall.) [Barret] "That's one damn tiny hole. You tellin' me to squeeze into that to get under the Plate? No way!" "Yo, Cloud, what're we gonna do?" ***Cloud Look inside closely [Tifa] "There seems to be nothing that'll get us stuck in this duct." [Cloud] "Yeah. If we go down this duct, we won't be able to come back up here." [Barret] "Don't be wastin' time. Never know when the Shinra'll find us." "Cloud, you jes' gotta go." ***Cloud Go down Barret "But, damn man, that thing gives me the chills." (They climb into the duct.) (Cloud, Barret, and Tifa enter the ventilation ducts and work their way into the Reactor. Along the way they meet Wedge, Jessie and Biggs.) [Wedge] "Cloud, this way. The reactor's up this ladder." [Jessie] "I'm sorry." "The ID scan problem on the train was all my fault." "I made your ID card special... So that's why it happened." "I put my heart into making it. But I failed." (She shakes her head.) [Jessie] "Next time, I'll give you something more decent." "I'll be back at the hideout in the research room workin' on it." [Biggs] "We're gonna pull out now. We'll meet up at the hideout." "Cloud, we're countin' on you to blow the reactor!" (He exits.) (The three work their way deeper until they reach the core. The screen goes red and Cloud clutches his head and falls to his knees. The scene shifts as Cloud hallucinates. He sees the inside of a Mako Reactor. Gears are spinning. On the floor lies a long, thin sword. Tifa, as a younger girl, sometime between the well flashback and the present, kneels on the floor. A man lies before her, dead.) [Tifa] "Papa..." "Sephiroth!?" (She sits up.) "Sephiroth did this to you, didn't he!?" (She shakes her fists and looks skyward.) "Sephiroth.... SOLDIER... Mako Reactors... Shinra... Everything!" (She rises; then, vehemently) "I hate them all!" (She picks up the sword on the floor and runs into the reactor core.) (Cloud comes out of his hallucination. The scene changes back to Reactor No. 5.) [Barret] "Damn man, get a hold of yourself!" (Tifa kneels by Cloud.) [Tifa] "You all right?" (He rises.) [Cloud] "......Tifa." [Tifa] "Mmm?" [Cloud] "No... forget...... Come on, let's hurry!" (Cloud plants a bomb in the reactor. They hurry out. They reach a mechanism with three bu*tons.) [Tifa] "Jessie said we all have to the bu*tons at once." (They do so. A door opens and they hurry through onto a walkway.) [Barret] "This way!" (His way is blocked.) "Shinra soldiers!?" "sh*t! What the hell's goin' on?" [Cloud] "...a trap..." (We hear footsteps, then, Shinra theme music.) [Barret] "President Shinra?" [Tifa] "Why is the President here?" (The Shinra President walks onto the walkway, his expensive shoes echoing.) [President Shinra] "Hmm... So you all must be that... ...what was it?" [Barret] "AVALANCHE! And don't ya forget it! And you're President Shinra, huh?" (Cloud steps forward.) [Cloud] "Long time no see, President." [President Shinra] "...Long time no see? Oh... you." "You're the one who quit SOLDIER and joined AVALANCHE. I knew you were exposed to Mako, from the glow in your eyes..." "Tell me, traitor... what was your name?" [Cloud] "Cloud." [President Shinra] "Forgive me for asking, but I can't be expected to remember each person's name." "Unless you become another Sephiroth." "Yes, Sephiroth... He was brilliant. Perhaps too brilliant..." (Cloud steps back.) [Cloud] "Sephiroth.....?" (Barret runs forward.) [Barret] "Don't give a damn 'bout none of that! This place'e goin' up with a big BANG soon! Serves y'all right!" [President Shinra] "And such a waste of good fireworks, just to get rid of vermin like you..." [Barret] "VERMIN? That's all you can say... VERMIN!" "Y'all Shinra're the VERMIN, k**ing the planet! And that makes you King VERMIN! So shu'up jacka**!" [President Shinra] "...You are beginning to bore me." "I'm a very busy man, so if you'll excuse me... I have a dinner I must attend." (Barret runs right up to him.) [Barret] "Dinner!? Don't gimme that! I ain't even started wit' you yet!" [President Shinra] "But, I've made arrangements for a playmate for you all." (President Shinra snaps his fingers...) [Tifa] "!? What's that noise?" (Barret runs back.) [Barret] "The hell is this!?" (A huge robot buzzes in and looks menacing.) [President Shinra] "Meet 'Airbuster,' a techno-soldier,. Our Weapon Development Department created him." "I'm sure the data he'll extract from your dead bodies will be of great use to us in future experiments." [Cloud] "...Techno-soldier?" (A helicopter hovers up to the walkway.) [President Shinra] "Now then, if you'll excuse me." (Cloud runs forward, too late to intercept him. President Shinra boards the helicopter and flies away... leaving Cloud and the others alone with Airbuster.) [Cloud] "Wait, President!" (Barret turns toward Airbuster.) [Barret] Yo, Cloud! We've gotta do somethin' about him!" (Airbuster buzzes toward Barret and Tifa.) [Tifa] "Help, Cloud!" (Cloud runs in behind it.) [Tifa] "THIS is from SOLDIER?" [Cloud] "No way! It's just a machine." (Airbuster spins.) [Barret] "I don't care what it is! I'm gonna bust him up!" (Boss battle with Airbuster) (Airbuster explodes, taking half the walkway with it. Cloud is left hanging from a piece of broken metal. It's a long way down.) [Barret] "It's gonna blow! Let's go, Tifa!" [Tifa] "Barret! Can't you do something?" [Barret] "Not a damn thing." [Tifa] "Cloud! Please don't die! You can't die! There's still so much I want to tell you!" [Cloud] "I know, Tifa......" [Barret] "Hey, you gonna be awright?" (Be strong) (I don't know if I can hold on...) ***Cloud (Be strong) [Cloud] ".........." "You worry about yourselves! I'm all right, but take care of Tifa!" [Barret] "...Alright. Sorry 'bout all this." [Cloud] "Stop talkin' like this is the end!" self." [Barret] "Alright, then, later." (FMV sequence: the bomb explodes, knocking Cloud from the walkway. Tifa tries to grab him, but he is too far away. Cloud plummets from the upper plate down to the slums below.) Scene 10 - Flowers Blooming In The Church - [Aerith] ...You all right? ...Can you hear me? [Cloud] ".....Yeah....." [Aerith] Back then... You could get by with just skinned knees..... [Cloud] "What do you mean by 'back then'?" [Aerith] What about now? Can you get up? [Cloud] ".....What do you mean by 'that time'? .....What about now?" [Aerith] Don't worry about me. You just worry about yourself now. [Cloud] ".....I'll give it a try." [Aerith] "Oh! He moved!" .....How about that? Take it slow now. Little by little..... "Hello, hello?" [Cloud] ".....I know." [Cloud] "Hey... who are you?" "Hello, hello!" (The scene fades in to show Cloud lying in the middle of a flower patch in the floor of an old church. The Flower Girl from Midgar kneels next to him. She stands. Cloud manages to sit up.) "You okay?" "This is a church in the Sector 5 slums." "You suddenly fell on top of me. You really gave me quite a scare." [Cloud] "......I came crashing down?" [Aerith] "The roof and the flower bed must have broken your fall. You're lucky." Cloud "Flower bed... is this yours?" (He stands up and brushes his clothes off.) Cloud "Sorry about that." [Aerith] "That's all right. The flowers here are quite resilient because this is a sacred place." "They say you can't grow gra** and flowers in Midgar." "But for some reason, the flowers have no trouble blooming here." "I love it here." (She begins to tend to her flowers.) ".....So, we meet again." "Don't you remember me?" ***Cloud Yeah, I remember you "Yeah, I remember..." ***Cloud You were selling flowers "Oh, I"m so happy!" "Thanks for buying my flowers." [Aerith] "Say, do you have any materia?" [Cloud] "Yes, some." "Nowadays you can find materia anywhere." [Aerith] "But mine is special. It's good for absolutely nothing." [Cloud] ".....good for nothing? You probably just don't know how to use it." [Aerith] "No, I do... it just doesn't do anything." "I feel safe just having it. It was my mother's...." (She looks skyward.) "Say, I feel like talking. Do you feel up to it?" "After all, here we are meeting again, right?" ***Cloud I don't mind "Wait here. I've got to check my flowers. It'll be just a minute." (She checks her flowers.) "Just a little longer." "Oh!" "Now that you mention it....." "We don't know each other's names, do we?" "My name is...." (The PLAYER names Aerith) "I'm Aerith, the flower girl. Nice to meet you." [Cloud] "The name's Cloud." "Me.....? I do a little bit of everything." [Aerith] "Oh.... a jack of all trades." [Cloud] "Yeah, I do whatever's needed." (Aerith giggles.) [Cloud] "What's so funny? What are you laughing at?" [Aerith] "Sorry..... I just..." (They turn to see a mysterious figure in the doorway of the church....)