Yoshinori Kitase - Final Fantasy 6 Script: Part 3 lyrics


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Yoshinori Kitase - Final Fantasy 6 Script: Part 3 lyrics

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Solitary Island [034] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cid: Oh, Celes...! Cid: Oh, Celes...! Cid: You're finally awake! Celes: How...how long have I been sleeping? Cid: One year, as of today. I was starting to think you might be out for good. Celes: A whole year... You've been taking care of me all this time? Cid: Yes... And I must say, I'm a bit knackered... Cid: We're on a tiny, deserted island. After the world was torn apart, I awoke to find us here. Celes: After the world was torn apart...? So, that wasn't just a dream... Celes: What about everyone else? ...Where's Locke? Cid: I don't know. For all I know, this island could be the only part of the world that's still above water. Cid: Ever since that day, the world's been sliding deeper and deeper into ruin. Plants wither, and animals waste away. The other people who were here with us all gave up hope... One after the next, they flung themselves from the northern cliffs in despair... Celes: So...everyone could already be... Cid: Celes... Try not to take it so hard. We can still live out our lives together in peace! You're the closest thing to family I have left in this world... Celes: Yes... I suppose you're right, Cid... Or should I say Granddad? Is that all right if I call you that? Cid: Granddad, eh? Heh-heh... You're going to make an old man blush! All of a sudden I have a granddaughter! *hack*... *cough*... Celes: Hee-hee! Granddad... Cid: Ha-ha-ha...*hack*! *cough*! Celes: You must be hungry, Granddad... Cid: I...actually haven't had anything to eat since I fell ill three days ago. Celes: What would you like? Cid: Well, unless I ask for fish, I won't get anything! That's all there is here. Celes: I'll go catch some. Cid: No matter what happens to me...you mustn't lose hope! *cough*... *wheeze*... Cid: *cough*... *hack*... Celes...while I can still talk, I...*cough*... want to...*wheeze*...thank you...*gasp*! ... Celes: Granddad... You have to eat, or... Wh-what's the matter? Granddad... Celes: Cid... Celes: No! ...No!!! You promised you'd stay here with me! Celes: Granddad, answer me! Tell me you're just joking! [Celes rushes off, crying, to the Northern Cliff.] Cid: The other people who were here with us all gave up hope... One after the next they flung themselves from the northern cliffs in despair... Celes: Everyone's gone... Even Locke... There's nothing left for me in this world. [Celes throws herself off the cliff, attempting to commit suicide.] Celes: Uhhhn... Were you watching over me? Why would you wnat to help someone like me? I've already given up hope... Celes: This bandana... It couldn't be...! Celes: Hey, little bird... Where'd you come from? Is the person who wrapped your wound still alive? Please, tell me...! Celes: He's alive... Locke's alive! [Celes goes back to the house where Cid rests.] You must leave this island. Somewhere out there, your friends are waiting for you. Go down the stairs by the stove. The road to your freedom awaits... Love, Granddad [Celes grabs the raft downstairs and gets ready to set off.] Celes: I'll make you proud of me, Granddad... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tzen [035] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Celes: Sabin! Sabin: Oh...! Celes! Celes: Let me help you! Sabin: Wait! Sabin: If I move, the whole house'll collapse. First...save the kid who's inside. I don't think I can hold this up much longer... You've gotta hurry! ...Urgh! "I'm scared!" Don't worry, you're safe now! Sabin: Took you long enough! Celes: Sabin! You're alive! Sabin: Of course I am! Did you think a little thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in? Celes: I'd given up hope... I thought everyone else had died... But...I was wrong! I'm sure we're not the only ones! We need to find everyone! And then... Sabin: ...smash Kefka, and deliver peace unto the world! All right, count me in! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nikeah [036] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hey, aren't you...? You were with the Returners, right? Me, too! I thought everyone else was wiped out! I don't know if there's anything I can do for you now, but I did hear something that you might be interested to know... Apparently, four espers escaped from that Magitek Research Facility not long before you guys snuck in there. There's no way of knowing if they're still alive, but if you could find them, I bet they would lend you their power! Gerad: What's your problem? Celes: Aren't you... Edgar? Celes: Edgar? Gerad: I have no idea what you're talking about... I'll take this, too, kid! Gerad: Look, I'm kind of busy here. I have to get ready. We're leaving for Figaro on the ferry soon. Celes: Don't play dumb with me! Edgar? ...You didn't lose your memory, did you? Gerad: Listen... It grieves me to have to disappoint such a beautiful lady, but I've been Gerad since the day I was born! Celes: I've never met anyone else who'd flirt with a "lady" he was trying to shake off his tail... Gerad: Being polite to ladies is common courtesy the whole world over! Gerad: You know the way into Figaro Castle quite well then, correct? Henchmen: Ho-ho-ho, do we ever! Gerad: Then lead the way. I'll take charge once we're in. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ South Figaro [037] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gerad: ...Just wait. I'm on my way to help... ...You followed me here? Celes: You are Edgar, aren't you? Boss, everything's ready. Let's go! Gerad: Case of mistaken identity, my dear. Give it up! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ South Figaro Cave [038] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Siegfried: It's dangerous beyond here. I'll go ahead and clear out all the nasty, vile monsters. You just wait here, okay? Gerad: All right, what now? Henchmen: Here, boy...! Here's some yummy food for a good little turtle! How 'bout that, eh? Gerad: Nice. Henchmen: Used to have me a pet turtle... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Figaro Castle [039] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gerad: Are you still with us? Just hold on a bit longer, okay? Gerad: So, this is the problem... Got its tentacles tangled up in the engine... Henchmen: Boss! What should we do? Our treasure's in teh storeroom back there! Gerad: I'll keep this thing busy! You guys go get the treasure! Henchmen: But...boss! That's awfully dangerous! Gerad: Just get moving! Celes: Edgar! Edgar: What are you standing around for, Celes!? Give me a hand! Celes: Edgar! It is you! [The party enters battle with the tentacle monster.] Celes: Acting like you didn't know me... Edgar: I'd heard Figaro had run into some kind of trouble. I wanted to help, but how was I supposed to get here with the castle stuck in the sand? Then I caught wind of the rumor that those guys had escape the dungeon... Celes: So you used them... Edgar: Bingo. And obviously, I couldn't let them find out I was the king of Figaro... Celes: ...Because they'd just escaped from your own jail. Sabin: You could've told us. Edgar: Uh-oh... We'd better hide! Boss! ...? Boss? That monster must've gotten him... Poor boss...didn't even last as long as the last boss... Oh well... Let's go. You don't care if they take that treasure...? Edgar: I couldn't care less about treasure. What we need is to worry about Kefka. Those guys haven't done anything wrong...not really. Celes: So...you'll come along? Sabin: Let's go shake things up again! Oh...the engine's working again! Next stop, the surface! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kohlingen [040] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Celes: Setzer! Setzer: So, you survived... Celes: Come with us! We're going after Kefka. Setzer: Hmph... I just don't have the drive to do that kind of stuff anymore. Celes: What are you talking about!? Setzer: I'm a gambler... My world has always been one where a man's spirit could soar free... Not anymore. I feel like the weight of the world is crushing me. It's just too much to bear... And on top of that, I've even lost my wings... Celes: You fought with all your heart before the world was ruined! That couldn't have been easy either, bu you seemed to bear that just fine! Setzer: That was then... All my dreams are gone now. Celes: If you need a dream to chase after, then why don't you find yourself a new one? Like taking back our world. Setzer: Heh-heh... You know...maybe you're right. ...You'd chase after it with me then? My new dream? Setzer: Thanks... ...I think it's time to pay a visit to Darill's tomb. Setzer: ... She's waiting for us... ...with a new pair of wings! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Darill's Tomb [041] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Celes: This is your friend's grave? Setzer: Yeah... She was really something. The world could've turned inside out and she'd never have even flinched. Setzer: Could be anything lurking down here, so keep your eyes peeled! HERE LIES DARILL Setzer: Being here brings back all kinds of memories... Darill: This next test flight could be dangerous... Setzer: What are you trying to prove by pushing your ship to its limits? It's pointless! Setzer: Watch your step. Darill: If the worst should happen, take care of the Falcon for me! Setzer: You can't be serious! When I take the Falcon from you, it'll be because I left you a mile behind in a race! Until then, I'm not letting you out of my sight! Darill: Ha! Good luck with that! [Flashback sequence occurs.] Setzer: Ah, there's really nothing like flying! Darill: How long you plan on hanging back there? Aren't you gonna try to pa** me? Darill: Or are you too entranced by my lovely behind...? Setzer: Incredible. Darill: All right, it's time to get serious. I'm gonna break the records! I'll fly past the clouds and see the stars closer than anyone ever has before! Setzer: Be back by sunset! I'll be waiting for you on our hill! It was a year later when I found the wreck of the Falcon in a distant valley... [Flashback sequence ends.] Setzer: I restored the ship, and then put it to rest down here. Edgar: So, this is the Falcon? Setzer: ...I can't very well be the world's fastest pilot if I can't even fly. I need your help...Falcon! Edgar: With this, I think we just might have a chance... Celes: Now we'll be able to get up to the top of Kefka's tower! Edgar: If we land up there, we should be able to get inside to launch our a**ault. Setzer: And we'll be able to look for the rest of our friends... Edgar: Right. First things first. I'm finally starting to feel like we have some hope! Celes: That bird... Could it be...? Celes: Setzer! Follow that pigeon! Setzer: ...Why? Celes: I'm not sure... But...something tells me it'll lead us to our friends... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Maranda [041]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lola: Look at all these flowers! My boyfriend in Mobliz sent them to me! Look closely -- they're all handmade! Real flowers won't bloom anymore, so he made these from silk! And he just sent me this letter! But...wasn't Mobliz destroyed by Kefka? Someone else must have written that letter... My beloved Lola, Art thou well? We have rebuilt as much of the village as we could hope to... I believe I should be able to return to thy side before too long... This handwriting... It looks a lot like Cyan's. ...But where is he mailing them from? Lola: Could you please attach this reply to the carrier pigeon outside? Lola: Thank you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Zozo / Mt. Zozo [042] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you climb to the top of the building with the pub sign, you'll find a path leading to Mt. Zozo. The monsters up there are quick! If you go, you'd better have a way of making sure you'll be able to hit 'em. Like one of those, you know...sniper whatchamacallits! This Rust-Rid will let you open that door up there. Yours for 1000 gil! How about it? [The party arrives at the summit of Mt. Zozo.] Dear, Lola I am writing to beg your forgiveness. I am guilty of perpetuating a terrible lie. I have only now realized the error ways, and taken up this quill in hopes of correctcing a great wrong. Your boyfriend, who you believed to be in Mobliz, pa**ed away some time ago. I have been writing to you in his stead. We have a tendency to become trapped in the past and refuse to move on. I implore you not to let this happen. Now is a time for you to look forward, and rediscover love and all other joys of life... Cyan Memories of the world before the fall remain... But the light of dawn doth never change, nor e'er the hearts of men... Cyan! Cyan: !!! Thou art...alive!? Cyan... Cyan: I shall go with thee! We must not abandon the world to Kefka! But... however did thou find me? W-wait! T-tell me thou did not read my my letters...! Cyan: These are... They're...umm...sort of a...minor diversion of mine... Cyan... These flowers are gorgeous! Cyan: Oh...! Must thou embarra** me so!? Cyan: ...Dost though truly think so? Cyan: I wondered what had become of that poor girl, always waiting for word of her beloved. I decided to pay a visit to Maranda. I learned that she had long since stopped receiving replies, but still sent a letter each day. I could not bear to stand by and do nothing... Cyan: As I wrote to that girl, I began to realize that I was no different from her... I was refusing to move on. I could not let go... I will no longer live in the past. We must all look to the future now. I encountered Sir Gau in Maranda. He said he "get strong, smash Kefka!" I believe that means he intends to hone his sk**s in order to challenge the lord of the tower. Knowing Sir Gau, he was probably headed for the Veldt. Wh-what are these? "Machinery for Dunces," "A Pictoral Guide to Machines," "Everything About Machines," "Machines for the Mechanically Disinclined"...and..."Bushido in the Bedroom"? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Veldt [043] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gau: Uwaoo~! Gau: Uwaoo, aooh! I'm Gau! Gau your friend! Gau you friend! Frieeend!!! I join you again! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cave on the Veldt / Thamasa / Coliseum [044] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party enters into the cave and Interceptor comes toward them.] Are you trying to tell me to follow you? These wounds are awful... [The party enters into a battle with a monster.] Something's coming from behind! We can't do anything for wounds like these here... Let's fly back to Thamasa on the double. [The party arrives in Thamasa.] Must be having a nightmare... [Shadow's nightmare is shown.] You came to try and stop me... I'm sorry, but I can turn back, boy... Stay here with my daughter... You both deserve to live in peace... [Shadow's nightmare ends.] All we can do now is wait... Rest will help. Hey, how are you feeling? Shadow: It's only a scratch. I've had worse. And I've got this guy watching over me. What are you doing here? Shadow: The only thing I know how to do... I'm fighting. Why don't you come with us? Shadow: Perhaps I should... Shadow: All right! It's time to put my sk**s to the ultimate test! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobliz [045] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aaahhh! Someone's coming! You're gonna have to fight your way in here! We can fight, too, you know! Wait! Terra! Mama! Are these people your friends? Terra: I'm so glad to see you're safe! I wanted to see you again! Terra, come with us! There's no saving this world unless we defeat Kefka once and for all... Terra: I know... But... Terra: I...I can't fight anymore. Terra: The very day the world collapsed, Kefka turned his Light of Judgment on this village. The adults...these kids' parents... They all died trying to protect their children... "It's aimed right at us!" "Protect the kids!" "Mom!!!" "Dad!!!" Terra: This is a village of children now... They clung to me from the moment I arrived... They needed me... Duane: You can't take Terra from us! Katarin: Duane... Please, forgive him. It's just...if we lose Terra, we lose the only thing that's holding this village together. Terra: I don't know why these kids need me... And it's not like there's anything forcing me to protect them. It's the strangest feeling... But once that feeling took root inside of me, I lost the strength to keep on fighting. Terra: I feel like I'm on the verge of understanding something important. It's hard to describe... But the harder I look for the answer, the more I lose my strength to fight. Katarin: Terra is the glue that holds this village together. With her here, we're somehow able to keep going. Help!!! Humbaba's coming! Terra: Humbaba...the ancient monster released from the depths of the earth by the cataclysm... I have to protect the village! Terra! Wake up! Uh-oh... Here it comes! Terra: I guess I really don't have the strength to fight anymore... Mama! Are you okay!? Terra: I'm staying here. I wouldn't be any help to you now. And...the children need me. But, Terra... Terra: Maybe after a little more time has pa**ed... I need to understand what's happening to me. Thanks for scaring Humbaba away! This fell off the chain around his neck. Here, you can have it! [The party returns sometime later.] Duane: I...don't know what to do. Katarin's pregnant... Terra: You're back! Terra: Katarin's going to be having a baby. Katarin: I'm so happy that I'm going to have a child... But when I told Duane,' he turned cold all of a sudden... Duane: Katarin... ... I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to handle all of this... I acted like an idiot. But everything's okay now! So, please...come back home with me. Aaahhh! Humbaba's headed this way! Terra: Please! Protect this village! I...don't have the strength to fight... [The party enters into a battle with Humbaba.] Terra! [Terra joins the group in the battle and defeats Humbaba.] "It's another monster!" "It's scary..." "I'm afraid..." Mama... It's you, isn't it? I can tell... "Huh? Mama?" "Terra?" "Mama!" "Terra!" Terra: I...I'll fight! Terra: I think...I finally understand. The feeling that's been growing inside me... It must be... ..."Love"! I have to fight...to protect the people I love, and to make the world a safe place for new lives! Terra: Duane... Keep Katarin and your baby safe! Children, Mama has to go away for a while to make the world a safer place for you to live! But I promise I'll be back as soon as I can! "Mama... I'm not gonna cry!" "Me either!" "I'll be good, so come back soon!" "Don't forget, you promised!" Terra: Thank you... You all helped me understand what it means...to love. I'll fight! I'll make this world a place where life can flourish, and children can grow up in peace! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Cave [046] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All right. We're going in! Locke! Locke: You're all safe! Behold... The legendary treasure that can undo d**h itself... Is that... magicite? Locke: It is. Legend has it that the Phoenix turned itself to stone ages ago... It seems the story was true. But now it's filled with cracks. I don't know if it still has the strength to perform miracles... Locke: Rachel... I failed her. I broke my promise and lost the only thing that was real to me... So until I do I said I'd do... Until I restore my honor... ...I'm nothing but a no-good liar. So, you're headed to Kohlingen...? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kohlingen [047] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The village of Kohlingen... Old Man: If only it didn't have all those nasty cracks... Don't think it's gonna be calling back any wayward spirits like that! Nope, nuh-uh! Too bad, really... Too bad... Old Man: Gaaah! The magicite sh-sh-shattered! Rachel: Locke... Locke: Rachel! Rachel: Locke... Oh, how I've wanted to see you... to talk to you...! Locke: Rachel... Rachel: The Phoenix used the last of its power to give me some time... But I must leave again soon... Before my time is gone... There's something I must tell you... Something I never had a chance to say... Locke: ... Rachel: Locke... ... You made me so happy... In my last moments, my memory returned... I drifted off thinking of you, and I was truly, truly happy. So let me now say the words I never had the chance to say... Locke... Thank you. Locke: Rachel! Rachel: I have to go now... But thank you so much for all the happiness you've given me... Please, let go of the chains that bind your heart... I release you... Give your love to the one who now dwells within you heart... Love her...as you loved me... Phoenix... Be reborn! And give your power to Locke! Locke: Rachel! Celes: Locke... Locke: I'm all right. Rachel put my heart at ease... From here on out, everything'll be okay. Let's go! We've got a job to do! Celes: What is it? Locke: Those are all the treasures from the Phoenix Cave! Locke: All right, let's get going! I think we've kept Kefka waiting long enough! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Narshe [048] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pickpocket: Eh? Haven't we met someplace before...? Meh, whatever... Nothing left in this town anyway, 'cept for that one lousy moogle... Doors are all locked, and you'd have to be some kind treasure hunter to get 'em open... Kupo!!! Don't scare me like that, kupo! You can talk!? "A moogle who speaks the words of men, and can summon the earth's power through his dance..." Mog: An old dude named Ramuh taught me your language, kupo! He kept showing up in my dreams and telling me to help you, kupo! So... I'm gonna help you, kupo! Mog: I bet the yeti'll come along, too! He'll be a big help, kupo! He can be a little...wild...though, kupo. He should be here in the mines somewhere! He'll help us if I order him to! Let's look for him... kupo! [The group faces the esper at the summit of the mountain.] Esper: So, humans broke my seal of ice... Humans who possess magicite... Just who are you...? I suppose that's of little consequence. But what of this devastation that fills the air? Could the War of the Magi have lasted a thousand years? That foolish, unending war... Hmm...? You would seek to put an end to it...? Then I shall put my trust in you... There's an opening in the cliff. What's this carving? Looks like bone... Is that thing stuck in the eye socket... magicite!? [The party enters a battle with a Yeti.] Mog: I'm your boss, kupo! You're gonna join us, kupo! "A yeti with a love for bone carvings. Stronger than a gigas... but a bit unruly." Umaro: Ooo...me Umaro... Yes, boss... Me join you! Mog: Umaro! No slouching, now, kupo! Umaro: Oooh... Me wait, big flying ship! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jidoor / Owzer's Mansion [049] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Owzer: P-please... Help the painting... ...The painting!? Owzer: There's... There's a monster possessing my prized goddess painting... ...A monster!? Owzer: Yes... It hides in the painting. It won't show itself... Relm: Eek! Owzer: Relm! You mustn't attack the picture of the goddess! It'll only make matters worse! Chadarnook: Gwa-ha-ha-ha... Try to get between me and my prize, will you...? This painting's the best I've had in a long time... No one's denying me this treat! [The group enters into a battle with the painting.] Chadarnook: Back off! The girl in this picture is mine! I won't give her up without a fight! Chadarnook: I...I'm... This can't be.. Relm: Hey! You can relax now! That monster's not gonna be possessing any more paintings! Owzer: Oh, thank you... That picture's worth more than my own life! Relm: ...Really? So...what was a monster doing in that painting...? Owzer: I guess I should start at the beginning. I'd been looking at this lovely stone I'd bought at the auction house... All of a sudden, I was overcome with desire for a painting of Lakshmi. I had a few different artists try to paint it for me, but none of them really gave me what I was looking for. It was right around that time that I heard about little Relm. I brought her straight here and set her to work. But then that thing came along and possessed her painting... It must've been lured here by that stone. Where's the stone now? Owzer: Oh, the stone? It's over in that bookcase. This is magicite... Owzer: Whatever it is, I sure don't need it anymore. If you want it, you can have it! Relm: I have to go now. But don't you worry! I'll be back to finish this painting! Owzer: I'll be waiting for you... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cultists' Tower [050] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Relm: Come on now, you stubborn old bag of bones! Snap out of it! Strago: Relm! Relm, is it really you, dear? You're alive!? Relm: Grandpa, you idiot! What were you thinking? Strago: Oh, Relm... I was sure you were... Relm: Did you really think I was gonna check out before you, you old geezebag!? Ha-ha-ha... Strago: Oh, you're as foul-mouthed as ever, bless your heart! Relm: Come on, Grandpa! You're coming along with the rest of us! Strago: Whoa! Well, I'll be...! All right... Guess I can't be leaving everything up to you whippersnappers! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Triangle Island / Zone Eater's Belly [051] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "A man shrouded in strange clothing. ...Or perhaps a woman? Perhaps not even human at all..." Gogo: I am Gogo, master of mimicry. It has been a long, long time since anyone visited me here... Gogo: I have been idle for too many years... Perhaps I ought to mimic you. Tell me, what are you doing here? Gogo: I see... So, you seek to save the world? Then I guess that means I shall save the world as well. Lead on! I will copy your every move. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kefka's Tower +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All right. We're going in! Edgar: It's time we took the battle to Kefka's doorstep! Setzer: What's wrong? Celes: ... Celes: The gods of the Warring Triad control the magic of the esper world... If we destroy them... Edgar: ...You're worried about what might happen? Celes: I'm not sure, but... Celes: ...espers and magic might vanish from the world entirely. Edgar: And if that happens... Celes: ...what'll happen to Terra? [The party jumps from the Falcon to Kefka's Tower.] The Warring Triad awaits... [The group finally meets Kefka.] Kefka: Welcome, friends! I knew you'd come, so I've been practicing my greeting! Party: How much do you have to destroy before you'll have had your fill, Kefka!? Kefka: I've acquired the ultimate power! Observe... Kefka: Such magnificent power! You're all nothing more than fleas compared to me now! Kefka: Embrace your destruction... It is the fate of all things. Party: To be destroyed? Maybe it is! But people can always rebuild, and new lives will always be born! Kefka: And time will destroy all of those as well. Why do people insist on creating things that will inevitably be destroyed? Why do people cling to life, knowing that they must someday die? ...Knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do? Terra: Because it's not the end that matters! It's knowing that you have something to live for right now, at this moment! Something you've worked for... something that's worth protecting! As long as you have that...that's enough! Kefka: And did you all find your "somethings" in this broken world that just won't die? Party: Yes! Terra: Love! Locke: A person worth protecting. Cyan: A life and child who live on within me. Shadow: Friends...and family. Edgar: A peaceful kingdom. Sabin: A loving brother who always looks out for me! Gah-ha-ha-ha! Celes: Someone willing to accept me for who I am. Strago: An adorable little granddaughter. Relm: An obnoxious grandpa...who I couldn't live without! Setzer: Wings from a dear old friend! Mog: New pals, kupo! Kefka: Bleh! You people make me sick! You sound like lines from a self-help book! Kefka: If that's how it's going to be... I'll snuff them all out! Every last one of your sickening, happy little reasons for living! Party: No, Kefka, stop! [Kefka uses the Light of Judgment across the world.] Kefka: I wield the greatest power in existence! You may as well be the dirt on the bottom of my boots! Or the dirt stuck to the bottom of that dirt! Party: You can't destroy everything! People will always have dreams! Kefka: No! I'll destroy the entire world! There won't be anything left to dream about! Party: We won't let you hurt any more people! Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! But what fun is destruction if no "precious" lives are lost? Party: It ends here, Kefka! [The party enters into a final battle with Kefka!] Kefka: Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...? Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all! Kefka: The end draws near... [Kefka has been defeated, and the tower begins collapsing.] Party: The tower's collapsing! Party: There's no time to lose! Party: Come on! The airship's just up ahead! Celes: Come on, everybody! We can make it if we work together! Celes: Terra! What's wrong? Party: The magicite... Magic is disappearing... Edgar: If espers are fading from the world now... Celes: What'll happen to Terra...? Terra: Come with me. I can use the last of my power to guide you out. [The ending sequence begins, showing the party escaping from the collapsing tower.] CYAN GARAMONDE Edgar: Cyan! Could you hit that switch? Cyan: I, umm... Mechanical devices are...not my strong point. Cyan: ...I do believe I am getting better, though! SETZER GABBIANI Setzer: Wait! Setzer: ...Whenever you think you're right, you're wrong. And that's a big mistake. Setzer: That was what you always used to say, wasn't it, Darill? EDGAR RONI FIGARO & SABIN RENE FIGARO Sabin: It's not like I wanted to dump all that responsibility on you. I knew you'd look out for the kingdom. I wanted to be able to look out for you. That's why I went off to become stronger. MOG Mog: Help me!!! Kupo! Mog: The hair!!! Watch the hair! I'm not a stuffed animel, kupo! UMARO Celes: It won't open! Umaro: Ughaaa! Umaro: Ughaaa! GOGO Celes: Both bu*tons have to be pressed at the same time, in exactly the same way! Setzer: Gogo! Mimic Celes! GAU Gau: Shortcut! Take shortcut! Gau: Shortcut! Take shortcut! LOCKE COLE & CELES CHERE Come on! This place is breaking apart! Celes: Locke! Locke: I won't let go...I promise! Locke: Are you crazy!? You almost got yourself k**ed -- for that!? TERRA BRANFORD Terra: Father...? Maduin: Terra...we must part now. We espers will disappear from this world. You may fade away as well... Maduin: But, perhaps if the human part of you feels something strong enough, then maybe...just maybe you will be able to remain here as a human. RELM ARROWNY Relm: Grandpa, you can't give up yet! Strago: Sorry, dear... Relm: Any more whining out of you, and I'll paint your picture! Strago: Oh, no! Anything but that! Relm: ...But, you know, someday I really would like to paint your portrait. On a canvas, I mean! Strago: Oh, Relm... Look what you've done! You've made me go all misty-eyed, and now I can't see where we're going! SHADOW Shadow: Go on, Interceptor! Get going! Shadow: Take care of yourself, boy... Shadow: Baram... It looks like I can finally stop running... Come and find me all right? STRAGO MAGUS Strago: Come on, Strago! You can't let yourself be shown up by a bunch of kids! Strago: Gotcha! AND YOU [The party has escaped and made it aboard the Falcon.] Terra: Follow me! Edgar: The last piece of magicite! Celes: Terra! You've done enough! Your power's getting weaker... Celes: Terra isn't going to be able to hold on much longer! [Terra's power fades, and she begins to fall from the sky...] Don't give up, Katarin... I won't either... [The Falcon manages to swoop down in time to save Terra from certain d**h.] Not yet... Celes: Not...yet? Celes: Terra!? Celes: Terra! Terra: Thank you, Setzer... Setzer: I told you, didn't I? She's the fastest ship in the world! THE END